The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve

Where does money come from? Where does it go? Who makes it? The money magicians’ secrets are unveiled. We get a close look at their mirrors and smoke machines, their pulleys, cogs, and wheels that create the grand illusion called money. A dry and boring subject? Just wait! You’ll be hooked in five minutes. Reads like a detective story – which it really is. But it’s all true. This book is about the most blatant scam of all history. It’s all here: the cause of wars, boom-bust cycles, inflation, depression, prosperity. Creature from Jekyll Island is a “must read.” Your world view will definitely change. You’ll never trust a politician again – or a banker.

This is the classic exposé of the Fed that has become one of the best-selling books in its category of all time. Where does money come from? Where does it go? Who makes it? The money magician’s secrets are unveiled. Here is a close look at their mirrors and smoke machines, the pulleys, cogs, and wheels that create the grand illusion called money. A boring subject? Just wait. You’ll be hooked in five minutes. It reads like a detective story – which it really is, but it’s all true. This book is about the most blatant scam of history. It’s all here: the cause of wars, boom-bust cycles, inflation, depression, prosperity. Your world view will definitely change. Putting it quite simply, this may be the most important book on world affairs you will ever read. 608 pages.

The 5th Edition includes a no-holds barred analysis of bank bailouts under the Bush and Obama Administrations that are shown to be nothing less than legalized plunder of the American people. Many other updates have been added, including a revision to the list of those who attended the historic meeting at Jekyll Island where the Federal Reserve was created.

“A superb analysis. Be prepared for one heck of a journey through time and mind.” – Ron Paul, Member of Congress, House Banking Committee, 2008 & 2012 Presidential candidate.

“Scary. It’s the story of the world banking system. Enough said.” – Willie Nelson, Musician/Author

“Have you read this book? If not, read it. It’s a fascinating and amazing journey.” – Glenn Beck, TV commentator.

“A gripping adventure into the secret world of the international banking cartel.” – Mark Thornton, Asst. Professor of Economics, Auburn University, Coordinator of Academic Affairs, Ludwig von Mises Institute

“This is a murder mystery about the financial ‘murder’ of the middle class.” – Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad

“A train-load of heavy history, written in such a relaxed and easy style that it captivated me. I hated to put it down.” – Dan Smoot, Publisher/Editor, Dan Smoot Report

“As a career banker and president of a bank consulting firm, I thought I had a good understanding of the Federal Reserve, but this book changed the way I view our entire monetary system.” – Marilyn MacGruder Barnwall, Grand Junction, Colorado

“I have just finished reading this for the FOURTH time!!!! Each time only adds another gloss of patina to the truth.” – David J. Nitsche, ex banker (25 year career), Bridgeton, New Jersey

“My wife manages a large main library and told me there are over 37 people on the waiting list for The Creature from Jekyll Island. Branch libraries have similar reservations.” – Stan

“Before reading your book, I thought I had a good financial education. My degrees and CPA, Accounting and Finance from New York University are impressive. … But I must thank you for giving me the real education on money.” – L.B., Denver, CO

“I’ve spent my career as Finance VP and CFO for a number of companies, and now I teach accounting at a Community College. I thought I had a handle on money, banking, and finance, but the Creature opened my eyes to things I never saw before and hidden causes I never dreamed existed.” – James Sugden

“Seldom does anyone inspire me as you have with your intense research and information. Thank you for sharing with your readers the endless hours needed to bring about your fabulous ‘door stop’ as you described your book recently on T.V.” – Larryn J. Bertrand, Foresthill, CA

Editorial Reviews


G. Edward Griffin is to be commended for this splendid work. At first glance The Creature from Jekyll Island is a huge book. While this may be daunting to some, once the book is actually started, it flows smoothly and reads quickly. There are so many fascinating tidbits of information here that the reader won’t even be concerned about the size of the book. The title refers to the formation of the Federal Reserve System, which occurred at a secret meeting at Jekyll Island, Georgia in 1910. It was at this meeting, as Griffin relates, that the “Money Trust”, composed of the richest and most powerful bankers in the world, along with a U.S. Senator, wrote the proposal to launch the Federal Reserve System (which Griffin calls a banking cartel) to control the financial system so that the bankers will always come out on top. The biggest problem in modern banking, according to Griffin, is and has always been the creation of fiat money. Fiat money is money that is “declared” money by the government. It is not backed by anything but promises and deceit. All societies were sound financially when they used gold or silver to back their currency. When the bankers finally get their way and install fiat money, the result is inflation and boom and bust cycles. Griffin gives numerous examples of this, such as repeated failures by American colonies and European states in using fiat money. The purpose of fiat money is so that the government can spend more then they take in through taxes. Without writing reams on this book, it is sufficient to say that this is a must read for anyone who is interested in learning how the money system operates. Griffin gives comprehensive accounts of how the Fed creates money, and how this affects everyday life. I would have to say these sections are better than Murray Rothbard’s book, The Case Against the Fed, because Griffin gives himself more room for explanation. Griffin does believe in the conspiratorial view of history, and he believes that the bankers are working in concert with such groups as the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission to bring about a socialist-world system in which an elite composed of intellectuals and bankers will rule over the entire planet. Griffin even spends a chapter outlining how this system could come about, and the consequent results of this socialist system. These chapters are a bit unsettling, but even if you aren’t interested in this worldview, you can still learn much about the economy from this book. Recommended –By Jeffrey Leach on July 29, 2001

This book, while slightly marred by the occasional conspiracy theory, is a great account of one of the most important real life conspiracies of our time. It is well researched with plenty of footnotes for anyone who wants to look more deeply. It tells the real story of how bankers have lured politicians with easy money and ended up in control of most of the world. Whether or not they can keep up our (or rather, their) sleight-of-hand monetary system forever, the important thing is the power these bankers wield that should not be theirs. This book should be required reading. And by all means do your own research. Topics covered: founding of the Federal Reserve, war mongering, bail-outs, boom-bust cycles, the J.P.Morgans and Rothschilds of the world, the history of central banking in the United States, and most fascinating: how the money system really works in this country. Despite its lack of perfection, this book is by far the most relevant and interesting thing I have read about economics in a long time. It is written in terms that anyone can understand, which will immediately rule out the kind of reader who is impressed by a lot of technical jargon that supposedly demonstrates an author’s mastery of the subject while only serving to confuse laymen (and experts too). –By A Customer on October 30, 1999

About the Author

G. Edward Griffin is a graduate of the University of Michigan, where he majored in speech and communications. He is a recipient of the Telly Award for excellence in television production. He is the founder of the Cancer Cure Foundation and has served on the board of directors of the National Health Federation and the International Association of Cancer Victims and Friends. He is a contributing editor for the New American magazine, president of American Media, and founder of the Reality Zone.

G. Edward Griffin Biography

G. EDWARD GRIFFIN is a writer, documentary film producer, and Founder of Freedom Force International. Listed in Who’s Who in America, he is well known because of his talent for researching difficult topics and presenting them in clear terms that all can understand.

He has dealt with such diverse subjects as archaeology and ancient Earth history, the Federal Reserve System and international banking, terrorism, internal subversion, the history of taxation, U.S. foreign policy, the science and politics of cancer therapy, the Supreme Court, and the United Nations.

His better-known works include The Creature from Jekyll Island, World without Cancer, The Discovery of Noah’s Ark, Moles in High Places, The Open Gates of Troy, No Place to Hide, The Capitalist Conspiracy, More Deadly than War, The Grand Design, The Great Prison Break, and The Fearful Master.

Ed is a graduate of the University of Michigan where he majored in speech and communications. He is a recipient of the coveted Telly Award for excellence in television production, the creator of the Reality Zone Audio Archives, Publisher of Need to Know News, and is President of American Media, a publishing and video production company in Southern California.

He has served on the board of directors of The National Health Federation and The International Association of Cancer Victors and Friends and is Founder and President of The Cancer Cure Foundation. He is the Founder of Freedom Force International and creator of Red Pill University, Red-Pill Expos, and Rabbit-Hole Expeditions. The mission of these Red-Pill and Rabbit-Hole endeavors is far more serious than they may sound. It is to popularize a global coalition for the victory of individualism over collectivism and liberty over tyranny.

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Book Knowledge
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