Steve Kirsch writes about COVID vaccine safety and efficacy, corruption, censorship, mandates, masking, and early treatments. America is being misled by formerly trusted authorities.
Steve Kirsch used to be a high tech serial entrepreneur before retiring at age 64.
He used to believe that the FDA, NIH, and CDC were honest organizations. He trusted them. He is doubly-vaxed with Moderna as of March 29, 2021.
A month later, he started hearing stories from his friends who reported relatives who died or they themselves became permanently disabled. So he looked into it and the more he looked, the more appalled he became.
On May 25, 2021, he wrote a 250-page article for TrialSiteNews entitled “Should you get vaccinated?” A week later all the scientists on the Covid-19 Early Treatment Fund (CETF) scientific advisory board resigned, most of them saying he was a menace to society and never to contact them again. He asked them if he made a mistake. They declined to answer. So much for open scientific debate to resolve differences. That’s gone.
On May 26, as luck would have it, he was on the weekly CCCA zoom call where Dr. Byram Bridle presented the results of his FOIA request to the Japanese government on the Pfizer mRNA vaccine submission. There, for the very first time, they learned that the vaccine doesn’t stay in your arm, but transits to all parts of your body to create inflammation and blood clotting everywhere. Steve Kirsch was the one who tipped off Robert Malone.
On June 10, 2023 he appeared on the famous Darkhorse podcast with Dr. Bret Weinstein and Dr. Robert Malone talking about what they had learned which was the launching point for both of them.
- In California, we've vaccinated more elderly people with the COVID vaccine than there are elderly people in the state
- BREAKING: ICAN Acquires Critical FDA Safety Reports Concerning COVID-19 Vaccines After Years of Litigation
- Official Czech Republic record level data released Nov 2024 confirms Moderna has nearly 50% higher ACM than Pfizer
- VSRF LIVE TONIGHT: Episode 160 - COVID's Horrific Aftermath with Dr. Philip McMillan
- Official New Zealand vaccine safety analysis: Nothing to be concerned about
- Did the COVID vaccine reduce cases? Find out instantly!
- COVID infection in the workplace survey
- Which mRNA vaccine is safer?
- VSRF LIVE TONIGHT: Episode 159 - Big Changes Coming in 2025!
- Did the COVID vaccine reduce the rate of COVID infections at YOUR workplace?
- Pfizer's secret documents reveal that their COVID vaccine actually made you 8.7% more likely to get COVID
- Vaccine adverse events, including death, are grossly under-reported
- VSRF LIVE TONIGHT: Episode 158 - The Asian Vax Battle
- Medical office survey
- Survey results: Did anyone in your family take the COVID shot?