The ‘Chi-den’ Administration: Is it Possible to Defeat the CCP if Our Leaders Work for It?

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Joe Biden, A Case Study in Chinese ‘Elite Capture’

Evidence continues to emerge of an alarming threat to U.S. national security. It includes recent revelations by congressional investigators examining the nature and extent of Joe Biden’s longstanding, personal and lucrative dealings and those of his family with businesses and individuals tied to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) – among them known members of its intelligence services. What could possibly go wrong?

The short answer is plenty. The possibility that the United States’ Commander-in-Chief is now what one career CIA undercover operative, Charles “Sam” Faddis, has described (here, with more evidence here) as a “controlled asset” of the CCP has the most dire national security implications imaginable. That is especially true at a moment when the Chinese Communists are openly threatening a shooting war with us.

Even worse is the reality of actual decision-making and policies of what is best described as the Chi-den administration, which have two common-denominators: 1) They are consistently harmful to America. And 2) they consistently redound to the benefit the Chinese Communist Party.

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses

The latest, alarming insights into our country’s “Enemy Within” threat at the highest levels of the U.S. government will be the subject of this CPDC webinar – the latest in a series of now more than seventy such programs illuminating the CCP’s “unrestricted warfare” against America and the help Beijing is receiving from elites “captured” by its United Front Work Department and other influence operations.

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  • Frank Gaffney, Founder and Executive Chairman, Center for Security Policy; Vice Chairman, Committee on the Present Danger: China


  • Peter Schweizer, Investigative Journalist; President, the Government Accountability Institute; best-selling author, “Red Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win,” Co-host of The Drill Down podcast  – Topic: “The Chinese Communist Party’s ‘Elite Capture’ and its Success in Targeting America’s Leadership”
  • Miranda Devine, Columnist, New York Post; author, Laptop From Hell: Hunter Biden, Big Tech, and the Dirty Secrets the President Tried to Hide – Topic: “The Latest Evidence of Joe Biden’s ‘Capture’ by the Chinese Communist Party”
  • Trevor Loudon, Author and filmmaker, “The Enemies Within” and “The Enemies Within the Church”; contributor, Epoch Times – Topic: “Biden, the ‘Chi-den Administration’ and Other Captured Elites among America’s Political Leadership”
  • Brian Kennedy, Chairman, Committee on the Present Danger: China; President of American Strategy Group; Former President, Claremont Institute – Topic: “The Strategic Threat Posed to U.S. National Security by the CCP’s Capture of Joe Biden and Other Elites – and What’s to Be

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Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses