Taiwan Will Impose Sanctions on Russia Over Ukraine Invasion

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TAIPEI, Taiwan—The Taiwanese government on Feb. 25 announced that it will impose economic sanctions against Russia over its invasion of Ukraine.

Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in a statement issued on Friday, said the Russian invasion has “jeopardized regional and global peace and stability” and posed “the most serious threat and challenge to the rules-based international order.”

“In order to compel Russia to halt its military aggression against Ukraine, and to restart peaceful dialogue among all parties concerned as soon as possible, the government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) announces it will join international economic sanctions against Russia,” the ministry said.

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The ministry did not provide details on what sanctions Taiwan will slap on Russia.

“Taiwan will continue to coordinate closely with the United States and other like-minded countries to adopt appropriate measures in order to free Ukraine from the horrors of war,” the ministry concluded.

AustraliaCanadaJapanthe European Unionthe UK, and the United States have announced sanctions against Russia after Moscow launched what Russian President Vladimir Putin called a “special military operation” in Ukraine on Feb. 24.

Taiwan was among U.S. allies named when the White House unveiled an “unprecedented package of financial sanctions and export restrictions” against Russia on Feb. 24. According to Daleep Singh, deputy national security adviser and deputy director of the National Economic Council in the White House, U.S. exports restrictions will hit several Russian sectors, including defense, aerospace, and maritime.

Singh said the United States will impose exports bans by working in close coordination with the European Union, Australia, Japan, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and Taiwan.

Taiwan is a major manufacturer of semiconductors, home to the world’s largest contract chipmaker Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation (TSMC). Semiconductors are tiny chips that power everything from smartphones, computers, fighter jets, to missile systems.

By Frank Fang

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