HARRISBURG – The Senate Intergovernmental Operations Committee has created a special webpage for Pennsylvania residents to submit sworn testimony regarding problems they have personally experienced with the state’s election system, according to Committee Chair Senator Cris Dush (R-Jefferson).
As part of the committee’s comprehensive election integrity investigation, Dush is encouraging voters to come forward if they have witnessed voter irregularities or other election improprieties firsthand.
The information will help lawmakers develop potential improvements to state law to bolster election security. Pennsylvanians can share their stories and contact information at: https://intergovernmental.pasenategop.com/electioninvestigation/.
Dush noted that testimony is only being accepted from Pennsylvania residents, and the infractions must have been witnessed in person or affected the state resident personally. In addition, members of the public should submit testimony on the webpage only if they are comfortable signing an affidavit and potentially testifying under oath at a Senate committee hearing under penalty of perjury.
In addition, Dush said his committee is in the process of scheduling a hearing to be held with the Department of State to examine the impact of last-second guidance sent to counties before the 2020 General Election.
The new webpage and upcoming hearing are part of a much broader investigation into the 2020 General Election and 2021 Primary Election. Dush announced today that the committee plans to hold public hearings, create a publicly accessible webpage with information and updates about the investigation, and request documents from counties and the Department of State to conduct a comprehensive election investigation – including potentially using the committee’s subpoena powers.