Sean Parnell For U.S. Senate

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“I am not a career politician. I am a tried and tested leader. I believe that the American Dream is alive and well and is worth defending. And, every day I have three great reminders of who we need to keep defending that dream for. As Infantry Captain, I fought to defend this country from those that would do us harm. In the U.S. Senate, I’ll fight to ensure all of our little ones have the right to live their version of the American Dream. I’ve led some of America’s finest warriors in battle, and I’m ready to bring that leadership to Washington.” ~ Sean Parnell

The Issues

Fighting For Veterans

Our veterans are the best of us. When they raise their right hand and volunteer to serve our great nation, they do so knowing that they may give their lives in defense of our freedom. When our veterans come home from distant battlefields, they deserve to be thanked on behalf of a grateful nation, but that gratitude must not stop there. Our leaders need to work relentlessly on their behalf to ensure they’re given a fair deal on the home front. They fought for us; now it’s our turn as American citizens to fight for them.

I will never forget the dedication and sacrifice of our nation’s warriors. Veterans who fought and bled for this country should not have to fight and bleed for the healthcare and benefits they were promised. Veterans willingly chose to serve this nation during a time of war; they deserve the right to choose where to get their healthcare. If you like the care you receive at the VA, great. You can keep it. If you don’t, then it should be your right as a veteran to choose where you want to go.

Veterans who deploy to defend the streets of America should not have to return home to sleep on them. I will fight to ensure our veterans stay off the streets and in jobs where they can provide for their families and live the American Dream that they bled to protect.

Election Integrity

As we look at what happened in 2020, we need to work to make sure the voters never again have a reason not to have faith in our electoral process. We need to increase transparency and security to prevent voter fraud by making sure signature verification is taking place on mail-in ballots and promoting stability in the process. There should be no changes by unelected bureaucrats or activist judges within 60 days of the election. Our election workers have a great deal of responsibility and changing the rules of the game on them by proclamation within 60 days places unnecessary burdens on them.

Support Law Enforcement

There are those who spend their time and energy trying to tear our police officers down. They attack them for the uniform they wear. They use their positions of power to advocate for defunding the police and demonizing them, while every day, our police walk out their door to keep the people of their communities safe from those that wish to do us harm.


The American Dream

America is still the greatest nation in the history of the world. While the radical left is trying to silence free speech, transform our institutions, and roll back our constitutional rights, I will always fight to defend the country I love.

Strengthening Our Military

As someone who has served in fierce combat, I know firsthand the importance of making sure our troops are supported and well-funded. We need to ensure our military is the strongest fighting force in the world and is used to defend Americans from our enemies, NOT to police every corner of the earth. At the same time, we need to be fully funding our military budget. China and Russia are not backing down, and we need to be prepared to defend ourselves should the need arise.

Second Amendment

“…The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed…” I will fight like hell to protect the right to keep and bear arms, and I reject the notion that society is somehow guilty because a criminal commits a crime. We do not need more gun control laws, we need to enforce the laws we have and give resources to those whose job is to enforce those laws.


I have a pre-existing condition. This is personal to me. I will always protect people with pre-existing conditions and make sure they have the same access to quality health care.

I want Americans to have the freedom to choose a healthcare plan that fits their needs. The best way to drive healthcare costs down is to get people jobs, allow insurance companies to compete across state lines, and allow small companies to band together to get lower rates.

I will defend the good health benefits Pennsylvania’s labor unions have won through negotiation – and fight the liberals who try to take these benefits away.

I believe the more insurance companies have to compete for your business, the more affordable healthcare will be, and it will ultimately empower all Americans to pick a customizable plan that works best for them.



Securing the border is a national security issue, it’s an illegal drugs and guns issue, and it’s a human trafficking issue. We need leaders to admit this is a crisis. President Biden’s failure to acknowledge the problem he created shows the lack of sincerity in addressing our nation’s border security. 

If there are members of either party that are serious about fixing our immigration system, I will gladly work with them. But first, we must secure the border.

 I will stand up against those who want to open our border and continue to allow for policies like sanctuary cities that circumvent federal law to exist. Those positions are out of step with what the majority of Pennsylvanians believe, and I will always put Pennsylvania first.

Fight For The Unborn & The Supreme Court

I’m pro-life, and I will vote that way and support Presidential candidates who will pick pro-life judges for our courts. I believe that judges should apply the rule of law to the born and unborn alike. And I oppose the idea of packing the court with liberal justices that will legislate on issues such as life from the bench.   

Strongly opposing things like the Born Alive act and the funding of abortion providers overseas are not extremist views. I will be a voice for life and will not shy away from standing up for the unborn.

Social Security & Medicare

It’s simple, Social Security and Medicare should be protected. People have paid into the program their whole lives, and at the end of the day, they have earned it, and they deserve their Social Security and Medicare at retirement.


About Sean Parnell

Sean Parnell is a third generation Western Pennsylvania native, born in Pittsburgh and raised in nearby Murrysville. Sean was studying elementary education at Clarion University when the towers came down on September 11. He immediately transferred to Duquesne University in Pittsburgh in order to join the ROTC program. Upon graduation, Sean was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Army and went on to Airborne and Ranger school, before joining the elite 10th Mountain Division. 

Sean spent 485 days of fierce fighting along the Afghan-Pakistan border in 2006-2007, where he honed his unique leadership skills and welded his platoon into one of the most fierce and effective

American fighting units in modern military history. Repeatedly outnumbered and outgunned by a foe whose avowed purpose was to overrun his platoon, Sean’s “Outlaws” battled furiously in the most rugged terrain on the planet—the towering Hindu Kush Mountains. Eighty-five percent of his platoon received Purple Hearts for wounds incurred in battle, but his men gave far more than they received. Outlaw Platoon killed over 350 enemy fighters in some of the biggest firefights of the Afghan War. His platoon remains one of the most decorated Army units since 9-11.

Sean was wounded in action on June 10, 2006, when his platoon was nearly overrun, for the first time, by a force that outnumbered them almost ten to one. Refusing to leave his men as they battled the enemy at point-blank range, Sean was knocked unconscious and wounded two more times during the firefight. After the June 10, 2006 battle, he continued to suffer from untreated head and neurological wounds. For weeks after, cerebral-spinal fluid leaked from his ears and nose while he continued to patrol with his men. His dedication to his men came at great personal cost: when he returned home following the ‘06 deployment, his wounds forced him from the Army, and he was medically discharged.

Sean retired a highly decorated Captain and was awarded two Bronze Stars, one for Valor and the Purple Heart. Upon leaving the Army, he immediately came home to Western PA, where he returned to Duquesne University to earn a master’s degree in psychology and started a family. Sean has three children—Ethan, Emma, and Evan.

Since leaving the Army, Sean has penned the New York Times best-selling book, Outlaw Platoon, which is the story of his platoon’s crucible of combat in Eastern Afghanistan. He is a subject matter expert on Afghanistan, the insurgency we face there, leadership, and how to use it to inspire and motivate men and women to achieve common objectives. He has also authored three additional fiction novels.


Giving Back To Our Veterans

As co-founder of the American Warrior Initiative (AWI), an organization that inspires people to give back to our nation’s veterans, Sean has quietly become one of America’s most influential advocates for our military and veterans. AWI gives service dogs to disabled veterans, first responders, and their families. Sean worked to pass the Veterans’ Access to Care through Choice, Accountability, and Transparency Act of 2014, which later became the Mission Act and signed by the President, as well as helping to get the VA Accountability Act passed out of the U.S. House of Representatives, in 2015.


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