The 2024 General Election Theft is Underway!

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses

A relatively new website named has been created and executed a brilliant idea as part of the organization Common Sense Elections (CSE). Here is an over-simplified explanation of the Fractal Computing method of what CSE has done:

  • Take the most accurate and public databases in any state—mainly real estate property tax rolls.
  • Obtain the voter rolls for these states.
  • Compare the addresses on the voter rolls to those of public databases such as tax rolls.

The results found voters listing multiple addresses which are vacant lots, supermarkets, parking lots, hotels, businesses, and other “ineligible addresses” for voter registration.

“The steal is going on right now. What is the steal?” – Peter Bernegger, Fractal Computing

Peter Bernegger is a seasoned data analyst, researcher, investigator, and the founder of Election Watch, Inc. He is also the co-founder of the Wisconsin Center for Election Justice. His work has resulted in winning over a dozen lawsuits aimed to rectify election injustices.

Another hero of our time with CSE is Jay Valentine who is vice president of operations of Austin, Texas-based Fractal Computing, LLC. He and his company developed eBay’s anti-fraud systems and created the anti-terrorist software behind the TSA’s “No Fly List”. They also guard GEICO and State Farm from insurance fraud scams. Fractal also protects the power grid from hackers in some parts of the USA.

The logical question Valentine comes up with is:

“Who the hell is requesting a mail-in ballot at an undeliverable address? Mail-in ballots are being requested, by the thousands, in locations which are undeliverable. These legit ballots, from real people being sent deliberately to undeliverable addresses to be harvested by NGOs and voted – as many as needed – against Trump.”

Valentine and Fractal have harnessed their technical prowess to help citizens cleanse the voter rolls of America’s election system. Valentine reports, “Republican honest-vote advocates are battling the Democrats’ quiet-but-effective ballot-creation machine. Thousands of GOP lawyers and election observers have volunteered to patrol precincts and oversee tabulation stations in November.”

Still, he has concerns it might be too late to “Stop the Steal” of another General Election by Democrats in 2024.

What Fractal has found is state election rolls are teeming with dead, relocated, phantom “voters,” ineligible foreign citizens, and even illegal aliens. Those in the know about the math of this situation feel unless Republicans intervene immediately, millions of these people will receive mail-in ballots. Then, just as in 2020, Democrat ballot traffickers will harvest, complete, and submit them on behalf of “voters” who are unqualified to pick America’s president and other leaders.

The opinion of Valentine and Fractal holds:

“As deadlines loom, Republicans must shift from today’s retail method of voter-roll cleanup (scrutinize suspicious voters individually) to Fractal’s wholesale strategy: Compare voter rolls with property tax records and challenge fishy or phony addresses where hundreds of thousands of phantom ‘voters’ are registered illegally.

Using this technique, swing-state activists confirm that their election records reek from irregularities—or worse.

Georgia (16 Electoral College votes): According to Fractal, 558,876 phantom ‘voters’ include 114,817 tied to invalid addresses, per the post office, and 68,983 who are registered, despite living permanently outside the Peach State. 

— In Norcross, Georgia, 65 voters were registered at the Jones Recreational Vehicle Park. Although it limits guests’ visits to two weeks, Valentine says, ‘They’ve cast ballots for many, many years’—including in the contested 2020 election.

— Georgia’s records include 1,641 people listed as age 110-plus. At least 25 share a birth date: Jan. 1, 1800. These 224-year-olds might need special care to cast their mail-in ballots.”

This grassroots movement by Valentine and Fractal offers similar numbers from 5 other states Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.


By now, it is very obvious there is no way the majority of Americans want Kamala Harris to be their president. Even with the help and coddling of the mainstream media, every time she opens her mouth to answer a direct question she looks less qualified to hold our highest office. To be blunt, she looks as former President Donald Trump has described her as, “A low IQ individual.” I would also add as both a volunteer and donor to several Christian homeless shelters in my area, “She looks like a woman with a substance abuse problem.”

(I base my opinion on observing her slurred speech and constant non-answers to direct questions as well as her constantly rubbing her nose.)

The Democrats have done a masterclass job of rigging the elections but they can still be stopped both legally, and if necessary, with force.

What Fractal points out in one of their press releases is:

“Targeting dodgy addresses, rather than just unqualified individuals, also offers Republicans this enormous advantage: timing.

According to 52 U.S. Code §20507(c)(2)(A), individual names on voter rolls may not be removed within 90 days of an election, in this case, after Aug. 7.

However, ineligible addresses face no such restrictions. Illegitimate locations may be challenged at least until the date election officials spew out mail-in ballots, as if with fire hoses. This inundation begins a month after Wednesday’s deadline.

Mail-in ballots flood North Carolina voters 60 days before Election Day (Sept. 6—four days after Labor Day!). Pennsylvania follows at 50 days (Sept. 16), and then Wisconsin (47 days/Sept. 19), and Minnesota (46 days/Sept. 20).

Even after election officials drown voters in ballots, those tied to bad addresses can be identified for non-tabulation once they return to county election offices. Some count these ballots as they arrive. Others, including Pennsylvania, sideline them until Election Day. This means that ballots from bogus addresses can be neutralized as late as Nov. 5—90 days after the deadline associated with phony voters.

Valentine reckons that each swing state has at least 500,000 phantom “voters” controlled all-but-exclusively by Trump-loathing Democrats and left-wing nongovernmental organizations.

Valentine estimates that for $7 million, he could deploy teams of election-integrity sleuths to isolate ineligible properties and halt mail-in ballots destined for those addresses.

For a fraction of most campaign budgets, Jay Valentine and Fractal Computing, LLC could level the playing fields for former President Donald Trump and the GOP in Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin.”

If the Democrats and Kamala Harris have brains in their heads, they had better not try to steal the 2024 General Election even with all the working parts in place to do so.

Americans simply will not tolerate it a second time. More importantly they will not tolerate a move from dumb to dumber.

What will happen will be less an “armed insurrection” so much as a “restoration of law and order”.

Copyright © 2024 by Mark S. Schwendau

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