Tag: Ballot Images


Fulton County GA Election Fraud 2020 Revisited

The Fulton County Georgia election irregularities from November 2020 are coming up as news again and being questioned and investigated.

Three Experts Shred Fulton County 2020 Election Results, Shatter Secretary’s Claims of Georgia Election Accuracy

Georgia SEB heard testimony from experts destroying Raffensperger’s narrative that no fraud, errors or irregularities existed in 2020 General Election results for Fulton County.

State Election Board Refuses to Refer 140 Fulton 2020 Violations to Attorney General for Investigation and Prosecution

The Georgia State Election Board refused to refer the most important case in its history to the Attorney General for investigation and prosecution.

Arizona Senate Issues Fresh Subpoenas for 2020 Election Audit

Arizona senators issued a new subpoena to the state’s largest county on July 26 for materials related to the 2020...

Maricopa County Auditors Seek Ballot Envelope Images, Splunk Logs After Discovering Discrepancies

Teams conducting a forensic audit in Arizona’s largest county said on July 15 that they want more items to complete their...

Analysis of Ballot Images in Georgia County Shows ‘Provable Fraud’ in Audit: Election Integrity Group

Analysis of mail-in ballot images obtained through court order shows hand-count audit in Fulton County, GA “was riddled with massive errors and provable fraud.”

Dr. Shiva Live: The Real Crime Scene of Election Fraud Reviewing Lawsuits and Victories

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of email, scientist, engineer, and educator reviews his two election fraud​ lawsuits...