Speaker Johnson is Fighting to Prevent Illegal Aliens From Deciding U.S. Elections

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SAVE Act is Essential to Protect Integrity of U.S. Elections

The “Safeguard American Voter Eligibility” (SAVE) Act, is a commonsense piece of legislation that would strengthen protections against noncitizens and illegal aliens voting in U.S. elections. If signed into law, it would make 6 important policy changes:

1) Require state election officials to ask about citizenship before providing voter registration forms.
2) Require an individual to provide proof of citizenship in order to register to vote in federal elections.
3) Allow state officials to accept a wide variety of documents that will make it easy for CITIZENS to register to vote in federal elections.
4) Provide states with access to federal agency databases so they can remove noncitizens from voter rolls and confirm citizenship for individuals lacking proof of citizenship.
5) Direct DHS to determine whether to conduct removal proceedings if a noncitizen has been identified as having registered to vote in federal elections.
6) Require DHS to notify a state chief election official whenever an individual has been naturalized to ensure our newest citizens are able to exercise their right to vote.

To Restore Confidence in U.S. Elections, Congress Must Pass the SAVE Act
Speaker Johnson recently released a report highlighting the threat of foreign interference in U.S. elections posed by the unresolved issue of noncitizen voting. 

The report provides prior evidence of noncitizen voting in federal elections, draws attention to loopholes in state and federal law that allow this practice to occur, and recommends the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act as a federal solution to this problem that affects voters in nearly all 50 states. Click here to read it. 

“The SAVE Act is One of the Most Important Votes Members of the House Will Ever Take”
Speaker Johnson delivered a speech on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives arguing for the swift passage of the SAVE Act. He argues: “This will be one of the most important votes that members of this chamber will ever take in their entire careers. And it’s an issue we never thought we would have to actually address, but that moment has come to us now. Should Americans and Americans alone determine the outcome of American elections? Or should we allow foreigners and illegal aliens to decide who sits in the White House and in the People’s House and in the Senate?” 


Read Original Press Release

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