The quickest way to create a captive society is to educate children to hate their own freedom. Nobody’s feelings were consulted during the making of this video.
Google employees want no censorship for China, but plenty of censorship for us.
Daniel Greenfield: When The Google Dream Died
In Europe, Free Speech Bows to Sharia
Half of Democrats support a ban on hate speech
Supreme Court unanimously reaffirms: There is no “hate speech” exception to the First Amendment
Sweden: 65 year-old woman sentenced to prison for criticising mass Muslim immigration
Student: What White Privilege Lessons Did to My High School
Students demand “POC-only space” at NYC university
Eight ways college students’ views on free speech are evolving
NY high school cancels musical after white student gets lead role
“I’m a liberal professor, and my liberal students terrify me”
Teacher Kicks Students Out Of Class Over Trump Shirt: “You Can’t Wear A Swastika To School
UK teacher tells students there’s a lot of similarity between Hitler and Trump
Feminist professors urge scholars not to cite white men in research
University of Arizona hires “social justice advocates” to police fellow students
UCLA hires social justice advocates to fight “whiteness” and “patriarchy”
The First Amendment to the US Constitution