Tag: Vaccine Hesitancy

CDC Partners With ‘Social and Behavior Change’ Initiative to Silence Vaccine Hesitancy

During height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Mary Talley Bowden repeatedly used Twitter and TikTok to question vaccines and to promote ivermectin as a treatment.

Sunday Thoughts: Scott Adams – The Anti-Vaxxers Clearly Won!

Scott Adams broke internet with admission to ongoing Covid vaccine debates making resounding admission that “The anti-vaxxers clearly won – you’re the winners!”

Sam Harris Claims America Would Be Much Better Off If Lots of Children Died of COVID

The risk – benefit ratio for COVID vaccines does not justify mass vaccinations, but Sam Harris maintains that anyone who defied mandates is a terrible person.

Meet the Doctors Who Were Punished or Threatened for Questioning the COVID Vaccines

“Vaccine hesitancy,” “vaccine misinfo,” and “denigrating the vaccine” are terms causing trouble for physicians who questioned COVID-19 narratives.

Vaccine Hesitancy: Showing Resilience, Integrity, and Grit

An open “letter to the unvaccinated” released by the Ontario Civil Liberties Association, issues a clarion call for individual...

Coercing People to Get COVID-19 Vaccines Is Damaging Trust in Public Health: Harvard Professor

The rapidly escalating pressure on many Americans to get a COVID-19 vaccine is undermining trust in public health, according...

Biden Admin Announces Door-to-Door ‘Outreach’ Teams to ‘Get Americans Vaccinated’

President Joe Biden and other White House officials on Tuesday said the federal government will start targeted community door-to-door outreach in an...

COVID Vaccines May Bring Avalanche of Neurological Disease

STORY AT-A-GLANCE The typical unprecedented vaccine takes 12 years to develop, and of all the unprecedented vaccines in development, only...

Facebook Whistleblower Leaks ‘Vaccine Hesitancy’ Censorship Documents

A Facebook whistleblower has leaked documents that appear to expose the tech giant’s plans to censor content that show COVID-19 “vaccine hesitancy.” Whistleblower Morgan...

Faith, Freedom, Fear: Rural America’s Covid Vaccine Skeptics

Resistance is widespread in white, Republican communities like this one in Appalachia. But it’s far more complicated than just...