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While much of grown-up America moves on, our children are trapped in the forever pandemic.

Last week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a fresh set of guidelines for summer camps. Like much of the CDC’s guidance, this latest was a bunch of irrational nonsense. (Yes, “experts” can be guilty of that.) 

The camp guidance — clearly written by someone who has never attended summer camp and isn’t even mildly aware of what goes on there — suggests kids be separated by 3 feet at all times, and 6 feet when they’re eating. 

The CDC maintains that vaccinated adults who work at these camps should continue to be masked — and, of course, kids should wear masks, too. 

The people making these absurd calls will be sitting in air-conditioned offices, while your children and their underpaid counselor will be needlessly sweating under their masks playing color war in 90-degree weather. Don’t listen to them.

Also last week, the CDC finally released updated guidance for vaccinated people. The chart showed that vaccinated people — except, apparently, summer camp counselors — can now dine outdoors and gather mask-less in small groups outside. 

Thanks, I guess? Most sane people have been doing this for a while. 

Last Sunday, national virus guru Dr. Anthony Fauci told CNN, “The risk when you’re outdoors, which we have been saying all along, is extremely low.”

Oh, they’ve been saying it all along, have they? No, of course they haven’t. In fact, Fauci had many times stressed the importance of masking, even outdoors. Who could forget him standing on a pitcher’s mound last spring, 90 feet from the nearest person but still wearing his mask?

That’s why it’s so important to now tune out Fauci and the CDC. Their misinformation and constant flip-flops are causing us ­societal harm. 

By Karol Markowicz

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