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The Atlantic Trump Assassination Insinuation

Just yesterday an article appeared in The Atlantic and was shared by Alex Soros (son of George Soros) on “X”. The backlash was immediate and viscous. The article titled “The Great Normalization: Last year, the crime and inflation crises largely evaporated. So did the leading theories about what had caused them.”

The contents of the article were the usual laughable left wing propaganda about crime and inflation getting better in 2023 which nobody living in a crime zone of America with a billfold in their pocket will believe. However, the thing that caused the most controversy was the article’s graphic that featured two pictures of a window with a bullet hole through it and a hand holding 47 dollars. Many took it as a veiled threat to President Donald Trump in a 47th term.

The Atlantic is operated by Trump hating Steve Jobs’ widow, Laurene Powell Jobs. It has shown signs of failing beginning with having to layoff some staff a few years back. President Trump has always been quick to respond in social media posts such as his own “Truth Social” as illustrated here:

The above incident demands investigation of both Jobs and Soros by the FBI and Secret Service and if this does not come to pass, the public and Congress need to demand why. The possibility of assassinating President Donald Trump has been discussed if the socialists of the left cannot stop him any other way from assuming a second term. Tucker Carlson was the first this writer heard talk about it here:

“Tucker Carlson: ‘We’re speeding toward’ Trump assassination” – The Hill

If Donald Trump is assassinated, that will be the liberal socialist Democrat’s last mistake.

The FBI and Chris Wray in Contempt of Court, Again!

A most interesting story broke this month and did not get the attention it deserved. Back in November Texas Judge Amos L. Mazzant ordered “a timeline for the disclosure of information on Seth Rich’s personal laptop, work laptop, a DVD and tape drive, within 14 days following issuance of this Memorandum of Opinion and Order. The FBI has failed to comply with that order some 60 days later. In fact, they wanted the evidence sealed for 66 years without a reasonable explanation as to why.

Rich, worked for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) back in 2016 and was killed on July 10, 2016, while walking home from a night out in Washington, D.C. Police said evidence indicated he was the victim of a botched robbery but others attributed him to a new victim on the “Clinton Body Count List”. Why?

Mr. Rich’s death came just before Wikileaks published thousands of DNC emails and documents on July 22 which lead to the resignation of DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz just before the 2016 Democratic National Convention. The month prior DNC had just publicly disclosed their networks had been breached. Those emails showed the DNC had actively undermined the presidential campaign of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. Sanders surprised much of the Democratic establishment with a competitive challenge to Hillary Clinton. Clinton was ultimately selected to run against Donald Trump and lost.

So the story goes the Rich family wants answers as do others such as a plaintiff, Texas-based Brian Huddleston represented by attorney Ty Clevenger. RadarOnline reported Huddleston first submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the FBI back on September 1, 2017. That request was for information related to its investigation into Rich’s potential involvement in DNC email leaks in June of 2016. The FBI responded to Huddleston’s request two weeks later indicating they were “unable to locate any responsive main files.”  But again, according to RadarOnline it was later revealed the FBI had over 20,000 pages of potentially relevant material.

Joe Rogan just blew up this story while other supposed news sources continue to ignore it:

What makes matters worse, to me; the gatekeepers of the Internet are working overtime to block any discussion of what was really discovered at the Seth Rich crime scene. To be blunt and to the point, if it was a botched robbery, why wasn’t anything taken from him?

Any insinuation that dismisses this as just another right-wing conspiracy theory is an outright lie perpetuated by outright liars!

Pedophiles Will be Exposed in 2024!

A new documentary is coming out that builds on the information that was in the prior documentary “The Sound of Freedom”. The 2024 documentary titled “Saving the Children” is about Paul Hutchinson and how he put up his own money and risked his own life to go on 70+ rescue missions around the world to remove innocent children from the global child sex trade industry. He is the founder of the Child Liberation Foundation. 

Saving The Children Official Trailer– UNIFYD TV

As Jason Shurka points out on his news portal show, “The Sound of Freedom” just covered the tip of the iceberg that “Saving The Children” continues on with.

“Destruction & Infiltration of the Underground Tunnel System | SAVING THE CHILDREN” – Jason Shurka

This story is significant because Americans hate pedophiles. Even convicts in prisons convicted of other crimes hate pedophiles! One can only imagine if the rumors of Epstein’s Island and child sex trafficking there are eventually exposed as true with names provided.

Fraudulent Prosecutions of Trump Fall Apart in Real Time

Everybody knows how the J6 Committee improperly and illegally destroying evidence of their proceedings related to January 6, 2021 Capitol Protests which should get the entire “Trump is an insurrectionist” case tossed. But did you know writer E. Jean Carroll, who was supposedly sexually assaulted by Donald Trump in an upscale New York department store, also illegally disposed of evidence in violation of a discovery subpoena?

Doug in Exile recently reported on this issue with clips from both Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast as well as a Fox News broadcast.

“Trump Attorney BLASTS E. Jean Carroll For ‘Destroying Evidence’” – Doug in Exile

Douglas TenNapel is an American animator, writer, cartoonist, video game designer, and comic book artist who recently become a very interesting news source on YouTube channel, Doug in Exile.

Of course everybody knows about the problems of Soros installed Atlanta DA Fani Willis as well as (not so) Special Prosecutor Jack Smith related to two other sham trials against former President Trump.

Will Fani Willis be disbarred since adultery is still against the law in the State of Georgia? Inquiring minds want to know!


You add up all the facts of these little known and reported true news stories and this is not we, as Americans are, or want to be.

We are not lying political assassins for an agenda, we are not oathed-in law enforcement officers who violate court orders, we are not child rapists, and we are not fraudulent prosecuting attorneys and judges making an utter sham of our justice system.

Unless our elected and appointed officials do not represent WE, THE PEOPLE, and do not understand the consequences if they act counter to our will which is rooted in the Constitution, this nation will be at war very soon!

If these same people are either too blind or too stupid to know what the American people want as Americans, they need to resign from office immediately not just for their own welfare but the welfare of the nation as a whole. The legacy news media should head this warning as well since they have already been exposed as mockingbird propagandists to a scripted agenda.

Most Americans are pissed!     

Copyright © 2024 by Mark S. Schwendau

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