The Colder War: How the Global Energy Trade Slipped from America’s Grasp

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How the massive power shift in Russia threatens the political dominance of the United States

There is a new cold war underway, driven by a massive geopolitical power shift to Russia that went almost unnoticed across the globe. In The Colder War: How the Global Energy Trade Slipped from America’s Grasp, energy expert Marin Katusa takes a look at the ways the western world is losing control of the energy market, and what can be done about it.

Russia is in the midst of a rapid economic and geopolitical renaissance under the rule of Vladimir Putin, a tenacious KGB officer turned modern-day tsar. Understanding his rise to power provides the keys to understanding the shift in the energy trade from Saudi Arabia to Russia. This powerful new position threatens to unravel the political dominance of the United States once and for all.

  • Discover how political coups, hostile takeovers, and assassinations have brought Russia to the center of the world’s energy market
  • Follow Putin’s rise to power and how it has led to an upsetting of the global balance of trade
  • Learn how Russia toppled a generation of robber barons and positioned itself as the most powerful force in the energy market
  • Study Putin’s long-range plans and their potential impact on the United States and the U.S. dollar

If Putin’s plans are successful, not only will Russia be able to starve other countries of power, but the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) will replace the G7 in wealth and clout. The Colder War takes a hard look at what is to come in a new global energy market that is certain to cause unprecedented impact on the U.S. dollar and the American way of life.

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“Fascinating, revealing and at times downright disturbing, The Colder War will grip you from first page to last and leave you with a better understanding of the forces shaping the geopolitical landscape for decades to come.”
Grant Williams,
Managing Editor,Things That Make You Go Hmmm…

The Colder War provides a reversing contrast from the hysterical ‘Putin is Stalin, Jr., restart the Cold War’ message emanating from the neocon think tanks and the mainstream media. Marin Katusa provides an objective examination of Putin’s history and goals, and shows the real threat to the American people is not Putin but the U.S. Government’s hyper-interventionist foreign policy, our destructive monetary policies, and government policies that inhibit the development of America’s energy resources.”
–Dr. Ron Paul, Former U.S. Congressman, Founder Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity

“There are few more important questions to the future of Western economies than the fate of the petrodollar and direction of the energy trade. Marin Katusa’s book tells the story of raging battles in the least covered and most misunderstood war of our time, a war that is already starting to redraw the world’s map. Marin is an intense individual and has structured mining and energy deals the world over. This book offers a perspective from the trenches in the high stakes world of energy security.”
Ian Telfer, Chairman of Goldcorp and Director of Renaissance Oil Corp

“In this book, the difficult realities of The Colder War and the serious quest for energy security are set forth in a well written and thoughtful manner. The global race for security provided by civil nuclear energy is happening now and the western world may be in the process of losing. Marin Katusa’s detailed account of the geopolitical race to control resources is an insightful page turner.”
Lady Barbara Judge, Chairman Emeritus, UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA)

“Marin has written a fascinating page-turning history of energy and Russia with a dash of humor and style. I read it in one sitting and suggest you do the same. You will get a much different view than what you read in the main stream media.”
John Mauldin, Chairman, Mauldin Economics

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From the Author

When Doug Casey, the founder of Casey Research, broached the idea of writing about my theories of the Colder War, I was reluctant. I’m much more of an investment analyst than a writer, and I’ve never felt a yearning to see my work sitting on a bookshelf. But Doug persisted, and when I took up his idea of writing the book, he responded with advice that helped make it what its first reviewer termed “such a good read.”

From the Inside Flap

Rumbling underneath the surface of the short-term dramas that enthrall us from day to day is a slowly moving trend that threatens to completely unravel U.S. power and stability. At its helm is Vladimir Putin, the Russian leader who has too often been satirized and simplified in the American media. And at its center is the very stuff that makes the world go: energy.

In The Colder War: How the Global Energy Trade Slipped from America’s Grasp, author Marin Katusa argues that Putin’s dream to restore Russia to its former glory revolves around taking control of the world’s energy resources. Energy demands are skyrocketing, and while the United States mucks around in political quibbles, Russia is acquiring powerful connections and key resource holdings. If we don’t wake up to this reality, it could mean the rapid collapse of the American way of life. Marin Katusa is uniquely qualified to explain this against-the-grain perspective. By age 30, he had built one of Canada’s largest copper mines from the ground up. His experience in commodity production led him into the financial world, where he now runs four successful energy and resource hedge funds. Katusa is one of the best suited people around to go beyond the conventional wisdom, as he does in The Colder War.

Everyone knows the global geopolitical landscape is shifting, but The Colder War presents a stark picture of just what that shift will look like. More importantly, Marin Katusa explains what the coming changes will mean for American bank accounts. Readers who want to understand, hedge against, and even profit from the decline of the petrodollar are advised to read The Colder War without delay.

From the Back Cover

Praise for The Colder War

The Colder War provides a reversing contrast from the hysterical ‘Putin is Stalin, Jr., restart the Cold War’ message emanating from the neocon think tanks and the mainstream media. Marin Katusa provides an objective examination of Putin’s history and goals, and shows the real threat to the American people is not Putin but the U.S. Government’s hyper-interventionist foreign policy, our destructive monetary policies, and government policies that inhibit the development of America’s energy resources.”
–Dr. Ron Paul, Former U.S. Congressman and Founder of The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity

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“There are few more important questions to the future of Western economies than the fate of the petrodollar and direction of the energy trade. Marin Katusa’s book tells the story of raging battles in the least covered and most misunderstood war of our time, a war that is already starting to redraw the world’s map. Marin is an intense individual and has structured mining and energy deals the world over. This book offers a perspective from the trenches in the high stakes world of energy security.”
–Ian Telfer, Chairman of Goldcorp and Director of Renaissance Oil Corp

“In this book, the difficult realities of The Colder War and the serious quest for energy security are set forth in a well written and thoughtful manner. The global race for security provided by civil nuclear energy is happening now and the western world may be in the process of losing. Marin Katusa’s detailed account of the geopolitical race to control resources is an insightful page turner.”
–Lady Barbara Judge, Chairman Emeritus, UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA)

“Marin has written a fascinating page-turning history of energy and Russia with a dash of humor and style. I read it in one sitting and suggest you do the same. You will get a much different view than what you read in the main stream media.”
–John Mauldin, Chairman, Mauldin Economics

“Marin Katusa is raising some good questions about how the world’s energy markets really work. He provides some good answers too. Many readers are not going to like them. Those are the people who most need to read this book.”
–William Bonner, Founder of Agora Inc. and bestselling author of Empire of Debt and Financial Reckoning Day

“Years before Putin annexed Crimea and invaded Ukraine, Marin was warning me and anyone else who would listen about a looming ‘Colder War’–a battle between civilization and fascism. This coming conflict will be different than all other wars before it–a global battle of economies, currencies, and energy resources. Right now, only one nation knows it is at war–Russia. But soon, the rest of the world will begin to stir, and to fight back. Marin’s new book–The Colder War–explains what is about to unfold. It is a must read for any student of global politics and for all investors.”
–Porter Stansberry, Founder of Stansberry Research

About the Author

MARIN KATUSA is one of the most successful fund managers in the energy and resource exploration sectors. His hands-on approach has taken him around the world to project sites in Russia, Iraq, Kuwait, Colombia, and beyond. The result: his funds are among the top performing in their class. Marin is the author of Casey Research’s popular publications–Casey Energy Report and The Colder War Letter. He is a sought-after speaker and a regular contributor to the BNN, CNBC, Bloomberg, and Forbes.

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