Tag: The Ballot Box


Surveillance Cameras and Whistleblower Keys to Cracking Connecticut Ballot-box Stuffing Case

Activists' claims of widespread voter fraud were bolstered by video evidence of illegal ballot box stuffing that caused a judge to order a redo of a primary.

Sen. Scott: Left-Wing Groups Using Race, Lawsuits to Carry Out Election Fraud

Top Senate Republican said left-wing groups using lawsuits and allegations of racism to push measures that weaken country’s election integrity

‘Voter Suppression’ Mantra Derailing Sober Analysis of Election Laws, State Lawmakers Say

More laws that expand access to the ballot box were adopted in the nation’s statehouses in 2021 than those that restrict...

The Neighborhood Precinct Committeeman Strategy to Take Back the Republican Party and America at the Ballot Box

Get Involved in Your Local Precincts by Dan Schultz Precinct committee members are crucial to a viable democracy So, what...

Holocaust Survivor Kitty Werthmann says America is following in

Holocaust survivor Kitty Werthmann explains how America is being lead down a path leading to Nazi style socialism just...