Video Playlist: Jay Sekulow Live

Listen to Jay Sekulow Live, the daily radio program that deals with the issues that matter most to you – national security, protecting America’s families, and protecting human life.

Video Playlist: What’s Next? with Jordan Sekulow

What’s Up with Jordan Sekulow see’s him discussing all kinds of topics including impeachment, abortion, open borders, freedom of religion in foreign countries and more.

Video Playlist: Jay Sekulow Live Radio Recaps

In case you missed one of the Jay Sekulow Live Radio broadcasts, here is a playlist of recap radio broadcasts on all kinds of topics.

Video Playlist: Jay Sekulow Live Clips

Below is a video playlist of clips from Jay Sekulow Live. Jay is the Chief Counsel for the American...

Heritage Asks U.S. Supreme Court to Halt Biden’s COVID Vaccine Mandate

WASHINGTON—The Heritage Foundation filed an application Saturday with the U.S. Supreme Court to delay implementation of the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine...

Its Time to Abolish The FBI

What is the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) doing spying on American citizens? The FBI has been seriously abusing its "warrantless" electronic...

Planned Parenthood Is Indoctrinating Public School Children With Abortion Propaganda

Did you know that Planned Parenthood, the country’s largest abortion provider, has infiltrated the public school system? In their...

Breaking: Justice Alito Orders Response in PA Case

On today’s Jay Sekulow Live, he discusses the breaking news that Justice Alito has ordered a response in the...

ACLJ Files Amicus Brief Urging Supreme Court To Hear Case Involving the Illinois Governor’s Attempt To Practically Shut Down Religious Worship During the Pandemic

ACLJ filed brief with Supreme Court in Elim Romanian Pentecostal Church v. Pritzker in which state officials imposed discriminatory restrictions on religious worship.

Bald Beagle on YouTube

It's in the works!!! Bald Beagle is more than a place to find engaging, educational entertainment content for kids. Bald...

Targeting U.S.

In early 2010, under the Obama Administration, the Internal Revenue Service - one of the most powerful agencies in...

School Choice Initiative: What it Means For Your Child

A student’s zip code should not dictate their quality of education. That idea is the basis of our new...