Tag: Populism vs Globalism


German AfD: ‘First Far-Right Party to Win German State Election Since 1945’

AfD won historic election, but governing authorities won't let them take power, but plan to collude to prevent them from forming a coalition ruling government.

BRIEFING: Globalist Ambitions at the U.N.’s Summit of the Future

Globalist Ambitions at the U.N.’s Summit of the Future addresses growing concerns surrounding expansion of powers granted to international organizations and their leaders.

Germany: ‘Conservative’ and Socialist Parties Unite to Thwart Populist AfD Takeover

Multi-party systems are superior to two-party systems, but they each work equally poorly when country is a functional oligarchy controlled by special interests.

Violence Begets Violence and War

In 1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand was shot and killed. The murder set off a chain reaction of diplomatic failures, retaliations, military alliances, and world War I.

The Great Revolt: Inside the Populist Coalition Reshaping American Politics

In The Great Revolt a CNN political analyst and a Republican strategist reframe the discussion of the “Trump voter” to answer the question, What’s next?