Tag: National Public Radio (NPR)

Powerful Groups Are Hiding Facts About Illegal Voting by Non-Citizens

Massive government-funded media outlets and other information powerbrokers are keeping Americans in the dark about the prevalence of illegal voting by non-citizens.

‘Truth By Committee’: Lessons From the NPR Melodrama

Without hyperbole, one would be hard-pressed to imagine a more damning set of former affiliations and employers than those on NPR goon Katherine Maher’s resume.

Carville Talks “Preachy Females” Couric Serves as Example

Democrat strategist James Carville spoke out about liberal women Democrats being “preachy females”. Then a public liberal Democrat female made his point.

NPR Suspends Editor Who Criticized its Progressive ‘Groupthink’ Direction

A National Public Radio (NPR) editor who criticized the news organization’s progressive ‘groupthink’ direction has been suspended without pay.

The NPR-Listening ‘Elite 1 percent’

Among the elite 1 percent, 70 percent trust the government. They believe if they could make the decisions and get us out of the way, we would be better off.

NPR Defends Work in Response to Criticism Over Pendulum Swinging Too Far Left

Uri Berliner, sr. business editor for NPR, admitted that NPR has gone too far in its bias by turning journalists into activists who tell audience what to think.

Twitter Labels CBC as ‘Government-Funded Media’

Twitter labelled the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) as a “government-funded media” and recently applied similar labels to NPR in U.S. and BBC in UK.

U.S. Life Expectancy Fell With Covid Vax Rollout, NY Times Blames a Lack of Vaccination and White People

U.S. population fully vaccinated against Covid-19 rose from 0% at outset of 2021 to 63% by end, yet CDC estimated average U.S. life expectancy fell by 0.9 years.

Seth Keshel and David Clements respond to NPR’s Fake News report on election integrity

David Clements tells how evidence of election fraud was never presented to a court of law but Fake News Media pretends data was debunked.

NPR: Whores of the Techno-Apocalypse

National Public Radio is designed to put you to bed. Never trust a harlot. “Belief in salvation was once the...

FBI: US Murders Increased by 29.4 Percent in 2020

The FBI reported on Sept. 27 that murders rose by 29.4 percent in the United States in 2020 compared to the...

America Lives Under Healthcare Communism

Attributed to V.I. Lenin is a statement to the effect that the fastest and surest way to communism or socialism—it varies...