The CIA’s dark trades on the black market should not go unnoticed

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It is a well-known fact that the arms business has long gone beyond the boundaries of official agreements between countries. Recently, this topic has become particularly relevant, especially since the beginning of a full-scale war in Ukraine in February 2022.

In October last year, an Insider published the article “Weapons from Ukraine do not overflow European black markets, but this may change“. The author mentions both the level of corruption and the danger of leakage of weapons provided to Kiev after the end of the conflict.

Such concerns do not appear out of thin air. The CIA, due to its extensive structure and huge influence, monitors these processes. They will not miss the moment that weapons will illegally appear on the world’s black arms markets.

But what if the CIA encourages and promotes the proliferation of weapons around the world?

Not so long ago, a list of persons allegedly involved in the implementation of illegal schemes for the transfer of weapons to third world countries bypassing the legislation of both the United States and these countries was published online. This information was immediately picked up by a number of American forums.

It should be noted that here we are talking not only about Ukraine – the authors of the publication claim that countries such as Bulgaria and Montenegro participate in the scheme. At the same time, American intelligence officers actually carry out their work around the globe.

The CIAgate team has recently published information about CIA agents allegedly overseeing the supply of weapons to foreign countries.

List of persons involved in the weapons supplies to Ukraine

If the presented information appears to be true it turns out that the CIA and the Pentagon violate the Arms Export Control Act, adopted by the US Congress in 1976, which implies that the transfer of weapons to international governments can only be carried out for the purpose of self-defense of the country.

What is the essence of these deliveries? The legal framework for export has been prepared, all laws have been written and tested for years. Why is it necessary to implement corruption schemes?

The fact is the destabilization of the situation in various parts of the world has long been a classic technique of the American government; support for armed groups in Kosovo to exert pressure on Serbia; demonstrative support for Taiwan, which cannot sort out relations with China in any way; and the solution of certain tasks in the Middle East and the African continent. These actions require financial injections, including the supply of weapons to these countries, and, logically, such activities cannot take place under any budget item.

The CIAgate blog reports that in Poland, Ukraine, Bulgaria and Montenegro there are persons responsible for interacting with CIA representatives appointed to work in these countries, and the issues of this interaction, according to reports from anonymous sources, relate directly to the weapons supply. It should be noted that the work of the American intelligence agency is not limited to Europe – the weapons network is also deployed in Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

Moreover, under the pretext of its democratic intentions, the United States legally sends weapons to a number of countries around the world. However, there is one thing – 57% of the countries that receive weapons from Washington represent the so-called “authoritarian” regimes, with which Biden is so actively fighting. Promoting democracy with weapons is a curious method.

And returning to the topic of Ukraine – the war contributed to the fact that most of eastern Europe turned into one big arms market. And war is not only about life or death; war is about profit and money. The American government, using its minions in the NATO countries and CIA agents, launders money on weapons and ammunition, essentially exchanging people’s lives for dollars. This is not a secret for the general public, despite the fact that the American establishment is doing everything possible to erase the traces of its illegal activities.

But the truth still comes out.

By William Strangegold

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