Submit Articles

THE THINKING CONSERVATIVE welcomes you to submit articles, opinions, reviews of products and services, and biographies of notable individuals and companies. We welcome submissions from anywhere in the world as long as the information is relevant to Americans, is true, well written and in English.

THE THINKING CONSERVATIVE welcomes article submissions but please query us first. Send query email to

When your article has been accepted, submit your articles digitally in a text format that can be opened on a PC. Please submit a least one high resolution photo in JPEG format to go with your article.


THE THINKING CONSERVATIVE is an internet publication and we do not have submission date restrictions. You can submit articles at any time. New articles will be released as quickly as possible.


Columns require at least 4 submissions a year, 1 column every 3 months. We also accept bi-monthly and monthly columns. If you would like a regular column please contact us at


The preferred submission method for articles, photos, and artwork is by email using the address


Please submit articles in one of the following formats:

  • Microsoft Word (.doc)
  • Rich Text Format (.rtf)
  • Plain Text (.txt)

A completed article with photos in place can be submitted as a PDF file if it is web ready and needs no editing.

Please send photos, images and artwork separately as attachments to your email, even if they are also embedded in your article. Please be sure to mark the placement of photos in your article if they are not embedded for placement.

We do not accept submissions in Microsoft Works format or any other obscure word processing formats. Save your documents as Rich Text Format (.rtf), and attach any photos and artwork to the email. Do not embed artwork in the document itself.

Please make sure all links in your article open in a new window if they link to other websites or documents not on


Photos may be submitted in the following formats:

  • JPEG (.jpeg or .jpg
  • PNG (.png)
  • GIF (.gif ) if black and white or grayscale

Photos for inclusion with articles should be scanned in color whenever possible at a minimum resolution of 96 DPI (dots per inch). The maximum dimensions for Featured Images are 1200×800 or 1024x 683, or 1200×675 or 1024×576 pixels. We reserve the right to resample artwork to meet our requirements. Please submit a caption for every photo you use in your article and provide placement information.

Logos and artwork may be submitted in the following formats:

  • GIF (.gif)
  • JPEG (.jpeg / .jpg)
  • PNG (.png)

Please provide an short author biography with no more than 400 characters or 66 words.


Please submit the following information with your articles whenever possible:

  • 160 character author biography and an author headshot photo which will be edited to 200×200 pixels.
  • Appropriate Logo(s)
  • Links to websites related to your submission
  • Meta Description of 160 characters and Keywords to promote your site in the search engines

THE THINKING CONSERVATIVE reserves the right to reject any submitted articles, photos or artwork that don’t meet our submission guidelines or fit in with our content.

If you have questions, please use the form below to contact the editors: