Tag: Saul Alinsky

Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals characterizes Lucifer as . . .

One of three epigraphs on an introductory page of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals characterizes Lucifer as the “first radical known to...

How to Thwart the Nefarious Propaganda Technique of Projection

One most effective methods of mass deception is falsely accusing others of one’s own misdeeds. This is called “projecting” or “accusation in a mirror.”

Stolen 2020 Election Destroys America’s International Standing

Fixing the Nation requires fixing our corrupt "election" system, and holding every guilty party fully to account for the treasonous corruption inflicted on it.

Leftist Lies Cannot Withstand O’Keefe and Carlson

A lesson of leftists and how they seize power reveals what we need to know of the futility of attempting to engage them for purposes of "finding common ground."

Counterpunch: An Unlikely Alliance of Americans Fighting Back for Faith and Freedom

Counterpunch illuminates how to implement peaceful resistance against immorality and policies of Radical Left to bring a renewal of liberty, freedom, and faith.

Leftist Democrats Still Beat The January 6 “Dead Horse”

It's easy to spot when leftist Democrats and RINO lackeys are most fearful of the truth. That's when they lie the loudest, and most brazenly.

Attacks On Ivermectin And HCQ Are Textbook “Alinsky”

Back during the spring of 2020, in the earliest dark days of the Wuhan "pandemic," astute data analysts noticed...

The Leftist Georgia Strategy: Saul Alinsky vs. America

Americans who value the integrity of elections are aware of how important it is to leftists to "protect" their ability to lie and cheat at the polls.

Will Americans Ever Grow Wise To Alinsky?

This is how Alinsky works. Leftists issue profound "moral" decree despite transparently self-serving nature and its hypocritical contrast to their actual behavior.

President Trump Versus Saul Alinsky

The vile strategy of the Saul Alinsky radical left is to build its case on bogus premises, presented as the pinnacle of virtue and worthiness.

Democrats and RINOs in Full Alinsky Mode

At this critical juncture in the course of our Nation, it is important to recall that when Saul Alinsky...

Heartland Democrats: Leftists in “Sheep’s Clothing”

With Election Day fast approaching, Americans who love their country are champing at the bit to cast their ballots...