THE CONCEPT SERIES: No Group Passed Misgiving

Concept Series Preface

The purpose of this series of articles is to establish a cordon of doubt around firmly stated, but subjectively held, principles of truth and democratic belief, albeit used to govern our politics and personal beliefs. What are they who are freer today “to be themselves” free to become? Why are they who are pre-tensed in life spoiling upon the human mindset? Not even the human aspect is knowable, as we fawn upon a vacant incubation, and afterward feign a hatched reality.

Seasonal Sense

Spring – study whilst passing through its initial phases … prospects still ahead
Summer – study during its heyday … engrossed in favors and suspected faults
Fall – study whilst moving into decline … problems and odds of transformation
Winter – study during its wane and death throes … reclamation or dissolution

Time To Sanction

As I started this Concepts Notwithstanding series — with spurned reality and no (closet) consensus warranty toward clarification, much less the certitude of affirming private execution between individuals, so now I end this section with an admonition of group-will and group-think. Once a concerted (consorted) group gathers in celebration and victory of their ‘wholesale’ takeover, usually their first invited guest and keynote speaker will be ‘animosity’. What is identifiable, makes something unique. Anything that is unique, must be special. Witness the crude and lascivious behavior, the vicious and trying attitude of drag-queens, plus all the other power-seeking narcissists of the LGBTQ+ community. Any group that would interject and convolute the workings of judicial impartiality; use money, influence, and military-style force on government agency in order to impose their sick behavior on naturally-conforming citizen-folk, is no better than a gang of henchmen or a group of racketeering hoodlums applying strong-arm leverage and threats of violence against a law-abiding neighborhood.

In the aftermath of the Great War (WWI), shell-shocked, traumatically wounded, and physically-halt soldiers became the topic of the so-called ‘lost generation’. Today we have our own lost generation — one occupied by kids who do nothing but listen to vile music, play senseless and brutally masochistic games, and casually collate their awareness about the world through their equally ignorant and disenchanted peers, or acquire their celebrity from liberal cult leaders, progressive stations, and from valueless blogs and websites. From these they learn to hate anyone who won’t give them what they want: free stuff, free education, free housing, free healthcare; and, of course, lots of (lost) free time to sit around and do nothing useful, except to fret about their sad, pointless, and maddening lives. Little do these errant youngsters and almost-human adults realize that they are being guided by monsters with ulterior motives, intent on brainwashing the masses and turning them into mindless socialist slaves. And there is little ‘good’ trying to counter this phenomenon since American parents are rarely home to ‘parent’ them, and schools, were they ever to be made free of liberal bias, rarely ever teach moderately-uplifting morality or even the principled side of American history. No one really expects this generation to make sacrifice of service for all the benefits society affords them, nor hard time for their many crimes and drug-related violations. These young people are spoiled and bloated on self-pity, materialism, and distaste for any idea or any person not pleasing to their child-like palate. Forget ISIS, the Iranians, or the Chinese saboteurs, we have our own home-grown, urine-drenched, and compost-festering terrorists.

The world wouldn’t be such a bad place to be if there were any human beings living in it. There are those, seemingly normal, apparently employable, and manageable for some specialized work task; but, underneath, morally disabled and completely unaware that America is moving in an horrendous direction — from which there is no recovery unless the voters wake up. Come another political scandal (usually on the Democratic side), the Left is sure to point out this is nothing new or, if rampant, not all that worrying or especially harmful, or not something critically equivalent to what others have done (on the other side) in the past, even if they must hearken back to Watergate (Perlstein, 2023), The Teapot Dome Scandal (Britannica, 2022), all the way historically to the Jefferson-Adams campaign infighting (Swint, 2012). In their shallow opinion and the media’s deceitfully hollow minds, there can be no new recognized decline in the standards of social morality, nor any contemporary failure in the cradling of humanity, nor any treacherous shortfalls in parent-teacher allowances, whether seeking light or dark modern educational enlightenment. A tempo is set by Homeland Security, the FBI, and other government traitors to depict all Christians, all conservatives, and all freedom-loving proponents of the Second Amendment as the real enemies of America — hardly ever showing Islamic Jihadists in frightening pose, neither Antifa or the BLM as the Left’s Nazi-Fascist enforcers scrounging the streets and terrorizing the once-free people. Any other projection of American progress would ring of liberal broadcast shame, imparting inflammatory and fractious guilt upon our now holy mixed and wholly hateful society. Government Information videos, sophistic public service announcements, and elite corporate entertainment likewise present all white men as criminals, as heavies, or as social troublemakers. Disaffected historians surreptitiously know that these pornography distributors and evil vendors will never have to account for such racist portrayals. System controllers of the “real story” will make sure that the multitudes they spuriously impugn and savagely victimize will never attain the power (or the wisdom) to overturn these obfuscations and condemnations. Those same people who rattle on about “equity” day in and day out, are the same people who don’t believe in the “equitable” treatment of Democrats (Leftists) and Republicans (Conservatives) — with the former entitled to a sentencing of “all is forgiven”, while for the latter “all is mortal sin”.

We need only recall and remark these buffoons as the same bigots of a century ago who pushed for segregation or whose ancestors cruelly superimposed an even darker slave auction on plantation harvests a century before that (for which no legacy politician will accept blame). Now they think globally, and plan to sexually enslave all future generations and bore society into a well of obsolescence and pathological debasement. Psychologically speaking, ‘lost generations’ are often fatalized to their own demise; resigning themselves to life’s hopelessness, becoming consumed by vice, hedonism, and an outpouring of self (and others) resentment (e.g., the Roaring 20s). As a nation, survivors of this socially-dug cesspool become easy dupes and servants of whatever the next crop of infesting weeds or global fanaticism that comes along; delivering (surrendering) themselves willingly to the next delta flood of conquerors. History recalls the fall of Rome; shame is, progressives and liberal scholars do not.

A Loveless Being

              A frightful chiming has already redounded with each cultural hammer strike: hitting the nail on the (fore) head. Scarcely without calculation, we know that most of today’s controversial and troublesome problems center around children and teenagers. Their degradation and delinquency flourishes whenever parents don’t love them enough or they have shifted the responsibility for raising them upon others: institutional daycare, the internet, the television media, the tawdry entertainment crowd, the rowdy and stinking neighborhoods, and even filthier government schools. By neglecting to dedicate life’s training sessions toward properly fielding offspring – aspirant to protected pious dreams, or failing to display pendants of concern to direct them, neglecting even to put notices of love on their welcoming gates, present-day child-raisers never gain religious title to their bodies and homesteads or instill an indoctrination of Christian commandment. Instead of marching off to cut the ribbon on another commercial store (in their name), parents should be busy creating an inner respectability, challenging and embossing the charms of their family retreat – held in trust and keepsake residence there.

Beyond drinking, smoking, taking drugs, disrupting classes, and defacing public monuments, adolescents seek renown by creating mayhem and procuring chaos, often for the glory of nihilism and capricious persecution of normalcy. They rob, maim, and kill their fellow humans for cash or fun, with no more concern than a hyena in capture of a baby antelope … and hardly anyone even winces or issues rebuke for their misguided and reprehensible lives. Every morning women trim back their hair, dress up like men, drop off their babies at corporate-plant nurseries, and then amble off beautifully stratified … purely satisfied with having fulfilled their expected civic duty. Vain men practice husbandry without ever becoming one; working to live and living to work (often dishonestly), passing out their days between boardrooms, bars, and brothels. Their idols and standard-bearers contract themselves to street habits, suffering interesting kickback diseases, while sociologists wildly applaud their shiftless ways and crafty market manipulation. Priests make love to children and each other gaily, instead of showing genuine brotherly love and bringing dissemination of real Biblical brotherhood to their parishioners. God Himself has been stricken from the sermon on the pulpit. Politicians practice whatever vile acts and vulgar sins of transgression they will, knowing no ash-cloth repentance is required to convince stupefied voters into returning these hogs to the public feed trough, or continue splashing in buckets of putrid hogwash, before staying a wild wallower longer in the undrained, bureaucratically-blessed mud pits.

Is this where your accursed generational logic and timeless vain reasoning have brought you? If you want the child, it’s a miracle; if you don’t want the child, it’s an accident meant for dredging by a public works department of applied abortion and cleanup brigade. Sarah weeps over they who will not even breast-feed babies. To be nursed, to be loved, to be reared and educated within a family concern: these are inherently natural rights older than any society’s gifting of sanitized wonder-bath and admired accoutrement. “This child is mine”, so it is said, to accredit or to deny, to bear or to kill — until she is born; then I must be off to fend for self’s sacred image, while the child is left to fend for herself or drown in the oxygen-deprived waters of social sewer habitation. The responsibilities of child-raising extend further than one night of sex and several months of uncomfortable gestation. They are usually followed by years of latch-key misery, personal isolation, and bitterness. No truth is less heard than the one which personally convicts. Besides, will not sanctimony and scattered provisions of hubris always win out over sanctity and gentle humility? Those who decry the compromises made by our Founding Fathers, their shortchanged discharge of universal suffrage and widespread slavery – hypocritically smile in blinding dismissal their own vestige of living promiscuously in harlotry — forever condoning the after-thought of womb sterilization, or giving raven assurance to the entombment of circumcised fetuses.

A fading past memorializes when men toiled and sweated and died in early labor from hazards and work-related ailments traceable to coal mines, lumberyards, fishing fleets, and battlefields; while stoic women carried the infant wraps of life around their strangled breasts. You (women) were going to bring some humanity to man-kind, remember? Now you borrow the same techniques your brothers employ in business: cruel and deceptive. You speak the same harsh and seasoned language as they; you even shorten your hair and wear clothes in the same tied manner. Not just at work, but in your everyday lives, you bear the attitudes and the critical articles of the man who once dominated and frustrated your lives. Your relations with your husband(s), your children, your neighbors, are frosted with the same air of coldness, distance, and indifference. You have become just as career-oriented, just as discontented, just as personally asphyxiated and stagnant as they. Now, you not only have your sins, but his as well.

Suppose the country moved toward reformation … in better compliance with “spare the rod (is to) spoil the child”. Sociologists and political scientists might next push for its installment as a modern-day remedy for the softening of proper child-rearing. About half the parents have been taught no sense of justice (enforcement), not even right from wrong; hence would not know when or how to apply suitable discipline. The other half have been marred by little sense of self-control and contrition whatsoever; hence would be as likely to hurt or mistakenly kill the child just in attempting to exercise needed control (correction). This same discernment may be extended to all the trans-, the queers, the gays, etc.; in other words, people who have mutated themselves into mind-defused, intransigent, self-made Frankensteins. On their own fabled and fairy streets, they are like the homeless and the scurvy-weakened urchins whose incorrigible addictiveness to the earth-bound have smattered their best habits with smoke and dirt … beyond any possibility of deterrent cleansing and church-day edification. Post any evangelism, nothing of what the Ark encased, or the Ten Commandments encouraged, has left Golden Ruled their communion access to a Promise Land of spiritual rest.

To follow likewise, what cause is more futile than trying to reform the philistine and perfidious attitude of the American electorate? As a voting bloc, they would vote for a block of wood if it floated the chances of them getting more free exemptions and unearned benefit checks. How do you save those (voters) … whose selection it is … not to be saved? They are like lambs who have lost their last straw-polling of character, been sheared their forest conservancy of valid paper ballots; in final herding heard to say, “You never know what can really hurt you until it (the farmer) kills you”. Every coarse action and every loosened screw (excuse) for craven behavior (like the open borders analogy) won’t bring about any actual harm (to me in my day). When their children start suffering the consequences, “How was I to know?” Thrusted in line without drivers’ warnings, attuned to idiot speeds, deliberately fighting dangerous crossovers, they create a human race dedicated only to demolition derby.

Who were you born to be? People should be trained to think within a framework of scientific method and enforced logic. Only contradictory, when an adult person undergoes a horrific experience, might that person’s attitude be altered, such as being thrashed and robbed at gunpoint. A woman, being stabbed or raped (by a man), could easily use this event to deflect normal perusal of (male) human consideration. It might well (ill) cause her to be more fearful (than she already was), and make her especially hateful of all men. It could happen that this one event so changes that person’s perspective, it robs her of not just her honor but her observational integrity: heretofore a lifelong commitment to fair witness heeding, becoming now almost sociopathic or psychotic.  Perhaps one traumatic incident may so fundamentally rewrite her human bearing, typecasting herself forever as victim, that all vision stands in revision of others’ chastising — by way of crisis inculcation.  Carrying no ritual of the vain or the necessarily handicapped, perhaps this bids in facsimile her own evolutionary turning point, its own diversionary ‘social survival of the fittest’. Taken over by coercion or compunction, a specified dictation may be written, underscored, and propagated, such that she shatters formal training and contorts human value, previously thought ingrained since youth. Nature, society, and even God did not make her suddenly distrustful of life and fearful of all men. As also, a lesson learned of the less-earned, might not the disdain of lesbians for male companionship be in spawned memory of spurned feminine esteem already held in traction and the contemptuous hatred of all that is frightening and visually different? Behind it, though, a woman has the luxury of self, a capacity to afford the loss. Every woman has the biological advantage of knowing, wherever she goes, whoever she ends up with, she carries her womb inside her; so, she need never worry whose (conceivable) child this is (never ‘his’ anyway), whose right of human “being” has been rescinded; by whose prospect of selfish entitlement indwells her.

When society declines, men become perverted and estranged, and women lose all ‘feeling’ and ‘understanding’ [for all except themselves], becoming insensitive and without compassion. As addressed in a previous article more explicitly, most women are of the mind that “only women suffer; and men cannot suffer (enough)”. More than that, they make it their mission in this already fragile and antagonistic association to make sure that men’s lives are a punishment to their abidance by making their travails more burdensome and stressed than they might ought to be or more evenly wear. This thesis applies not just to dating or marriage or to any other collaborative interrelation between the sexes, but to work courtesy and their supposed coordinated responses. Nearly every realm of contact, regulated or enjoined, is censured by this alienation. With purposeful resolve, social workers may provide men with more caustic and less comprehensive coverage, often short-symptoming their service and treatment to what is barely required according to perfunctory guidelines. Female nurses are not as kind or as sympathetic to men’s illnesses and ailments. In sublimation to what is atop their abjure list (i.e., ‘only women suffer’), the normally square-shooting practice of women doctors may become dislodged by personal or professional bias to the extent of prescribing less-than-adequate doses of medication, fewer pain-killing or disease-dispelling drugs to men — sharing society’s predilection that boys/men should be tough, tolerate pain, and endure discomfort (Samulowitz, Grenyr, Eriksson, & Hensing, 2018). As a result, men may be forced to seek their own neophyte advice — enlisting, as in my case with heart problems, blocked arteries, and other issues, more extraneous pharmaceutical (drugs/alcohol) relief. It may even be the case that their initial diagnoses and their ultimate patent (patient) prescription were not equally deposed to remedy.

At the partner level, if ever you become injured or seriously sick, don’t ever make the mistake of telling a woman how much you hurt. Never is a woman happier than when the man next to her, especially the man closest to her, is miserable and suffering deeply. Never is she more prideful of her social disposition in life than when she sees two or more men fighting over her. As a man, your sole mission in life (in her eyes) is to be operationally of service to her; that’s your only real purpose for existence. You daren’t venture independent life outside this partner commitment. All of which makes getting older for a man (husband) more difficult and more heartbreaking than need be. Which also helps to explain why the chances are far more likely for (poorly-educated) men to occupy the bottom rung of the social ladder: being strongly impressed into manual labor, being sentenced to life in prison, or mental institutions, or homeless shelters, or just living on the streets. In a woman’s mind and actionable discard (apart from those candy-striped with uniformed caregiving), there are faces she would rather not greet; there are places where not one of her stripe would ever reach out to touch someone or anything (spotted masculine).

A man is told that he has terminal cancer. His wife, after a proper measure of upset-crying and reconnoitered expressions of required appropriate concern, slides into an adjustment period of relative calmness. From which, she must heroically press on, maybe at the urging of some of her closest friends, with the reduction of love (as a chemical hormone), now merely reconciled to once ‘living matters’, reassessed and reevaluated — until pausing from new arrangements — a single stasis of economic prospectus is drawn, catechizing life in provision of death, forever sunsetting the need for love or any emotional occasion for male involvement.

Don’t ever ask a woman for sympathy. For a woman to ever give anything precious to a man (the enemy) would be like an army grudgingly surrendering land (home territory) to a ruthless invading horde. And if she is ever forced by military assault or civil takeover to accede some redistribution of her social property and station, reluctantly granting some miniscule semblance of sympathy, then, like the defeated in withdrawal, she must scavenge away valuable targets, move underground (under-hearted) if necessary, and consecrate herself to hating the Huns even more … becoming ever more devoted to their removal, even at the cost of her own destruction.

It is therefore to be sadly accepted … a man’s fate: not ever to be passionately desired, nor truly to be understood in life; not ever to be appreciated or genuinely wanted, in a fashion after human kindness, … were it to be compared, far less than that of a cherished pet or dearest phone. The most that a man can ever hope to wrest from a woman is muted tolerance. Under this run of deprivation, his soul can only imagine a residency in distant foster care or next to a now vacated memory. There, only lamenting to know — the woman he loves very much, or could have loved and adored, holds no attraction in kind. Placing all religious fervor aside, by some secular or heavenly concern … an intersession, were it ever to come, a man would be more likely to behold a miracle from God than ever receive a single dying drink from the grace-sharing cup of a woman.

Being Evil

Sometimes, our distant and unseen ‘children of sorrow’, like the Vietnamese, come back to haunt the veteran in us all. After reading an article about the despicable conditions of nursing homes for the elderly, I was ironically bemused by the futurity of one generation (the parents) being consigned by another generation (the children of their daycare nursery detention), to placement in nursing homes many (aging) years later.

Marvel moreover at the unconscionable reporting … undisturbed by media lookback. Journalists, like fathers, rarely know best. In envied trial, the camera turns to a great man’s private life and escapades: how he secretly treated his wife and children, his capacity for exceptional philandering, for railroading, even treason. What matter his personal faults, his oversensitivity to criticism, his ridiculous fascination with risk-taking; his compulsiveness, domination of others, and ambivalence to ethics — all the things the Bible repeatedly warned us about in our leaders and kings for centuries. Wasted becomes the Lord’s humble anointing, if before the appointed spell was cast, the aroma spoiled, and its wishful blessings burned away like frankincense. America has passed misgiving, and suppressed the prime of leasing pardons. None make surfeit the threshold of necessary wage. So leave it stay; the Spirit has not error seen but that it also expunges. Grace does not extend its lending rates to the mutilation of Justice.

We are as a species too specialized now: “just as long as he does his job and everything expected of him, that’s sufficient”. What he does elsewhere, outside of work, does not concern us. Who cares with whom he sleeps? Companies also don’t care if a person is only 1% good and 99% evil — just as long as the odds suit their compensated or ransomed profit-sharing. Better to have a man whose only redeeming value is that tiny amount (1%) genius or needed expertise in that field, and be 99% bland otherwise, than have a person wholly (100%) able and marginally upstanding for the company, but only faintly acquainted with winning desired commercial acclaim and confiscated market share. Capability over goodness, aggressiveness and guile over modesty and spirituality.

There is a wry legend about a peculiarity happening in the annals of an old western town, how in sequence, a notorious gunfighter shoots down one after another innocent unarmed man in front of the entire (frightened) town-folk, but wasn’t convicted afterward. It seems, “there were no witnesses”, and the judge had to concur out of fear, “since no one actually saw the bullets leaving the barrel of the gun”. If you look long enough and are especially conniving, you probably can find a justification or vindication for any evil deed. Thus, people apply the expression, “love in any form is always good: love is love” to account for their sodomy, their bestiality, their sadism, their masochism, whatever. Tell that to the victims of pedophilia. But now anyone who speaks out against the unholy priests, the school degenerates, or the surgeon-general butchers of triaged genitalia removal, reprimanding them for the harm they do to innocents, and immediately he is labelled as a hater (as a would-be criminal guilty of a ‘hate’ crime). By any (many) means necessary … politically, educationally, militarily … in derision of culture and the pulping of childhood safety and innocence, the cripple-minded, the deviant personality, and the flasher freaks will do anything to maintain their power-hold on exhibitionist status and their endless promulgation of a vitriolic society.

To those who yet want to allow homosexual couples to adopt children, with no qualifying standards of respect for accorded parentage, I ask, by what passage of love was their guarantee of coupling adjoined to the creation of new life? You cannot be both pro-gay and pro-family, particularly since the first group advocates for the dissolution of the means for establishing the second, and creates space for the other LGBTQ+ mis-adventurers to follow and despoil. How can you say these are sincere, loving, and honest impulses within couples who have already violated one of the most vital mechanics of natural law — genesis and the continued procreation of offspring — the component shaper of all evolutionary change and the growth-sustainer of civilizations? Shall it now be upon their hunchbacked shoulders, their disingenuous words and impious assurances, that these violators of natural order will not mislead the child or guide him into improper channels or submit him to their pedophilic pleasures? Should thieves and embezzlers be entrusted with guardianship over the U.S. Treasury? Should arsonists and greedy lumber companies be given charge over the national forests? Not only have they reversed Nature and profaned healthful attitude, they even deny the evidence and critical imperative of what these aims and concepts attend. Mustn’t this make them, at the very least, deviously dishonest? As a matter of conscience, all must confess to the truth, to a biological dousing … in baptism of submissive cleansing, before becoming fledgling to dove-honored flight.

Conceited (conceded) special-interest groups are smart enough to know that they can conjure up foolish support by simply simulating circumstances of ‘special being’ and ‘identifiable deformation’. Together with displays of exemplification (exaggeration), aided by legal prosecution, they transform their abominable actions by conspicuous attachment to the ‘legitimacy’ of an accepted (circus-like) act or the nobility of a sweatshop profession. While making association through favored means, they yield acceptable insurrection for the regimes of black-market economics and to the distorted pleasures of the red-light district. This is deviancy of thought at every trick and turn. Starting from a point which is not manifestly obvious, as per skin color, biological gender, or physical handicaps, they create from scratch the cookbook ingredients of insane poisonous recipes, plated in the style of fanciful presentation, far and away becoming their own discovered mental disturbance (like sexual orientation). Then, by fast-bake insertion and repeated firing of deadpan earth, and by the compounding of public interest, they bring hardtack-acceptance to both meal presentation and dinnerware alike.

Recognize the soldier, an old, highly-decorated veteran, now invited to take part for the first time in the town’s officially recognized ceremony of a Veteran’s Day parade. Patriot that he is, he searches through his battered trunk in order to retrieve a moth-balled uniform — a uniform containing all his earned ribbons, medals, and awards. He dons and trims it to fit in liking of what will be for him a very “prideful” event, a concentration of what he did for his country and “who he is” still in working commemoration thereof. Is this not what homosexuals are doing by marching in a gay pride parade — obligated as they are to propagandize their beliefs and advance their hazardous life through every possible body-twisting outrageousness, in the most despicable and upsetting manner possible, for the viewers to goggle, and establish in mummification the next level of perspicacious other-worldly religion? Parades like these and other demonstrations are merely sly attempts at modelling ‘sin’ in the guise of superficially decent outfit — ideally suited to their own delight, perforce by mocking the translucent and the visibly normal, and taunting their more vaunted accent of dress, their more honorable customs and sincerity of faith. Unlike the veterans’ parade, however, they spill spite on the universal, on the latitudes of social appreciation and deservedness; inspiring no advent of others in promise of more righteous sacrifice to come. Rather, they seek only to glorify themselves in fierce testimony and in looks of shaded eyes, masked faces, and thinly-veiled organs of masquerading hearts.

These acned vigilantes with their wanted-poster mugs are nevertheless clever enough to ally themselves with other adolescent groups in a kind of mutual protection pact. Evil protects evil, out of collusive entanglement. That makes them stronger than the stand-alone, straight-line Good. In doing so, they also present a single front (wall) against the trebuchet-launched salvos of dejected avengers seeking to free their families (without government help) from captivity within the wicked city (school). Another pronouncement can be made against all such discordant groups, each clamoring for a piece of the pie they neither created (physically) nor (historically) deserve. Like a great calamity of religions trying to form concrete solidarity without the use of pious cement or an aggregate of ideologically-loyal bond, they will in substitution place bowls of potpourri in flash cover of any true sweet-smelling oblation in nutritious diet to the Lord. Finally, every lesbian, gay, or transmuted self is like the spoiled child of snobbishly wealthy parents who, when invited to someone else’s birthday party, soon demands that all gifts and all the toys belong to him; reserving for themselves alone, in staged roles of beloved self-endowment, a stamping of good-tiding and licensed admission to the only possible orchestration of their sorely creepy lameness and freakish sideshow.

Condemned From The Onset

In my day fine sin has crept in. The basic morality of America is slipping away. Men who used to watch their language and keep off-color remarks off to the side, in pool rooms and adult gatherings, now do so in timely affront to their children; and the women have modelled themselves after them. These children are, to many parents, just nuisances anyway, accidents, or concessions to social pressure. The majority of whom are raised in casual neglect or coincidental abuse; but which even in the consolation of the best of home circumstances are fed only the liturgy of materialistic bread without any mention of the liturgy of the Word (spiritual character). More and more political groups set planks of impolite and divisive splinter. They speak obnoxiously of alternative lifestyles — in desperate awareness of the fact: that the only alternative life-style is physiological death. They embrace the changing of American ethnicity and of skin color as no more than scant changes of impressionist paint on a novice’s easel. They speak of women who kill a third of their children before they are born, the majority of the living two-thirds they don’t breast-feed, and the remaining they hold in hostage of family control. Yet these women society emblazon as ‘superheroes’ — who keep actual love chest-hidden and sing treetop lullabies to muffled babes cradled high above in choking hurricane winds.

Meanwhile, public figures are told to honor ethics and business standards that even private individuals regard as simplistic and parochial. Activist (financial) sponsors of minorities spring up in order to ground down the civil rights of persons and assemblies much more endearing and award-sensitive. “Fight for what is yours, and to hell with everybody else!” — making it always ram and lock horns, ram and lock horns, ram and lock horns, until the blood spurts from their ears and noses; or flagellating themselves in premeditated sufferance, or victimizing themselves in the blindness of the law for jumping somebody else’s claim. For all this they signal forth no need for retaliatory requital. “We are mere innocents, born fresh from nature’s own womb … pure still!” The Lord makes known who belongs to him. And when misbehavior is uncovered in the minority, suddenly the sharp point of God’s justice must be bent to accommodate oppressed feelings.

Tolerant of the rebellious unto the forming of civil unrest and criminal malcontents. Tolerant of the delinquent, the bribers, and the justice with-holders. Tolerant of the physically-feint and the fully accessible handicapped, their incestuous cousins, and their other shifty scatterbrained and lobotomized friends. Tolerant of the drug-filled and the drunk — always hung over their sobriety. Tolerant of all but the fearful and those in doom-filled anxiety of the portentous apocalypse bound to come. Let someone stand up to speak against cannibalism, this consuming of children’s flesh on the fires of the deranged; he is soon branded a lunatic or ostracized as a heretic. In keeping with a once-promising America, morality is a road a long time in custom paving, and frenetic repair (horizontally), but always just a breadth away from vertical washout and destruction. For by budget wane of infrastructure builds, the preorders of standard blueprint design will always take cost-precedence over the revelations of (later) work-learned reform engineering.

Moderation to you is being sarcastic in one moment and soft-selling in the next. Moderation to you is being one-sided on a favored liberal issue and shortsighted on an unfavored conservative one. Moderation to you is being in flag-protest of hopeful patriotic flying, while windsurfing to the storm warnings of stolen-valor banners. On one day you chide the chimera of ‘choice’ for such loathed freedoms as smoking or the right of motorcyclists not to wear safety helmets. Never debated or even quarreled – shuffles in the necessary affirmation of abortion choice. At least the tobacco industry and the cycle makers left it for their handlers to choose and granted them some leeway for their actions. What ‘choice’ do the pro-choicers and the abortion factories give the unborn? And nowhere is there mention of how promiscuous or unsafe sex incubates disease and cheapens the bonds of marriage.

In the recent past, you have criticized those who would try to reverse incentives in the law, such as they who would put restrictions on abortion. In your self-appointed righteousness you have pointed your finger toward heaven and declared, “That’s the law of the land!” Yet was it not true, not that long ago, when you or your guardian ancestors did set the table of angelic ‘separate but equal’, who did make children ‘play’ in your coven of sweatshops and cauldron factories every day, and in proscription did exhort the schematics of repressive class domination, entreat the broad ‘naturalness’ of slavery, all thought at one time legal and proper “law of the land”? Furthermore, whose court decided, and upon what measure, women should not be allowed to vote, and only they, the possessors of actual property ownership, should have an active role in government? These, too, were once the dividing (divine) sections (sanctions) of pompous editorial set in brutal type and printed in indelible rot. So where are these programs of representative excursion now, made devoid a clearance passport? Did someone appeal to a higher court to revoke them? On which side do you think God now stands on the murdering of future life?

Day after day the mallet falls upon cast-iron drums or on the central mats of uneven human-carpet remnant. Then, on one not-fully-sound day: a muddled remark, a mischievous glare, one joke in bad taste, one comment out of line, and suddenly, “How dare you make light of (all) that which we hold sacred!” I’m anxious to learn what it is you do exactly hold sacred. Is it perhaps the glory of your skin color or the blueness of your bloodlines? Is it the dexterity of your hands and the sportive manipulation of cellphone numbers? Is it your vain knowledge or the cleverness of your biting wit? Is it the upturn of your snotty noses or the functionality of your genitals? Only yesterday that same boaster did reproach all religion for its legal hearing of child cries, did arrest the pleading of infringed voters, did belittle the great rise in owed benefits to the ill-bandaged and the military fallen. Short an embargo on mercy, where was your righteous indignation then?

In our human selfishness, we often make the mistake of assuming that someone whom we do not like is warily deserving of that regard — presuming that we have judged that person fairly and by plainly objective standards. When barrel-tapped and drafted askance a full cure, we may even assess him worthy of only revulsion and rejection. Thereafter, others who were blindsided find the only real ‘objectiveness’ in cellar stock were the ‘objections’ housed in our personal bias and envies. Having brailed the cork of bitterness, no one had better dare to offend our sensitivities, no one make us wise to selective reasoning, no one leave us tender the therapy of shiny blood-drawn acupuncture.

While they understand the suffering of a mal-nourished child in some undeveloped faraway country acquiring the diseases of poverty from filthy water and non-nutritious food — which may linger long after childhood, affecting his entire lifetime, even after some partial hunger relief has touched him. Yet can they not understand the wounds of a spiritually-malnourished child standing right before them – infected with all the ranch diseases and rear-stall exposures that are mold-poisoning his mind, saddling his creativity, and burning his corral complexion in rustled roundup of rusty branded conversion.

With disreputable contradiction all around us, many still choose to hear the misleading calls of greedy executives and corrupt officials telling us to trust the system (which we all know is corrupt). Erring alongside, we should recognize the duplicitousness in our own stricken lives: promising to do good when actively trying to do harm, or pretending to genuinely love that neighbor whom we can scarcely stand — all the while perceiving ourselves as wholeheartedly good and set apart as though chosen by Heaven. An echo reverberates with Hi-Fi volume the tiniest of scratches in your vinyl prayer, chokes the stereo sound with static faith – seeking answer replay without supplication – toward Christ’s Word … scoured screaming the untreated wounds of scored silence. Marked too late, the coward would rather live in cipher of a lie than stand as a brave warrior in mortal computation of the truth.

Unto The Death Of Forever

Everyone’s afraid that there will someday arise a tyrant or a cluster of restrictive authoritarians (e.g., Big Brother) which will begin telling everybody what they can say or do, or, more directly, who they are allowed to become in life. But there is an equal likelihood of the average person trying to enact strong-arm tactics or exact technical control. Today’s foolish blogger opinion can rate very high on the social totem pole of (dis)honored credulity, berating people as they speak, sending their lives into spiral downfall. Tech giants muzzle, ostracize, or completely delete whom they will. Every organization, like the individual, wants to be set on high, in toward the chance they may be lightning struck or maybe twirl the weathervane (vain) in spinning headiness. Everybody wants to be obeyed, wants to be the boss, whether it be the deep-staters, the government bureaucrats, or women ruling the Church and all of society. Couch psychiatrists might diagnose this attitude symptomatic of a personality flaw … some vitamin overload or deficiency in the soul; or resulting from maybe too much head-strapping (by the father) or too tight waist-binding (by the mother). The effects are nonetheless self-perpetuating: because the parents heaped so much unfounded praise (or bitterness) upon their children and not enough right-timing encouragement, that the next generation ends up scheduled even worse, followed by the next, the next, and so on — until the situation resembles that predicted by some physicists for the end of the universe, wherein all forms of energy exhaust out uniformly, scattering into solemn vibrations of indifferent volume and meaning.

Aiding that end is the expectation of always wanting more from government and the social services sector of interpersonal commerce and complement. From government we expect (demand) political legitimacy and order, but also a gentle tolerance for public episodes of dissonance; pursuant to the caretaking of much more, including the homeless, the poor, the health needs of the sick, the elderly, and the reckless … in shortfall of ourselves who once incorporated these activities within the province of individuals, families, and charitable cooperatives. Despite this delegation of power and means, we somehow yet demand that society/culture will not judge us deficient in demeanor, or take away our unused overalls and squandered table bench of work tools. Please, forbid us not those selfish pleasures and heinous acts we indulge on ourselves like pampered whelps, not ever to repudiate. Only this much control … no more. Such is our assignation and resignation; which makes all of us seem ‘petty’ … looking like lazy fools, like children who ‘deserve’ to have all of our boxed presents (rights) and self-labeled stockings (liberties) taken away from us at Christmas time. How can a society which doesn’t have enough of a conscientious motif to retain the walls of crumbling family structure, … being short the character of making ‘good’ on its own sins of adultery, perversion, ad infinitum, ever possess the moral fiber and integrity to contest judges who flagrantly refuse to follow the law, or public officials who take bribes, politicians who raid their own campaign funds, defense contractors who double-charge the Treasury, or Presidents who lie to their constituents and dishonor the constitutional system? More humanistically, how can a society which casually upends natural love ever uphold all natural truth?

You say, you are surely independent souls: educated, liberated, sophisticated thinkers, capable of judging according to your spiritual discernment between right and wrong. “Rules are for the distraught, who have yet to form the character or presence of mind to make their own decisions”. Or “rules are for the unstable, the disturbed, the set-against — such as for patients in institutions and prisoners in jail who reach eagerly for outside alignment; or for those still in recovery from an accident, who must make every step a deliberate one and every moral lunge a confirmed one”. Yes, as if you didn’t know, rules are for you: the senseless and the insensitive. The overbalances are obvious. A too-free society where everyone does as he wills, the social problems manifest and the streets are not safe; a too-strict society where government attempts to control every iota, the citizens shelter disarmed and frightened of mind, harassed at every nuance of suspected conspiracy, eventually spurred into riots; and, again, the streets are not safe. You share the rented shroud between you; though the patchwork legend of composed and threaded detail remains frayed, and loose fiber strands defy intellectual mending. You see injustice, yet you say nothing. You see self-errors and sicknesses, and unnatural aberrations; yet as licensed judges and accredited doctors, as scientists, and even disavowed priests, you say nothing. Embedded with corporate lice, you scratch your powdered wigs and scant tufts of hair away — until, at last, like starving animals chained all day long, you but cling to posted anguish — chafed with no obvious reason to live except to struggle eerily and to suffer an irreconcilable end.

One creates, another destroys; perhaps not always intentionally; yet the effect is the same. And every year each and every one of us unwillingly pays dearly for their malevolence (or mindlessness). With greater fear and anxiety come ever more extensive restrictions and the levying of sandbags for government soul (soil) erosion. Society should act as reinforcement of the Good, not an enforcer of the Wicked. If the expectation of evil is forever upon us, such that we tend to look upon everyone we meet as a ‘closet rapist’, a child predator, a roadside highwayman; so, too, we become evil, in failed abstract remittance, by perceiving all others as strange, preemptively threatening, suspiciously dangerous; prejudging them out of context as automatically guilty, and quarantining them inside unreasonable confinement of virtual restraint. In a doomsday-prepper scenario, a society that takes sin too lightly or brushes it off unseemly will, by its lack of serious curtailment of the miscreant few, cause all its law-abiding citizens to hesitate and make escape plans in preference of their own survivalist plan. The past was right, as many times others have reported, “give an inch, and they will take a mile”. We said, “But if we give you this today, then shall you not certainly ask for that tomorrow?” And they lyingly said, “That’s ridiculous; we’ll never ask for that”; but of course they did. Left stranded in a dust-storm, with blasts of dark winds giving open hatch to broken clapboards, the few still remaining be of crawl-space mind (only). Then the ‘just’ just sat there unresponsive; … for now, honest resonance was gone, and evident feeling of Truth seemed no longer close. For what rectification did Jesus resist temptation in the desert: for an Earth char-burnt its funeral repast with the Devil?

They call themselves peaceful protesters and seekers after justice. However, in reality they protest differences in simple bounty and wrested heritage, never given or fully earned, or appreciated through trial and individual endeavor. And they would take the verbal life or economic vitality of anyone (perceived in their view) to have more than themselves. That makes them murderers. They like also to call others prejudiced. But it is left to aged reporters like myself to count the numerous times they cracked the whips of plantation slave-masters — seeing the roadside gang, the construction building crew, the calloused palms of lumberjacks, or the subordinate hands working in the field — criticized them for taking time to break or to beg a drink, or maybe parasol ease from relentless overhead burning — in a fateful hope that covered eyes will cast nightshade on their wish for death.

The humanist is to society what an egotist is to the individual, who says, I am well; and only I can know what is best for myself. Similarly, the humanist declares, I (man) am well; and only I can know what is best for my own kind. Be it therefore analogously certain, as the attitudes of a single person must be tempered against the needs and conditions of society, so the attitudes of the many must be tempered against the needs and conditions of the spatial universe.

America’s sins are not purely material. Plump lives of extravagance carry forth their obesity and waste into sinister strains of political tug-of-war and corruption. We take more than our fair share of the earth’s resources, enlisting children as underaged miners, and the poor in serfdom enterprise, to the older set and established wealthy. Using misleading technology and wielding the financial power of advertisement, we defer backlash and belay any real call for reflexive justice and fair competitiveness. We who observe the great sadness of the world, while consuming much of its valuable resources and limited energy, proudly refuse to take responsibility for most of the earth’s interrelated turmoil and concomitant sorrows — blamelessly passing off the blood-guilt of a tortured mankind – left dangling and hung in show-trial execution.

In an age of wokeness, and of entitlement simply by interest of ‘being human’, almost none of us are ever encumbered with heavy concern or sentenced with a punctuation of guilt. We never seem to reach corner on our riches, to make square the needs of our fellow human beings. For it is once more too late; the disenfranchised world has already resorted itself to drawing lots … for nonexistent tickets to mystical utopia. Better lives — like the lies of better halves — have been merely subsidized into existence by literary and film imagination. It is an Odyssey equivalent to Ulysses, proportioned no less to fate. Eventually, the malleable meets the hardened, and another poor soul is seasoned to self.

By now, we are used to their excuses, falsehoods, and cover-ups. So be it, they say, ‘we must accept people as they are’; being thus spoken knowingly in preserve of the perverse and in order to shield the sinner from making personal change. Wherein, the whole truth is, ‘we must accept people only as they righteously behave and respond in shared respect for others’ — together in anticipation of their desire to make the world (redeemably) human again.

Optimism about liberty, about mankind’s indomitable spirit and presumed graciousness, is as outdated as the hope for conventional refuge during a nuclear exchange. In this age of chemical dependency and psychological mind control, it shall be more likely that society achieves with A.I. perfection a perpetual household of slavery. No longer can we count on the cavalry coming to our rescue; nor rely on the inevitability of a severely oppressed minority (or majority) breaking their shackles, sternly rising up in rebellion against the abuses and decadence of their pernicious task-masters. Tomorrow’s enslavement shall be total and indissoluble. Neither can we expect some freer, distant, nation (alien) to come to our salvation, such as America did for Europe (twice). Tomorrow’s concentration camps will be permanent and insurmountable, as impervious to trumpet-blowing reveille as their own recalcitrant thoughts, as their prophetic tolling of Armageddon.

In pain of eternal longing, to know that there is no love, no hope, no kindness in the earth; a fate beyond the subtle. Turnabout, then, and roll the makings of the clay of life, with its rained sentiment already in tear-fall dissolve. As, honestly, beneath an open sky-view invite … lies stranded a people unworked their daytime earnings … yet deemed unworthy their, freely offered, transit twilight pass. A warmth, a depression, a fading shadow, still reminding – blood-kinship – in quantum leftover.


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Time to sanction a loveless being, being evil, condemned from the onset, unto the death of forever.

Walter Boswell
Walter Boswell
Retired professor of accounting, Dr. Walter Boswell, has written on various topics for more than 50 years including logic, behavioral science, and philosophical literature. Currently he is engaged in protecting children from sexual perversion and grooming in schools and working to bringing back conservative principles to society.


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