Sen. Cruz Files Pro-Growth, Pro-Jobs Keystone XL Pipeline Amendments

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Three amendments would expedite LNG exports, repeal the crude oil export ban, and remove barriers to cross-border energy development

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, today introduced three pro-growth, pro-jobs amendments to S. 1, the Keystone XL Pipeline Act, of which Sen. Cruz is a cosponsor. The amendments would expedite liquid natural gas (LNG) exports to World Trade Organization (WTO) members, repeal the ban on U.S. crude oil exports, and implement the North American Energy Infrastructure Act, which removes barriers to cross-border energy development, including the need for presidential approval of cross-border energy infrastructure.
Below is a summary of each of the Cruz amendments to the Keystone XL Pipeline Act:

  • Expedite LNG exports to WTO members (this language was introduced as S. 2083 in the 113th Congress):
    • Requires that all WTO members receive the same expedited approval for LNG export permits that free trade agreement countries currently receive.
    • Removes the uncertainty and unnecessary delays which have been caused by the arbitrary Department of Energy permit approval process.
    • Does not change the normal Federal Energy Regulatory Commission process that each of these projects must go through.
  • Repeal of crude oil export ban:
    • This amendment would repeal the various elements which limit U.S. exports of crude oil.
    • Repeals the President’s authority to restrict oil exports (left over from the 1970’s energy crisis).
    • Repeals the ban on exports of oil which cross a right-of-way over federal land
    • Repeals the ban on exports of crude oil from the outer continental shelf.
  • Implementation of North American Energy Infrastructure Act (This amendment closely parallels H.R. 3301, passed by the House on June 24, 2014):
    • Replaces the current patchwork system for approving cross-border oil and natural gas pipelines and electrical transmission facilities with a standardized process established by Congress.
    • Eliminates the need for presidential permits for cross-border energy infrastructure.
    • Requires approval of cross-border infrastructure with 120 days of final NEPA action unless the project is determined to not be in the national security interests of the United States.


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