Tag: Dick Cheney


Election Irrelevancy: Liz Cheney’s Mask-Off Moment

Liz Cheney apparently believes that her family name still carries some weight such that an endorsement coming from her is a matter of electoral significance.

Flashback: When Newt Gingrich Demanded Internet Censorship For Terror War

The neocon faction of the permanent ruling class, which permeates both parties, is eternally dangerous and must be perpetually kept in check, if not purged entirely.

Liz Cheney’s Scam Outreach to Wyoming Democrats

Of course RINO traitor Liz Cheney intends to cheat her way past the 2022 Wyoming Republican Primary. Even a...

Cheney ‘secretly orchestrated Washington Post op-ed by Defense Secretaries warning against Trump’s efforts to politicize the military’

Liz Cheney organized op-ed by former Defense Secretaries, according to report In it, they warned that 'involving the military in...

How I Learned to Love the New World Order

This "Counterpoint" by Joe Biden defends his view that the Pentagon’s new strategy which appoints America as a 'Globocop'...