The CNN Debate Propagandists  

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One of the things the propagandists of the left try to do is paint people on the right as Nazi fascists with former President Donald Trump as Hitler himself. Actually they are guilty of projecting their own guilt in this matter as propagandists as exhibited currently by CNN in their ramp up hosting the first 2024 Presidential Debate this evening. This article will offer some concrete examples to support this claim.

“CNN host cuts Trump campaign spokesperson short in heated interview” – Sky News Australia

CNN anchor Kasie Hunt abruptly and very rudely ended an interview with Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt ahead of the first presidential debate this week. It began as Leavitt noted: “President Trump is well prepared… Unlike Joe Biden, he doesn’t have to hide away and have his advisors tell him what to say”.

She added that Trump faces a “hostile environment” due to CNN moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, accusing them of obvious past bias. Hunt began interrupting Leavitt as she defended her colleagues as “professionals” and argued, “If you’re attacking the moderators, you’re usually losing”.

Leavitt started criticizing Tapper, leading Hunt to warn: “Ma’am, I’m going to stop this interview if you continue to attack my colleagues”. After Leavitt insisted she was just “stating facts,” Hunt cut the interview short, inviting Leavitt to return at another time.

Hunt then defended her stance on the social media X platform, emphasizing respect for her colleagues regardless of political affiliation. Leavitt then replied to her post on X, accusing Hunt of cutting off her microphone for mentioning Tapper’s history of “anti-Trump lies”. She added, “This proved our point that President Trump will not be treated fairly on Thursday.”

A quick fact check of Jake Tapper will remind any thinking American the only CNN audience he does have are those already suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). He is not valued as a credible journalist by thinking Americans.

“Jake Tapper’s BIGGEST Trump LIES! 2024 Debate Preview” – Robert Gouveia Esq.

CNN is also now threatening independent journalists who fact-check the debate they air which constitutes a clear violation of the “fair use” application by the Library of Congress for copyright as pointed out by podcaster Tim Pool this week.

“CNN Is THREATENING Timcast IRL Over Covering Presidential Debate, This Is FAIR USE” – Timcast IRL

One post on X noted this issue as follows:

“The Raymond G Stanley Jr @raymondgstanley

Scumbag @CNN isn’t just going after @Timcast or @scrowder, they’re going after all independent media. Even super middle of the road Breaking Points w/@esaagar and @krystalball. They are canceling their planned live stream portion of the Presidential Debate.”

Tim Pool of the Timcast podcast believes that CNN is doing this to eliminate independent journalists from fact checking Joe Biden, Jake Tapper, and Dana Bash in real time. After all, as former President Trump recently said,

“’I’ll Be Debating Three People Instead Of One’: Trump Sounds Off On Upcoming CNN Debate With Biden” – Forbes


Myself, and many others, suggested Joe Biden submit to a drug test before the debate. My reason for suggesting this to President Trump when the debate was first announced was there are times when Joe Biden seems remarkably lucid, times when he seems almost comatose and other times when he appears to be having an episode of “Roid Rage” from steroid use. President Trump came up with the term “juiced”, a sport player reference.

Former President Trump recently made the offer to have Biden tested and he will get tested as well.

“Trump demands drug test for Biden before first presidential debate” – New York Post

Liberal socialist Democrats are compulsive liars. For example, they now claim, in multiple news sources, Donald Trump is afraid of debating Joe Biden and the Republicans are afraid of the outcome as well.

The truth of the matter is what the conservative right Republicans are afraid of is the reality check Donald Trump will bring to the table. Joe Biden might become so traumatized he will suffer yet another non-ice cream related brain freeze whereupon the liberals will then accuse Donald Trump of elder abuse and beating up on a helpless old man.

I have written to the Trump family twice and asked them to advise President Trump to call Joe Biden “Pedo Pete” every time the three stooges of the debate tag him as a “convicted felon”. Everyone is aware the “convicted felon” as a work of fiction from a New York sham trial. On the other hand, “Pedo Pete” is another pet name Hunter Biden used to reference his own father on his “Laptop from Hell” many are probably still not aware. Check and mate!

CNN might be forced to play nice with former President Donald Trump. Whether they like him or not, he does bring them good ratings as he did last time he was on for a town hall of a year ago and their viewers numbered almost 4 million which was something new to their failing network.

TV Ratings: CNN Gets Big Boost With Trump Town Hall – The Hollywood Reporter

For those who want to watch this historic debate (earliest ever before candidates are endorsed by party) it is to air this evening on CNN but also be simulcast on both CBS and Fox networks at 9 p.m. ET, 6 p.m. PT.

Just like the “Big Game” of professional football, at least one of the commercials will be worth watching the whole debate. Texas Republican Congressman Wesley Hunt’s Hellfire PAC has purchased a six-figure political ad to air in swing state cities with large Black populations to air during the presidential debate on CNN. The 60 second spot is titled “Joseph R. Biden’s Real Record on Race”.

Copyright © 2024 by Mark S. Schwendau

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