The Critical Series – Points of Analysis 4: Brandished Logic

Read Part 1: The Critical Series – Points of Analysis 1: Education & Capitalism

Read Part 2: The Critical Series – Points of Analysis 2: Governing Thought & Political Acts

Read Part 3: The Critical Series – Points of Analysis 3: Illicit Law


(as prophesized in the Testaments)

The key to saving the soul of a nation (through point analysis) is the same as saving the soul of a single individual: identify your faults, repent, and lean toward a salvation grace.

Seasonal Sense:

Spring – study whilst passing through its initial phases … prospects still ahead

Summer – study during its heyday … engrossed in favors and suspected faults

Fall – study whilst moving into decline … problems and odds of transformation

Winter – study during its wane and death throes … reclamation or dissolution


G(1)  Organizations often require that a person have an ID card for many types of business activities and privileges. When asked, a person must provide some form of (photo) ID for purchasing alcohol, a gun, a cell phone, or cigarettes; to apply for a mortgage or rental or file for a hunting license, to show eligibility for unemployment, welfare, or Social Security; to fly on a plane, to get a passport, or to obtain a marriage license (Schow, 2013). However, our constitutional government refuses to make citizens obtain an ID in order to comply with one-to-one correspondence voting requirements at polling locations, the most important and stringent effort they will probably ever perform in their political lives.

G(2)   Young protestors complain about police brutality and rigid ICE enforcement, in order to preserve the nation and secure the safety of its citizens, but then gripe when MS-13 gang fighting breaks out in their neighborhood or various forms of serious crime skyrockets because of police absence, or when citizens die because over-stretched emergency responders fail to come soon enough to save lives.

G(3)   A twenty-dollar or more fine has been suggested on citizens in some states for not voting (Didlake, 2021). This comes as an oddball, cranky proposition from liberals who can’t abide children pledging allegiance to the flag in public schools. Surely if one is allowed to express one’s liberty by forswearing (repudiating) an allegiance to the country (which the Constitution in theory permits), then one should be allowed to protest citizen participation through non-voting.

G(4)   Over the years, many of the religious exemptions and operational exclusions for faith-based organizations have been eroding or stripped away altogether. These include protections for churches (abortion and gay adoption), the boy scouts (only heterosexual scoutmasters), and select charities (no purpose-directed assistance) … such that the Biblical principles for which they stood have lapsed … not unlike our pledge of allegiance to the Republic for which it stands.

G(5)   What hypocrites these publishers and booksellers are for kowtowing to Islamic fanatics. Any book ridiculing an entire race (not white) or an entire sex (not male) would certainly be pulled from the shelf or banned immediately. Idealists believe in the First Amendment without exception — except of course for conservatives or Christians or Semitic Jews. Great hypocrites that they are, they support the Islamic faith without question or criticism, though many Muslim nations still permit rampant slavery, advocate for the killing of gays, the oppression of women, and the ceaseless vanquishing of American capitalism (Boeding, 2017). They also despise and persecute any faith or national culture which denounces their Islamic religion or presents it in a negative light. Some day, those who have always upheld the right of publishers to print whatever, on any topic, or to draw any caricature, to produce any sleaze-ball column — all in the name of freedom, should project on a time when people will stop respecting the rights of any press or media outlet which has stopped respecting a baseline of rights in their own homeland that gives expressed dignity to all mankind.

G(6)   Washington D.C. residents have long sought state-like home rule, and the city’s representatives have petitioned Congress for the privilege numerous times. Toward that end, you would think council members and the citizens themselves would saintly rise to that prospect by promptly acting with uprightness and dignity in demonstrated virtue and worthiness of self-rule. Quite the contrary, for decade after decade they have repeatedly shielded criminals and voted in support of contemptible practices and repugnant mayors like Marion Barry, whom FBI agents in 1990 caught in a hotel room with a much younger women smoking a crack pipe (Trott, 2014). After having been arrested and involved in nearly a half-dozen disreputable scandals, voters kept returning Barry to office as either mayor or councilman. The city council has continually striven to promote political malfeasance and preferred partisan corruption over impartial ‘rule’ by an honest government. More recently, they have tried to defund the police and even proudly named a street after BLM. Still struggling to maintain the lowest possible level of morality, the Council recently passed a law, overriding the veto of even an astonished liberal mayor, which softened the punishment for homicide, robberies, and car-jackings (Willis, 2023). Idolaters never cease their worship of Evil until they succeed in transforming everyone into little Devils. Co-tenant with them in D.C. is the (wretched) federal government which tries (literally) most cases against their political opponents in D.C. courts within which they know the juries, being 95% liberal, make every decision a ‘Democratic’ done deal.

G(7)   A point is made in justification of official grief that the average American citizen must be submissive and obey the law, and trust that the politicians do as well. Forthwith we know that politicians never do anything well. No personage or official agency has its hands tied — because that person is ‘bound’ or because some decree exists, demanding “the law must be followed”.  Those who make the law don’t have to obey it, remember? Aside from what has already been stated here and elsewhere, note that persons on criminal trial (as in DC above) no longer have the right to question their accusers if that accuser (witness) is the government itself, no longer are entitled to all supposed (made up) government evidence that the Prosecutors have against them, both accuser and evidence being held unrevealed because of natural security. Elsewhere and similarly, discrimination laws become suddenly halted in company lawsuits when their Human Resources section decide that the figures of the relative-comparison (favored) group are strictly private and unreachable. Corrupt courts encourage and enforce this tactic of underhanded and secreted inaccessibility of what could be exonerating Truth.

G(8)   Numerous actions belie our supposedly harmonious relations with China. The communist regime there is flagrant about spying on America, completely devious about signing and honoring trade agreements, and rejects the notion of American companies’ intellectual property rights. For our part, we welcome thousands of Chinese citizens into the U.S. every year at our universities and other facilities who then send back intelligence to their government (Dilanian, 2020). We hammer American companies for not honoring workers’ rights here, but allow the Chinese to make slaves of the Uyghurs and to continually violate children’s rights (China: crimes against humanity, 2021) (Burkert, 2022).

G(9)   Politicians and communications staff stare directly at the camera and tell the American public that the border is not open, even as millions of illegals cross over, and tons of dangerous drugs enter the U.S. killing tens of thousands of American citizens every year (Yang, 2022). Democrats who lie about being tough on immigration don’t really care what happens to our country, our culture, our children, or our future. Republicans consent to the destruction of America by their silence. Neither party hardly realizes or can scarcely fathom that they are committing suicide at the same time. Little concerned about the present, politicians only care about enriching themselves now and amassing wealth protection for the future. Expressing nonchalance about the need for a border or the construction of any border wall, government officials are almost apoplectic about putting blockades around the Capitol for every major ceremonial event in Washington lest, God forbid, visitors appear wanting to peer over at our great Democracy at work, and riot their outrage. By exclusive coincidence, at their home residences, politicians, celebrities and corporate bigshots are positively maniacal about constructing high security walls around their properties to prevent envious onlookers from admiring their sacred, overstated, and ultra-prosperous lifestyles, paid for, of course by the convoluted masses, also no longer “American”.

G(10) During President Obama’s two terms in office, he committed numerous desecrations and violations of the law and/or its posted regulations. One of his first acts was placing the Census Bureau directly under White House control, then applying pressure upon them to falsify official records and information reporting (Crudele, 2013). Trying to get honest, useful information on the demographics of America from the Census Bureau is like trying to get unfiltered returns from Google or Yahoo requests, which flags everything, regardless of the question, with either sponsored commercialization, liberal political deflection, or sudden flash pop-ups (or all three). Their job is to hide the news on the decline of America, not substantiate it.

Barack Obama ordered his Attorney General, Eric Holder, to not enforce the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) (Department of Justice Official Release, 2011), which was an act in legal defiance of Congress and in negligence of his official Executive duty. This reportedly upright man of integrity, this Messiah, Barack Obama, the person in charge of keeping illegals out of the country, had, during his presidency, an illegal aunt and an illegal uncle, both knowingly defying deportation, about which he did nothing (Moorhead, 2011). In both the Obama and the Biden administrations, the immigration laws have been totally neglected, allowing anyone, including terrorists, to come in, pursuant to dispersing them in conservative regions by flying them overnight to avoid detection (Devine, Morphet, Dheehan, Sadowski, & Golding, 2021). Such actions are not only illegal, they are analogous in criminal terms to transporting a minor across state lines for illicit purposes. Biden continues his defiance of civil rights by ordering every agency in the federal government to have its own equity-preference team to assure that all new-hires and service-directed activity are aimed in benefit of only women, minorities, and unqualified members of the LGBTQ+ community. “Whites”, even those from the Middle East and Northern Africa, are not entitled to any privileges under Biden’s plan (Kasperowicz, 2023). Already the White House has impinged on employee civil rights by forcing them to swear allegiance to the corrupt administration rather than America. He also suspended or fired any worker or military personnel who refused to take the CoVid vaccine shot (a clever form of litmus test to determine political loyalty) (Burch & Abelson, 2022).

G(11)   Despite prohibitions against cigarette smoking, the government has issued ‘safe smoking kits’ (i.e., crack pipes) to many urban areas along the East Coast (Patteson, 2022). Social justifiers and advocates of legalizing all drugs, extremely dangerous or not, try to pass off their use (and many other personally harmful actions) as one man’s right and merely a wayward forgivable wrong. “What that one person does to himself is in liability or dereliction of duty to his own body.” We witnessed this early on in numerous un-besieged San Francisco drug camps — multiple individuals in practice and neglect of social responsibility. But they say, “Heh, what’s the problem; it’s not a forest fire, just a spark”. Today in the midst of the fentanyl crossings and the opioid crisis, pull the hammer on a larger truth: the hold of every flash pan is to spark the firing of an outward-seeking bullet.

G(12)   The idiocy and bias of federal actions may be exemplified by this one incident. When President Obama’s Department of Education Civil Rights Division found that the women’s bleachers and scoreboard did not match the men’s in magnitude and features, the government used Title IX implications to make the school tear down the men’s bleachers and scoreboard rather than provide funding to help them erect an equal or better set for the women (they couldn’t afford both) (Rohrbach, 2014). Crookedly, the Title IX statute is now being used to force women to compete against transgendered men on that “equal playing field”.

G(13)   Self-described democratic socialist and frequent capitalism basher, Bernie Sanders, has become very wealthy over the years for his playing the anti-corporation card, while at the same time going around lecturing and passing around the collection plate at campaign fundraisers charging capitalist traitors and foolish donors an extravagant amount per dinner plate.  Despite pretending to be “for the average working man”, his only real love is for communism and the socialist workers’ contingency which he serves and has been known to party with. Sanders currently owns three homes, including a special summer vacation home he acquired just three weeks after (allegedly) pledging to endorse Hillary Clinton, thereby leaving the field wide open for her Presidential run (Buhler, 2016). After years of railing against billionaire companies and all the rich businessmen who cheat the tax system, his hypocrisy and uncouthness finally caught up to him as he now must report himself to the IRS as a privileged member of the millionaire income club. Now only the billionaires irritatingly bother him and frustrate his envious speeches on votive bracketed wealth.

G(14)   The so-called (Warren) Buffett Rule has been a tongue-in-cheek part of the aristocratic tax plan since 2011 — intended (to express a desire) to make millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share of taxes comparable to the rates of middle-class families. His notoriety for proposing it, seemingly against his own interests, surreptitiously demonstrates his concern for the country and universal fairness among the people. The old maxim of “it’s what they do that counts, not what they say” has never been more appropriate since Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway investment firm has been one of the primary expediters of convincing and funding American companies to locate offshore or create headquarters in countries with lower taxes, including the expatriation of Burger King in its move to Canada at the expense of American workers (Neville, 2014).

G(15)   One of the most active proponents of environmental cleanup, enhancement, and natural protection, so he claims, President Biden has done everything he possibly can to worsen the environment and to make life more difficult for poor people, since taking office in 2021. He immediately closed down the Keystone Pipeline project, ostensibly for security reasons, preferring oil and dangerous chemicals be transported over decrepit rail lines which undergo more than 1000 derailments every year, endangering populations and cities along their routes, and poisoning the streams and the soil, killing nearby animals which happen to come in contact with these spilled bio-hazards (Rascius, 2023). Biden has sought to handicap the American oil industry’s attempt to produce clean-burning oil and gas, while giving permission to buy much dirtier oil from Venezuela and other places (Kliegman, 2023). After driving up the price of oil globally, many people in the poorer nations don’t have enough fuel to use for cooking or to keep them from freezing during the wintertime. As the White House pushes to get rid of the internal combustion engine because it’s bad for the environment, it throws the weight of the federal government behind electric vehicles, which still rely on the oil-fed power grid, construction of major components in aggressively evil China; and whose need for rare materials in the creation of batteries and other crucial parts are obtained through the raping of the earth and the employment of thousands of poor people and children digging underground often under horrible working conditions (Alcorn, 2019). Biden also canceled leases on America’s own much more efficiently operated copper and nickel mines (Tabuchi, 2022).

G(16)   The Sierra Club and other environmental organizations, which have earned a reputation for safeguarding parklands and other natural wonders, either greatly support open borders or express no qualms about allowing millions of illegal resource-users — more polluters and more environmental-degraders — into this country every year (Center for Immigration Studies, 2019).

G(17)   Some of the young protesters against the first Iraqi war claimed a moral high-ground because it was “really fought for oil”, and not for saving the people of Kuwait. Yet these same youngsters took for granted, and without penance paid, their own petrol-luxurious lifestyles, their well-lit and wasteful fuel-heated homes, while driving around in fancy gas-guzzling cars and SUVs: on the road to claiming all the modern vanities and oil-dependent privileges of their opulent impertinent existence. Today, the ecologists and environmentalists carry on that same hypocrisy whenever they call for all cessation of oil-drilling in America, but not elsewhere in poorer countries; and weep not a tear for the ravenous destruction of the forests, the killing of protected animals, in order to extract rare minerals for their cellphones, electric vehicles, and gadget-laden super homes.

G(18)   Official ambassadors and rich capitalists love to make a show out of attending economic conferences or environmentally green events, often at the public’s expense. “Experts” such as Jeff Bezos, Prince Charles, and Boris Johnson; Greta Thunberg, John Kerry, Michael Bloomberg, and others, endeavor to ‘save’ the planet and the natural world by imprudently travelling there in expensive private jets spewing tons of pollution and non-renewal energy; then causing road-blocking cavalcades or joining in motorcade procession in order to luxuriate at their reserved fantastically-energized, highly-secured facilities. Sometimes they take side-trips or layovers on the way there for dinner and amusement. On a recent trip to Scotland, the jets expended as much carbon emission as 1400 average (poor) people do in an entire year (Williams, 2021). When confronted about the hypocrisy, they immediately pull out their “carbon offset” exceptionality pass. An obvious upset of this “offset trick” is easily presented:

  1. There is no real scientific correlation between energy use and the related effects of expending hazardous fumes and highly poisonous gases into the atmosphere with the supplicating planting of a single tree or a forest of trees as an offset. How long must one/two/three or however many trees live, supposedly helping to purify the air and reclaiming the lost land, in order to make up for all their wasted energy (which is never replaced) and all their flights of fanciful aerated pollution?
  2. No one is ever appointed to be responsible for tracking the tree plantings; or afterward, for going back to audit their health and survival. The offset program represents a kind of ponzi scheme with no real check on the returns (Pearce, 2022).

Climatologists and other long-time unprincipled government backers, like “Inconvenient Truth” author, Al Gore, declare with near viciousness about how big and what kind of car the average person should own, how much water your toilet should hold, the kind of light bulbs or ovens you should use. But they put no limits on themselves or how they should haply abide … in expansive inefficient mansions or in coastal villas subject to flooding under the oft-projected irresistibly rising sea level brought about by the climate-warming of the ocean ice and glaciers (Perry, 2010). Likewise, the Obamas, who were reportedly impoverished upon entering the White House, have since become the proud owners of numerous properties throughout the country, including Washington DC, Chicago, Martha’s Vineyard, and Hawaii. The latter two mansions were purchased knowing their placement within the oceans’ critical (danger) area, as conjectured under the 12-year apocalyptic warning window for imminently rising waters. Concerned neighbors and tactful environmentalists have also warned that the seawall on the Obamas’ Hawaiian property has hastened the erosion of the coastline (Gordon, 2022).

G(19)   Environmentalists unsparingly extort the prolific use of windmills that divert large tracts of land (or water) from food (fishing) use and whose turbines hurt many local and migrating birds (Max Planck Society, 2022). Solar panels are also deployed over vast acreage, depriving the native population of its use and integration with the agricultural and biological systems. Behind it all, the well-meaning globalists (what few there are) aim to make the rest of the world as prosperous (and as obnoxiously wasteful) as Americans are, even though that would entail fracturing the natural environment by supplying enough biomass, fossil fuels, and mineral resources for at least a third more of the world’s population (currently living on just a couple of dollars a day). Lifting more than two billion people out of poverty to an equivalent standing of living as ourselves would drain the earth of its current limited natural extractability (The World Counts, 2023). Everyday Americans waste enough food to feed entire nations. Our pets often eat better than many humans on the planet (and have better healthcare too). Americans also frivolously waste gasoline, electricity, and other energy resources on leisure activities. We manufacture products guaranteed for obsolescence, packaged in non-renewable plastic, to be buried in mounds at landfills or just discarded on the streets (Center for Sustainable Systems, 2021). Wastefulness is a sin affordable only to the careless rich. Why are we trying to make everyone else just as earth-contemptuous as ourselves?

G(20)   Isn’t it queer how those who declare themselves devout followers of the “natural way”, who claim to love animals religiously, who are frantic about protecting wildlife and the environment … are very much members of the same crowd who advocate for the LGBTQ+ community and who wholly believe that gayness, queerness, masochism, pedophilia, and other indicators of human degradation should be forcefully imposed on innocent school children, the pure products of “natural reproduction”. Never trust any ‘naturalist’ or any ‘lover of the natural environment’ or any proponent of ‘natural evolution’ who will not give order for diagnosis and medical prescription of “natural Love”, that being between a man and a woman – solely (soulfully) paired.

And in transit, even more strange “persons”, cite those who by declaring themselves trans, gay, queer, or whatever their like, do so shamelessly in consideration of themselves as “in-human”; i.e., more than human, hence a “better” human than you will ever be. They cannot stop proving it every day by shoving it down your throat, as fascist bullies do. What kind of a person thinks and acts this way? Only the fraudulent and the fallen.

In the fail-safe sighting of observational launch, how many group-home fellows choose to become trans or gay or to act queerly — not without some coaching and sinister coaxing? As someone who has been around them all my life, I would have to say none at all. If these children of the Lord did not naturally twist themselves inside out, honoring the voice, instead, of natural instinct, who should, but that them who have not properly functioning brains?

G(21)   Entertainment hypocrisy is appallingly ripe, and noxiously replete in the mortal tease of their salacious stage performances. Studio executives who love to stand in line (on screen) for political reform and economic equality often offshore the sites of their movie shootings to other countries like Canada, Mexico, and elsewhere where taxes are lower or in American states that aren’t unionized. Their constant stabbing about historical U.S. political hypocrisy, such as the McCarthy era which they love to reminisce about, doesn’t hold a (camera) candle to today’s current media defaming, blacklisting, or outright exclusion of right-leaning conservatives from public discussion. They loudly proclaim their hatred of the common folk as racists and sexually bigoted while levying every vile movement, pernicious money-grabbing scheme, and anti-American concession to get obscenely wealthy from their patronization. Stars who glamourize themselves in the news by vocally denouncing violence and monogyny against women are part of the promise — the enticement at the ticket window — for their glorious presentations of senseless violence, their participation in drug-infested, girl name-calling, and woman-abusing pictures or lascivious gangsta’ videos. Rappers attract millions of dollars from their former brothers and sisters in the ‘hood’, then give little cultural payback to the neighborhood in the form of youth assistance, club associations, and artistic involvement. No, they are too busy buying fancy cars, expensive mansions, and adorning themselves with outrageous fashion bling, probably bled from cheap labor in China, India, and Thailand (Tiger, 2022). Hedonistic celebrities who are always sounding the emergency alarm on the loss of the environment or bemoan America’s fire-sale attitude toward the callously-spent, the obsolete, and the discarded, after requiring so much energy and time to produce, completely shun the idea of fracking, pumping natural gas, and creating cheaper nuclear energy. Theirs is a formulation of lifestyle that dedicates an entire air-conditioned hangar for their memorabilia (Viladas, 1993) or devote a fully operational garage, mechanics included, for the harboring of an extravagant car collection. They abhor the police and the use of guns except in their film presentations or as exercised in the personal use for their own security and bodyguards.

Producers and financiers like Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein were already well-known (behind the scenes) as womanizers and pedophiles. Concerning the (legendary) political scandal about a gay congressman and his male prostitute years ago, it used to be in a higher age of morality that the politician would at least assure the public that although he may have erred by having sex (in a term vaguely defined here) with a male prostitute prior to engaging him in government employment (as a kind of shill), he would never, never, ever have an affair with someone who literally works under him. Isn’t it nice to know that there were still some limits, still some minimum level of scrupulous impulses, directing his disgustingly sensuous desires. The congressperson claimed afterward that it was merely his intention to reform the prostitute! Like a killer who has murdered several people, then criticizes the victims’ families for not obeying God’s commandment to forgive; the congressman then appealed to the religiosity of the people to do the Christian thing and vote him back into office. You get what you pay for, as the lobbyists are propositioned to say. Creepers and creeps growing wild in untended fields … ritually strangling the grain before it is blessed with harvest.

G(22)   With what candor and honest concern does anyone criticize an Epstein, for example, when the whole of the public education system is in the business of demoralizing children, misinforming them about Nature, and converting them into sexual deviants (Newman, 2022)?

G(23)   Forward to those who reconcile the hypocrisy (as was often accused and excused of President Clinton in his ‘heyday’), “let only his performance count, not his private transactions”. Recall a similar trial in sports, when the gambling of Pete Rose in his private life led to a spillover into the public sphere. A cynical critic of that day might have warned, “If the sports industry tolerates such actions, and the fans accept and enjoy the play, then let the sinful carry forth his winning ways”. Howbeit, putting the stories together, consider how much harder it makes the practice of governance when people realize that politicians and officials are just like Pete Rose and others who use their wealth and position to gamble, or like Marion Barry to smoke crack and hire prostitutes, and altogether wager away their responsibility. If this is why you bought your stadium ticket, little less distinguishes the purchase of a public official except his cost. How do we inspire the next generation of youngsters to higher ideals and earnest citizenship participation, when the politicians are just there to “calculate their betting sheets and make love to their pages”?

G(24)   Medieval people used to believe that the angry tempests of Nature and the irregular storming of heaven were in response to all the smoke-driven sins of mankind exhaustively rising up to unsettle and rile an ill-tempered atmosphere. Society laughs now at such quaint and superstitious beliefs; but in a way, they were right. During the 1980s, there were several years of record heat and drought, perhaps conjunctively tied to all the chemical burning and all the aerosol sprays we produced and used without thinking. Out of capitalist expedience, or just lack of government oversight, little had been done to ameliorate the problem of smog and other emission pollutants. That was our sin. Much of our social and racial disharmony today that we scarcely strive to put a damper on or press to extinguish effectively irritate the air and cross-train the social winds of the global Jetstream, thereby increasing international tensions and civil turmoil.

Psychiatrists and sociologists conspicuously have likewise done very little to reinforce the frailty of the human mind or to rebound the degenerative losses of communicative diseases. In un-scrubbed medical labs, little care or ‘pain’ is taken to effect recovery from serious wartime debilitations or simply the manifest ravages of old age. Even curing simple ailments like kidney stones or common diseases like the cold or the flu seems well beyond their competence level. Of course, it could be that they are too financially distracted by the demand for beautifying plastic surgery, weight reduction, or enhanced sexual performance. Virologists have their microscopic hands full just trying to find a vaccine for purely preventable diseases like AIDS or the monkey pox (self-inflicted contrivances). In the community setting, society surrenders nearly all of its freedom in practitioner defeat — right down to our personal habit of locking our doors every night or the need to wind up our car windows in the parking lots during a sweltering summer day for fear of someone breaking in. We, as a creature unit, have come to expect misery and violence all around us. That is our collaborative injunction on sin, the incessant streaming of our carrier mood — evaporating overhead in precipitative somber downpour.

G(25)   There is no logic in you: you say, ‘select based on ability’ and consult the ultimate expertise. We are not born Gods. The surviving oak was at first favored in its youth. There is also something wrong in saying, “We should do (i.e., job) that which we love”. We all begin simply, which, when mastered, makes us experts, makes us feel safe; wherefore, this security becomes our ‘supposed love’. Then, for the tedious and demeaning labors, in time we might develop a pride of competition, perseverance, or sense of ownership (e.g., miners, farmers, lumbermen, and the like).

G(26)   There is no logic in you: you argue against free will by noting that ‘evil’ ubiquitously exists un-hamstrung. Contrarily, there is, well also, love (that we may know), and kinder words yet to be spoken, warmer hearts waiting to be touched, better acts still to be performed uplifting the soul outstanding … because a Christ lived. By these, strap ye on your mountain tackle, gather your saving ropes and your binding locks, and echo follow the master climber.

G(27)   There is no logic in you: thus you declare, “Evil is a disease of the environment”. Your cure for disease is to eliminate the cause and maybe change dietary intake, start being more active, and living healthier outdoors. Yet you will not commit yourself or society to a healthful personality reform and retrenchment, submitting yourself in regulation of a transformational morality.

G(28)   And then, there are those among you who use ‘living a lie’ as an excuse for their own inappropriate behavior. You say, “I must be free to be who I am – to be what Mother Nature really intended for me to be”. Strange how you should know the willful intentions of an unacknowledged and dishonored divinity. Stranger, still, that you would then implore science and doctors to provide the medicine and the surgery needed to carry forth the program of turning you into what you said you are already are. Everyone is, by wanton projection and insisted predilection, born a sinner, and deserving of final judgement, whether religiously perceived or not; of the curse of damnation, that by the course of the self-forging or the striking of heavenly fire. Obtuse in the manner of your acute thinking, no one should ever try to conform to the norms of social civility or to abide by any code of morality. No one should ever attempt to manifest a higher vision of glowing angelic light.

G(29)   There is no logic in you: you say, government should not impose its will on an individual. Let his belief be his. Notwithstanding, government demands you send your children to public institutions, where indoctrination plates are set, and chunks of formal animosity served.

There is no logic in you: you say, nothing is set in stone, since even the bell-tone must be wrung for a mother to be maternal, a woman to be feminine, a man to be masculine. This much is hers; the rest is communicated to her. At the same crying, you say, homosexuality is an inevitable characteristic of nature. Would you claim the same for artistry and music and dance dexterity — all special blessings curdled up within the wine barrel of your strapping desires? “They must be what they must be” — when the tipsy needlepoints of timing and aging are according to your season-watch.

G(30)   “But I have a right to be different!” No one has the right to be contrary, even in the undertow of a converse stream; or to make others pay for your tokens of deluded mis-strokes. For years you have ignored better humanity’s call for repentance and consent. You have despised salvation’s offers of for-giveness, forsaking its goodness and mercy instead. Therefore, the spirit of wisdom is despised in you, and the Spirit of grace will not come unvexed to you.

A popular scene once parodied in movies and other performances beggared the lead from his/her dubious despair, “You shouldn’t be wishing to be someone else; you’re the best (John Smith) there is. Be yourself!” How would that work today in this age of transgendered being? A much more outrageous rebuke cautioned, “You married me for who I am! Don’t try to change me!” The fully-paid garners no refund.

Leave him alone. He could be the best-surveyed, most lazy, utterly no-good, unclean, crude, and spoiled SOB (son of a John Smith) there ever was.

G(31)   Heard in society, an unmarried (poor) woman saying, “It’s my right to have as many kids as I want”, then applies for government welfare, relying on others to provide for subsidized housing, food stamps, child care, head-start, special teaching instruction, free meals, over each their lifetimes. Many of the same people (liberals) who vote to open the borders for illegal activity, also vote to open the gates of extended benefits to people for immoral activity. Both extensions of beneficence to undeserving candidates (the illegal and the fatherless child) are, as I have noted before in previous articles, impositions against the tax-paying citizens and violations of their ‘equal protection under the law’, as chartered in the Constitution. However, because courts are so inept and their judges so corrupt, no one will summon suit against the nakedness of stripping citizenship rights. No government agency will dare to withhold those illegal fringe benefits listed above or at least make them in extenuation of (no) drug use, alcoholism, disorderly civil conduct, etc. especially in sanctuary cities, for fear of being labeled as ethnic bigots or baby killers (ironically by abortionists).

G(32)   Another fine story-telling involves giving historical privilege to minorities, allegedly for past injustices, on the basis of looks and not historical background. A black African, for example, fresh off the boat from Nigeria a few months prior, can receive favorable status over and above Americans (native or colonized) strictly by having shared looks with current Black Americans. Whereas, a Caucasian, regardless of residency and prominent ancestry, whose family registry includes great-great- … grandfathers who fought and died during the Civil War to end slavery, or who fought in WWI and WWII to keep the world free and democratic, would not only be neglected, but penalized for his light-skin appearance. [For if not by any receipt of historical injustice, then make the candidate prove his/her recent delay of station and current travel harm in contemporary judicial hearing.]

A backslidden affront to logic goes like this — having set a banquet place for affirmative action as a necessary equalizer, no watch on assault is taken to avoid the old carpetbagger experience, as pertaining to this New South, making sure the newly installed officials are not also fully empowered to commit the same type of (reverse) discrimination by seeing to it that only blacks are hired or given preference in derogation of all other races. Like all vain beings, should blacks be thus allowed on their own to select employment preference, cultural demeanor, the social rules and their inexorable enforcement, then basic civil rights of equality would again be infringed. A recent college graduate is not preferable to a life-long employee; appearance does not outweigh experience.

G(33)   A county clerk in Kentucky was jailed for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples (Wynn & Wolfson, 2015). Legions of war-like “humble” gays, who already had civil unions, and whose whole alternative lifestyle was just a few decades out from being declared a ‘disease’ by the entire psychiatric profession, postured then with cruel arrogance to demand incarceration for a woman standing up for society and her religious beliefs. Such was their unsociable attitude and their lack of humanitarian sympathy solidified in the fluid of a gesture given. Subsequently, the media, always projecting the liberal attack, berated the clerk, saying, “She should have followed the recent court ruling (like the Word of God) and issued the licenses”. End of reasonable story. Where was the Supreme Court and all her critics when the Justice Department under the Obama administration refused to honor and enforce the duly passed DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act)? Where were they (in obedience to their other duties) when the borders were being overrun, illegals raped or left to die in the desert, drugs allowed to cross over our country’s borders deliberately left unmanaged and unchecked? Why aren’t ordinary citizens allowed to sue the mayors of the sanctuary cities who refuse to obey the law by reporting illegal residents who work? Only the disenfranchised American and the shameful hypocritical judges know why.

G(34)   In Texas a high school principal was fired because she asked students not to speak Spanish while in the classroom proper — which is in accordance with State rules (Zennie, 2014). That’s what happens when members of a minority group start dominating majority custom. Hence a corollary description to the democratic understanding of ‘those in power need not follow the law or are allowed to avoid (escape) its ramifications’. Add now, ‘Those who dominate the vote (or have master control over the voting system) set the rules of genteel inclusion or frightful exclusion, of logical conformity or cruel disempowerment’. No member of the lower class is ever raised (saved) by the lifting of social control.

G(35)   Here we see again the instigation of a seeming Jesus Christ paradox to the socially-warranted issue of corresponding and appropriate punishment. What has happened to the gaggle of media who have spent the last six years contriving lies and bad press about Trump and about America’s white-supremacist insurrection? Nothing. What has happened to all the Congress people who tried to impeach Trump and his whole family at the drop of a hat, or a phone call, or a friend, even while ignoring the bribery, influence peddling, and pilfering of the Biden crime family that have transpired over decades? Nothing. What has happened to all those federal officials who misdirected justice, participated in government mischief, and persecuted honest conservatives and Christians time and time again? Nothing. What happens when those in service to America don’t step up to amend the actions of its own offenders of Constitutional freedom? It becomes an invitation for them, and other wrongdoers in replication of them, to commit more of the same violations over and over again.

Cunningly, they bid us to “turn the other cheek”, and remind us that “forgiveness is divine”; and it’s against God’s commandments to seek vengeance or retributive justice. It is never wrong to correct someone in spoken error of the truth; likewise, it is never wrong to rectify the acts of physical errancy. Before love and grace are reconciled in Christ, all things must be rectified on the propitiation altar of Spiritually sanctioned fire.

G(36)   To follow in suit, a further dressing down of capitalism: people hire persons most like themselves (and try to swindle or hang everyone else not of that merrily framed and plotted lynch party). We see this elucidated in the expression itself, “We like people more who tend to look like ourselves”; or like kinds embrace similar bonding and like association.

G(37)   Participants in interracial marriages boldly leverage themselves as “special”. They have overcome the inclinations of similarity and likeness (above), and are therefore fervently ‘superior’. They never seem to recognize their own hypocrisy of declaring their relationship as love’s natural calling of the eminently predestined, hence making themselves impervious to charges of racial betrayal or family name-calling — while everyday belittling masses of people for their height, weight, fatness, and ugliness, to be sure; but also, in snobbish fashion, their lack of proper wear, money, status, notoriety, and cultural suaveness. If there is nothing remarkable or exclusively differentiable about skin color, how much less the superficial dressing of Paris clothes, makeup, costume jewelry, and weekly (weakly) Beverly Hills haircuts? To be consistent and respectful, such people of mixed desires should never brag about themselves ever again or, conversely, ever put down anyone for having slighted physical disabilities. They must never point to other people and say, “Look at that nerd” or that “gross slob” or that “gray-haired old geezer”; nor should they ever sit down with their friends in idle gossip of same. They must forsake all judgement about others, except for their intentional sins. As for their own station and self-justification in life, these partners in interracial conspiracy rejected their own kind. At some point in that high life, they must have assessed themselves “too good for a man/woman of my own race”. So, they married outside their race … outside of what made them and the family that indemnified them to the trials and outlook of misadventure. Question not the female partner as for her seed she despises — little caring who would genetically, mentally, and physically model themselves after her … her children, born vainly discolored, whose skin won’t even bare a blush: lets beauty slide in lost powdery mist, leaves sadlymissed her smoky complexion.

G(38)   Offer young women who are always preening themselves, forever putting lotion on to make their skin softer and more appealing, soothing cream, hydrating moisturizer, and also face powder and makeup to cover their blemishes and other imperfections. Such that, they fret and bemoan every morning acne alarm, every zit, every brown spot and blackhead, every pimple and worrisome wrinkle … for all the good they do for their children by bypassing every man shaded and learned in faith like them, flustered and bothered with them, suffering in mirror image … for their dating and marrying found reserved in the ‘find’ of a lifetime, a man of tannest skin ever: the Ann Dunham – Barack Obama Sr. legacy. They do also scoff at any woman less prone to be made up (artificially) like they; and become envious of any woman less needing of repair. The hypocrisy of self is an untoward look at others.

G(39)   It is another reckoning of a truth in passing for how anyone judges ‘looks’. A minority male is asked to announce his preference for future girlfriend/wife. “I’m not particular, but I favor a beautiful young blond.”

Well, that may be getting difficult to find since — by your own actions — natural blonds are becoming rarer, disappearing in fact, from the roundabout (urban) setting of the earth.

“That’ okay; a strawberry blonde or even a ginger will do.”

They are disappearing even faster.

“Then how about an auburn-haired lovely, or maybe one with silky black tresses …”

Again, too bad …  And what would be your favorite features, regarding eye color, skin texture, nose projection, and size of lips?

“I think a woman with blue eyes, a pointed nose, and soft pouting lips would be perfect.”

Too bad; they’re also a swiftly disappearing lot.

“How about green eyes and a skin with an exotic look; they’re very enticing?”

You really are asking for a rarity.

“Well, she should at least be naturally adept, barely using lipstick or makeup, yet still displaying blushing cheeks which suggest her kindness, interest, and innocence.”

Sorry, they too are recent has-beens.

“Well, what does it matter as long as she’s strong, athletic, in good shape, is physically skilled, and loves children?”

Again …

Are not all posted advertisements of charming beauty and featured articulation just cagey indicators of pasted likes — to be interpreted as dog-whistles for bigotry? Is not all discrimination a preference partiality for the dissemination of prejudice? Equally beheld within the spotlight of favored stars are others in the scene (seen) of falling meteors. Desirable loves and cherished friends necessarily cast the rest of humanity’s caste into a tasteless underclass of distasteful, untouchable rejects.

G(40)   What does it mean when you call someone ‘brother’ or ‘sister’, and another you deliberately refrain to notice or make boring salute? By avoiding familiarity, you infer that any other person is not a real member of your family — be that personal home-sharer, fellow church-goer, or ancestral-claimer of human being. It is one of the most racist distinctions a person can ever make, saying he or she is just an animal deserving of unconcern, indifference, and callous rejection. All life is spent throwing yourself into somebody else’s face, telling him how much more wealth you have, how much more popular you are, how much better a person you are — if only by the elastic choosing of an artificially-refined ‘identity’.

G(41)   I give you a new definition of ‘racist’ — as anyone who will not allow others to speak their minds, even if it hurts, for fear you will call them prejudiced or unworthy of Word respect not collared as his own. Like women, outside the highlight of self-reflection, who sit around restaurant dining tables flattering themselves for their gluttony of power-eating, though never enlightening themselves on the better humility of ‘quiet’ drought and the famished lack of self-control (for fast food and talk).

 To those who wallow in micro-aggressions every day, how many times have you said, “See you later”, or “Nice seeing you”, or “I’ll be seeing you”, or “Seeing is believing”, and the lot? Does not knowingly saying these things in the light of a group of blind persons constitute a micro-aggression?

G(42)   Things they decry every day in the workplaces as offenses, or on the streets as belittling or quarrelsome, liberals make a posture of doing all the time to shame and hurt people they don’t like. The day is coming when a person will be attacked sitting at a stoplight, for reason of just listening to a country song while maybe wearing a cowboy hat; or just listening to an audio-cast of a faith healer. In any case, it’s because the rural, the American, the religious is strangely out of place in today’s new vindictive and irreparably disturbed urban/suburban culture. I scarcely can count how many times cars and trucks have pulled beside me carelessly booming their loud thumping music, underwritten by, ridden with, racist lyrics, curse words, anti-cracker and anti-police rhetoric, and ethnic protestation. These are the same people who are always telling you what you can or cannot do. Such hypocrisy is irrelevant to them: they feel they have the (government-granted) right to enjoy what they want and do what they want anytime and anywhere they like, no matter how many other people’s lives around them are offended or diminished (out of conscientious tolerance). Underneath it all, they feel they have the right to hate you, not just for whom you support, but for how you look, how you dress, and how you act. They don the warpaint and hair band, the long-face on how you voted (as denoted by your cap, the words on your shirt, or just the color of your skin). The progressive liberals have started a wave of racist hatred that can only end in the slaughter of the innocents — which will only consume them when the wave returns. Undaunted, they gather their lives inside residential mansions, behind hot-fire gates, surrounded by suburban swamplands and lifeguards of Hell’s Angels to protect them.

G(43)   On numerous occasions since the mid-1980s, protesters in Washington D.C. have displayed the gimmick of an old-fashioned style of the American-family quilt as a point of sympathy and sorrow for lesbians, gays, and resolute AIDS victims. A bedding of blanket comforter stolen from society in the night. The ‘quilted’ used to mark important events in the life of traditional families stitched together: marriage, birth of a child, graduation, a member leaving home or going off to war. Only in the twisted eye and hypocritical mind of self-righteous usurpers could lesbian and gay marchers be allowed to present a display emblematic of their cultural enemies: the historic American family.

G(44)   Some time ago, I wished a kind of ironic kindness award on gay rights groups who brandished in their Washington protests a traditional grandma-like quilt, apparently to commemorate the growing list of staunch believers and now staunched disease. The insolence of using the very symbol of family generational expression I thought would never be surpassed. Could the ‘open and carefree alternative lifestyle’ of the homosexual couple and/or their community love-fest, steadfast in its disdain for everything wholesome and familial, ever be, hung-over, the mantelpiece in bitter memory of its own contracted drunkenness and the indifferent passing on/out of an unclean sexual disease from the past?

Not long thereafter those early tramplings, much was made of all the mother-and-daughter marches across the country in support of abortion rights. I wonder, whose mothers are these? It couldn’t be these, if they have always presented themselves in accurate assignment and lived (killed) in consistency to their own biological deterrence. And could their claimed daughters that now walk beside them, and they chose not to abort, reflect past mistakes in their presently-housed decision matrix? The protesters were all so careful to differentiate between a ‘fetus’ and a ‘baby’. Maybe the daughters should have proclaimed themselves for what they are: fortunate members and living heirs of the non-aborted fetus club.

G(45)   In a similar misuse of language, President Obama, when confronted with his hypocrisy on licensed marriage for homosexuals — first for, then against, then for — said in December 2010 that he had “evolved” on this issue (Dwyer, 2012). It is almost contemptuous that he would apply the term “evolution”, as a rapprochement(?) or intended sipping away of honest drink from what should be the sacred holy chalice of Last Supper serving. According to Darwin’s and others’ theory of progressive continuation of species, natural selection or the fitting in of adaptable advantages, only become survival traits when they are passed on and enhanced inside future generations through the manifestation of natural procreation — a dead-end process for hateful homosexuals tied to sodomic practice.

A lawyer representing two gay men who wanted to adopt a baby reported, “It’s only natural that they would want to be fathers.” Only natural? Are you saying that they each have some inherent paternal instinct compelling them to create or adopt children? By whose implantation and by what genetic pairing did they acquire this desire to be a father? Is not the hormonal drive of heterosexual men also a nature-sent, imprinted form of genetic persuasion, which they have somehow gainsaid and denied unto the very fiber of their disjointedness? Standards of human engineering and necessary occurrence order that, before fatherhood, before paternity in waiting, there must be a commemoration, a term of foreplay, which embraces sexual coupling. What makes the lawyer think that these two gays possess some natural instinct for fatherhood when they didn’t even intuit a natural design or desire — a precedence of instinct to procreate?

G(46)   Sports authorities, international committees and organizations still highly restrict the use of performance-enhancing drugs, while in the same evil breath, allow athletes to hormonally transgender, subject to very little vetting or testing of beneficial biological favor (gender-wise). Post-game cooling sessions in ice have been metaphorically displaced by genitalia stretching time on the mutilation racks.

In years past, any athlete caught taking steroids and other performance-enhancing supplements would be declared ineligible to participate in sports competition. More recently, authorities have allowed these transgendered men, with chemical aids within, to compete against women. In opposing stance, a turning female easily won the state wrestling championship by defeating other (non-enhanced) girls (Hartley, 2021). An interviewer announced that traditionalists are so uptight about sexuality that they can’t even see the transgendered truth when it stands before them. What is ‘it’ that stands before them … what has not been visually and physically altered? What hypocrisy to assign “permanency” to something as flighty and temporal as this athlete’s presumed “choice” of gender; proceeding in overwrought contention against the traditionalists’ belief of a Nature giving assigned structural rigidity, beyond an (unstable) human apprehension.

The sad fact is, maybe there are people who are occasionally born — not just invented by culture — who are muddled in their sexual constituency, just as there are people who are occasionally born with six fingers or two heads. Rather than reconcile their conditions in a sympathetic manner and curable technique, everyone is now composed to enter a plea and infer an intention of a Mother Nature that is not shaken, and henceforward would only add to their further destabilization (deflowering). No artificial limb for the person born with only one normal leg; no surgery for the child born with cleft lip; no medicine for the child with kidney failings. Next, they will be telling us that everybody should have one of their legs cut off so that every person born with just one full leg will be moving around (operating) on an equal basis. Hardly does the person grasp the larger picture … wincing the fold of a personal life curled in touching fetal position — left askant — bending the appearance of everybody else, who must likewise suffer in contorted replica a physical look outwardly too distorted to see.

G(47)   Adding those days from the vintage golden years of death with today (2019), is the apparition (aberration) causing such divisiveness and disabling of logic in our society such that they have become incapable of deciding any matter of truth outside their personal desires. It must surely count as a proliferation of foolhardiness to accept the crumbled credentials of deviant homosexuality alongside and equal to natural sexuality. And if a science is willing to forsake evolution by holding responsible mankind’s whole existence as a physiological being and a species — to the performance of two males committing sodomy — rather than normal male-female sexual reproduction, what preposterous font of fantasy or peals of cantankerous illogic will society not accept? Were it only in the small matters …, resist not evil. Once a pair of tight pants is stretched beyond its designated size limits (forced acceptance of beliefs), true fit is rarely to be taken aback unto any precise recall of measure.

G(48)   Lesbians, gays, and queers, long forgetful of the mindless lenience extended to them back in the socialist 70s, now boast they are deserving of more rights and benefits than everyone else, especially when they everyday invade and destroy the physical serenity, mental solemnity, and heavenly sanctuary of children in public schools (Newman, 2022). They still vehemently decry the conventions of society — from which all the amenities they enjoy in life are derived: generations of families in laborious and torturous human endeavor over many thousands of years to create that prosperity, responsibly also striving to do the right thing for humanity itself by marrying, having offspring, and passing on their substance and learning in biological genes, structural platform, and universal growth for an optimistic future. What happened to “We must leave a better world for the next generation” (it seems no longer a personal want to have or a social desire to become)?

How is life ever to be made better for any forthcoming children by destroying natural law and common sensibility, giving jobs to foreigners, polluting the social atmosphere like the air we breathe physically, teaching deviancy and encouraging transformation at every qualm of thought discomfort? Schools no longer bother to teach history, civics, or moral lessons of proper behavior. They no long appeal to rational scientific thinking – labeled as racist anyway. They don’t even urge students to be physically active or health-minded. School systems merely sustain the passable, while those of advanced mind, superior ability, and clean spirit are stuck wallowing in the mud of befouled mediocrity.

G(49)   Two fairly recent ‘woman on the street’ interviews (2016 – when Hillary Clinton was running for President) asked some female college students, “Have you ever been pressured to vote for a person because she would be the first woman in that position?” Most responders answered “yes”. Then a separate interview question wondered, “Do you believe there are real (critical) differences between men and women, and what are they?” Without specifying trite delineations, the overwhelming majority of female students responded “there are no real differences of significance”. The preponderance of claims by transgenders now staggering our scurvy-laden culture bids us logically interject, “If there are no real differences between men and women, why should anyone of your scholastic inculcation care who gets elected (man or woman) since, according to transgender ideology, this would involve merely a mannequin’s choice of personal gear thrown in and sliding into robotic placement?” Come, furthermore, sporting no real ‘sexuality’ at all, simply tainted specimens of flesh contemporized to whatever gender identity we wish to have or perceive? Surmised next in thought, even if someone like Hillary Clinton were to get elected, how could we ever be sure a ‘first female’ had actually been elected to that position — pending a medical examination (untrustworthy at best), leading to a not-so-surprising find of really a ‘first transgendered’ President — in keeping with her worn pantsuits controversy and according to her charged masculine exhibitions?

G(50)   A well-known hostess on television (unnamed here), an equally acclaimed proponent of cultural deviancy — being a lesbian herself, said that she has been forced of late to see a psychiatrist on a regular basis for a clinical case of “depression”. Having long since won the battle on gayness, and joyously going around everywhere professing the noble virtues of lesbianism over normal womanhood and subservient mothering, she had sequenced in mind to now march in another conquest to deflect all shame from the “illness” of mental depression. Several points of logic, as if it matters. Was not homosexuality a recognized psychological “illness” not that many years ago before rambunctious protests, sly media campaigning, and paid political pandering overturned that actual scientific assessment and scourged society out of its dedication to natural preservation? Therefore, is it now the hostess’s goal to make ‘depression’ a notable scar she wears with pride, or a boastful keepsake from her time in cultural prison? Or dare, make reversal, “once an illness, always an illness”; and only a remission at best. Any diagnosis today should bring into question what may have been reprehensibly overlooked, misunderstood, and/or deliberately “misrepresented” by the profession earlier. How can a ‘gay’ person ever become depressed anyway?

G(51)   A well-off man who develops an expensive drug habit secretly starts stealing from the company treasury in order to pay for his next fix; or a less well-off man loses his job in similar circumstances, starts panhandling to support himself, and eventually drifts into shoplifting or street theft, imperiling the safety and lives of clean-living citizens. Is it just a coincidence that these illegal acts occurred? No, the diversion of their drug habit enveloped the deviancy of their aim to steal and perhaps become violent in order to support that habit. The drug user, the thief, and the inveterate liar are all one.

President Biden purposefully selected Sam Brinton, a cross-dressing LGBTQ activist, who liked to steal women’s clothes from airports, to be his Department of Energy official (Reilly, 2023). No double-breasted forewarning of illness could have dissuaded Joe Biden from deviating from this decision of achieving primal equity. As more stories started coming out about Brinton’s ongoing theft and outlandish dressing, even the senile and self-deceiving Biden administration couldn’t keep his sins undercover. You can’t separate the tainted actions (cross-dressing) of a person from the staining of his morality, soon rendering his design for living a colored personal defect (theft). The same weakness of character that made the wearing of his own gaudy and outlandish women’s outfits admissible in his mind also made permissible thought of stealing other women’s clothes. Both instances bore the tawdry cloth of an unkempt mind. It is in the nature of vain, often evil, people to think that everyone (already) should feel and act as they do. If they don’t (yet), then it becomes their twisted mission in life to force them to believe and perform in like manner. The only thing more despicable are the liberals who shame integrity by making decency and required devotion to duty irrelevant items on the resume.

G(52)   A so-called 18-year old transgender (girl) who is taking steroids and other hormone treatments in order to ‘become’ a boy bespeaks its own logical controversion. A person can’t be given something or be allowed to take something to make her/him become what she/he has already preemptively declared herself/himself to be. You don’t ‘change’ yourself to become what you say you already are. Even more dis-eased with uncertainty, what makes you think that all the drugs, the treatment, the surgery you deign to subject yourself to, in showboating ignorance, will actually turn you into your “true” self, now and forever, having no understanding of that contemporary “truth” beforehand? If Facebook can define 50+ genders, which one is truly meant for ‘you’? As an aside, consider the popular movie and commercial expression, “it’s not where you came from, it’s what you’re made of”. Tell that to all the Facebook believers and all the administration’s new-hires by identity (looks) alone.

G(53)   Politicians and school officials who love to surf in the extra funding of their misanthropic government’s (undeserved) swell, and therefore can afford to send their children to private schools at the people’s expense, rise at assemblies to declare public school parents are too backward to decide the nature of educational programs and what perversion should be indoctrinated next. The media agrees.

G(54)   In mentioning the chronological beginnings of two glorified peace-studies programs, the college administration failed to acknowledge (or give credit to believers) their family founder. Before the rendition of a (Martin Luther) King and the non-violent performance of Mahatma Gandhi, there was an acting Christ. On such relevant exception, I take exception … which drifts away from unrevealed commendation and unholy communion (in minor temples of secular learning). Honest pursuit of goodness, love, and peace cannot be gifted in separate wrappings.

For “experts” who say (in the least) “Moses was not real”, and no one dispatched the miracles of Egypt or parted the Red Sea, which they declare beyond the realm of scientific possibility, I now place in evidence the longstanding exclusion by scientists and theologians and their arrogant bantering of there ever being an existent Sodom; or if it did exist, archeologists dispute (and terrain denies) it could ever have been destroyed in a momentous flash. Theologians add for their part, there was never a city of Sodomizers, though had there been, a loving God would have loved them, too. The Lord would never move in righteous anger to destroy any city, even if its citizens were depraved and reveled in committing many wicked sins, including a determination to defile God’s visiting angels. Ah, but they take local custom to heart by noting, the Lord would indeed be offended by the city’s lack of hospitality — the Middle East’s apparently greatest sin. Look underneath the whoredom by which society has embedded its numerous sins today, and lain fondly on the Church’s doorstep unfolded. Much more depravity formats our history than some withdrawn welcome mat. Who can say disaster shouldn’t happen (after our witness here) and signal in requital thereof, its present celestial lusts – a dash of fire from heaven?



  • People walking into you, stepping on your heels, passing you while in line
  • Four or five group members marching abreast down one wide aisle, such that no one can get by them. One large woman all by herself blocking a narrow aisle, ignorantly playing on her phone
  • Numerous interruptions distracting the lifeguards, who are supposed to be mindfully and strictly watching the pools and, especially, the children
  • Configurationally, many Americans just come to the park to eat and to lounge about in the shallow end of the pools, and to puff away their lives in designated smoking (smothering) areas, while the ‘rest of the world’ stands up on its feet or resides sleepily
  • Half of the couples are mixed sexually — either by gender in transit or by mainly (white) woman and (black) man
  • Of late, nearly all of the lifeguards appear out of shape and overweight, and are struggling with a cellulite problem. The same is true of most of the crowd (visitor patrons). Even women who were blessed by nature apparently delude themselves into thinking they don’t need to exercise regularly, stay toned and fit, and steady on their dietary routine (“nature will take care of it”)
  • Saw a woman whose bare back was covered in more than a dozen black moles ranging in size from the normal pinhead all the way up to a dime. No doubt, she was nonetheless proud of her physique and skin appearance – hence the bare-back bathing suit. More likely, subconsciously, she would probably pony up more than a million dollars to a willing doctor to be cleansed (without risking cancer). Her fretful appearance mirrored those people whitewashed in tattoos.

Take that simple exercise of walking down a hallway. How many times have you seen cliques of individuals strolling 3, 4, or 5 abreast, inhibiting the passage of those coming toward them, and blocking those behind from going around. Still, if it were asked them, they have no legal responsibility to grant others leeway. Kindness and consideration for others are merely human constructions of white-appraised morality — injunctions against my human freedom and consciousness. Morality, as well known, is a form of mental slavery.                   No, you are mistaken, you children of deceit and self-glorification. Morality and charity are life-sustaining; outright sinfulness and un-tempered recalcitrance to change reflect a senseless passion only for early death.


  • Those who jump the line are subject to expulsion from the park (lesson for illegal immigration). Only patrons of a suitable height can ride on certain rides/slides (lesson on discrimination)
  • Only those who have a season pass are entitled to discounts on associated purchases (food, clothing, entertainment events at special prices), or are eligible for Quick Queue (shortcut relief)
  • A father has just taken his two older kids on a ride. His youngest child wants to ride next; but when stood against the measuring stick, he is too short. So his father consoles him with the words, “Maybe next year when you are older”. Progressives might label this restriction on height blatant discrimination (against size and age; occasionally added to by weight), which in their simple minds should be eliminated immediately
  • As mentioned earlier in relation to campus student analysis and observation — great athletes in school of this duration, but now just five years after leaving college have a Dunlop spare tire, flabby arms, and second chin formation. Female star athletes who once had great form and a coca cola figure have now taken on the motherly tear-drop shape. But of current concern, we see teens at the park with their parents. One teen — same height, hair color, skin favor as her mother; but her mother weighs 200+ pounds while the still young teen is athletically thin, with almost stilt-like legs. The father didn’t have a beer-gut; however, he too was plus 200 pounds. If the teen does turn into her mother in a few years, why? Instead of medical science endeavoring to turn boys into girls and vice versa, it should be trying to identify the mechanisms (social or biological) which cause this physical decline in personal image and countenance. [Here, we also become aware of another fault of the liberal view (to be discussed in more detail later), which says, “What people do in the privacy of their own home or bedroom … or in this case, the privacy of their family upbringing, should be of no concern to government.” That’s why the vast majority of children grow up to be slobs; sadly, by way of saying, selfish, inconsiderate, immoral, and profane idiots].
  • As also cited, it’s fortunate that people don’t drive their cars the way they walk down hallways and aisles. Besides the “big” (hulking) people who walk as though they own the tarmac, as well as the groups of 4 or 5 scuffling abreast, and others crossing suddenly in front of you … all of a sudden, bump against you without ever bothering to say “Sorry!”. Strollers are driven like tanks taking over the road and hitting visitors in the ankles; group members shout out across long stretches, talking on cellphones loudly and indifferent, as though they think other people don’t exist or, more vainly, that others want to hear their inane selfish conversations. By similar happenstance, there would be an accident every second on every roadway in America if these patterns actually presaged their driving skills. Lamentably, some of the highway’s senior (older) drivers already model their disjointed and haphazard manner of walking. It isn’t as much accidental or confused as it is a single-minded focus (on where and why they’re going) to the exclusion of everything and everybody else that elicits it.
  • Mysteriously and coincidentally, the water fountains stop working about 11:30am; then just as amazingly, start working again (at least peripherally from the centrally-located treat shops and restaurants) at about 3:30pm. It seems health concerns and customer satisfaction end whenever complications interfere with more critical commercial interests.


  • On the way to the beach, which just seems to be a venturesome fact, the travel-way usually must cross some bridge or tunnel. Certain inconsiderate drivers wittingly or unwittingly do their best to slow the travel lanes to and from. Motorcycle gangs love to rear their engines whilst in the tunnel, knowing (poorer) people in standard cars have their windows down, and the sudden roaring and echoing boom is almost ear-splitting.
  • Upon arrival, guests are quite unconcerned with how they park or whereabouts in disarray.
  • On the boardwalk, youngsters are totally unmoved by the posted signs of common courtesy. They go out of their (assigned) way not to roller-skate, skate-board, bike ride, or surrey-drive the lanes designated for them (probably because they were never taught in school to obey the rules). When confronted by the local police, and after being treated nicely — receiving only a warning (again), the youngsters turn afterward to shout curse words or discriminatory names at their travel (travesty) monitors.
  • With kids having so much access to technology, not to mention their own swimming pools, water slides, playground areas — their own real adventure parks at home, I have often wondered why some of them actually bothered to come to an old-fashioned beach resort. Could they miss the vast ocean, the shoreline activities, the shops, and gatherings of relatable teens; and what do their protected minds think of seagulls or maybe the rarely-sighted whale out at sea — in this unlearned age — as prehistoric dinosaurs?


  • Another earlier observation: that it’s too bad most jobs, for the sake of equality and fair service, don’t follow the model of lifeguards … who may at one moment be performing a Baywatch- saving of a stranger’s life, the next moment acting as information guide, the next as a trucker of needed supplies, then sweeping the floors or cleaning off the dining tables, and finally hauling out garbage.
  • I saw quite a few kids (black and white) wearing Mohawks. Is that not cultural appropriation? It reminds me of so many completely (self) unaware people in life and on the media posing (boasting) bleached and colored hair, mimicking Shirley Temple curls, painted nails, and tattooed skin, etc. Of course, they have to be what they are naturally; so the next time they go to a college protest rally, they can charge every white person there with cultural appropriation for simply putting on a Halloween costume. As Doc Holiday said in the movie, “their hypocrisy knows no bounds”. Likewise, I say to the proper pronoun exhorters (extorters), if you are going to drag your rear end over a stranger’s visage the way a dog drags its butt across the carpet floor, then you deserve the same owner’s hard-handed reprimand.
  • In keeping with the (earlier) gangster address, i.e., the end of museums is coming because the (the culture of) gangsters don’t go to museums; will not the gangster code of rough and heartless existence also spell the end to parks — because gangsters don’t go to amusement parks either, except maybe to steal and ruffle through unprotected belongings. Patrons at parks will no longer be able to toss their towels, sandals, bags of personal items on a lounge chair or on the ground while they seek to ride or swim and cool off, given the inevitable slide of this future toward an even-more-degenerate society. Moreover, attacks on Asians and whites and other fun-savers will increase just as is happening now on many campuses and in major cities; in fact, wherever “oppressors” gather and strive to have some enjoyment at the so-called “expense of their black friends”, expecting thus a responsive hatred.


  • While you may still see on occasion some good manners between individuals and strangers, most people are too wrapped up in themselves to pay attention to what’s going on around them and their reactions toward their surroundings. Upon parking one day, I made sure to get one of numerous spots meant to be assured some pending afternoon shade (not the arriving morning shade). After being first to park under one of many numerous suitable trees — one of at least 50 (open) such-others down an entire lane of trees —, while changing my clothes, another family arrives (wife driving) in a very large truck van, which, of course, she chooses to park right beside me. She soon becomes annoyed by my changing of shoes with my door open, then gathering my stuff together to be carried to the park entrance. Somewhat harried, the (presumable) husband then asked his wife why she had not parked sooner and straighter in the spot — now obviously crooked and almost double-parked. She answered loudly (to anyone’s hearing), in apparent blindness of the other 48 vacant spots still available, “Well, this guy here next to us had his door open, and I couldn’t get closer”.
  • To go with the imminent stealing of shoes and other items: even when the shoe placement rack is not filled, many patrons will just cast their shoes on the pavement or to the curb entering or, unconcerned, sometimes even flinging them out on the walkway where other guests are traversing and maybe could trip.
  • Just as some people can’t help texting or talking on the phone while driving, some people deliberately smoke (just not vape) outside the designated smoking sections.
  • It’s still nice to see youngsters holding hands as they walk, displaying love or at least friendship. No doubt the boys were probably pressured by the girls to demonstrate their ‘likeness’ and companionship. Females take for granted while growing up the comforting touches of the parents or girl-friends; versus boys who seldom touch and who rarely receive a pat on the back or even a kind word beyond a certain (low) age. This cultural differentiation (favoritism) gives a huge advantage to girls early in school situations and, later, as this academic glamorization and scholarship brushes onto their workplace notice and promotional fitting in. Women are not socially or legally subjected to an (excise) tax for the debit treatment of their special earnings; unlike men who fall under affirmative action and must give up positions, regardless their merit, which the courts deem they do not deserve – but having gained intellectual prowess substantially through nature and earnest academic effort, and not through the social bias of entitlement upbringing.
  • Running against this quaintness, I saw several girls also holding hands, but not in a friendship style. These true “girlfriends” often present themselves in casted difference: a “butch” look and the other a normal female, though highly feminized as almost “prissy”. Obviously, this mimics the dichotomy of the standard male-female model; i.e., each person dramatizing the role (1) slighted or (2) unaccented in their sexual relationship. At the risk of hearing sexless sociologists describing these observations as “sexist”, I must point out the spurious casuistry or referring to these park persons as ever knowing what natural “sex” is, much less undergoing “sexist” experience. They would reject the claim that women ‘dressing’ and ‘acting butch’ are somehow ‘unnatural’. For all you (I) know, God always intended for these women to be born with “butch” haircuts; also predestined to take on tank tops, and board-shorts or blue jeans; and there is nothing they could have done to prevent becoming what they are. Oh, wait, didn’t they shave themselves and create an outward look “by way of design”, and not in cahoots with God? “No”, the sociologists decry, “they made themselves ‘gay’ by example, calling forth a fashion discovery of true nature. Consider the related topic, that most women, if they ever want to date/marry real men, would prefer the athletic types, generally speaking; or maybe the famous musical rock stars, or sometimes the notorious bad guy (mobster) type. Whatever preference, that choice came by way of self-serving interest and advanced by social pressure. Such motivations precondition women to focus upon (be lured by) certain types of characteristic features as promoted by society or nature. Given this realization, who can ever say the current butch-prissy display has not been likewise promulgated or preconditioned (or personally installed) — only in exchange of male for female instead?
  • Speaking thusly, people tend to say, “life is not fair”. But is it fair that rock stars like Mick Jagger or NBA stars like LeBron James are engulfed to sleep with hundreds of (undiscerning white and black) females over their lifetime, while most (poor white and black) members of lowly man can scarcely ferret a single woman, much less find his way into a single woman’s heart?
  • Lastly, I can see the day coming when the liberal order will call out at the cost of your life, “What concern is that of yours if you see two women making out in public; or if your see an adult making out with a child (who may be related), with his/her own son/daughter; his/her hired sex slave? For God’s sake, grow up; it’s just love, and that’s always good.”


  • Reminding me of before — everyone walking every which way — which is a metaphor for life; yet no real harm comes of it here because walking is slow; collisions/trippings mild and not especially harmful. Somehow an improvisational (off the cuff) movement takes over. However, the real metaphor should be like cars on the road whose casualty and errant driving can be fatal; hence standards (rules of the road) must be formally enacted and rigidly enforced.
  • Years ago, my father would take us to the Patuxent River, usually on an extremely hot Sunday afternoon. There we swam gladly in filthy, almost black water, stenched with trash, oil, and restaurant refuse; and filled with nettles and other painful fishy contacts. We ran to use the stinking bathrooms (used also for changing clothes) on bare feet, scurrying around, expelling our wastes, having no towels to dry ourselves. Even today in modern parks, children and adults still rush to use the bathrooms in bare feet regardless of whatever disease or droppings might lie there on the floor or on the stool; but at least they are now regularly cleaned from time to time. Disgustingly, patrons fill their water bottles from the tap or maybe at the outside spigot after rinsing off the sand and caked dirt.
  • All this reflects back on the adage I often lectured my students: the true ‘facts of life’ have little or nothing to do with biological sex, rather with the ingathering of what people are and what they really think about you. To know these ‘facts’ is both beneficial (giving you advantage over others) and unnerving (ruining your innocent view of life). In turn, you begin to understand and interpret all the moral/social corruption in life. Most of the things personally taught to us in school and watched on television and saw on commercials were patently misleading. Vitamins and drugs don’t really do what they’re supposed to do; breakfast isn’t really the most important meal of the day; no one really needs to drink eight glasses of water each day just to stay healthy and slim. Not surprisingly, you realize that the companies or agencies promoting or confirming these studies were not really independent (dependable) verifiers.


  • Upon arriving this time, the first two sections of this parking lot were already filled, so cars proceeded to the end of the rows in order to follow the road, swinging around, and starting back onto the next block. But the cars ahead of me moved very slowly forward; and I wondered why, until I came over the rise and saw a couple walking hand-in-hand in the middle of the road. They were simply strolling along casually, unmoved (literally) by the traffic; and choosing not to cut in between the parked cars, which would be a more direct channel to the park entrance. Were they deaf, ignorant, simply inconsiderate? It little mattered, for, obviously, they already held their parking spot elsewhere.
  • Once parked, and having gathered up my belongings ready to go in, again a car comes by, and halfway pulling up nearly to the point of visually pushing me to get out and move on … to get out of their way even though there were plenty of now empty spaces all around for them to choose. Late-arriving visitors often get angry when they discover that, while standing nearby your car, you’re not evacuating the car-spot, merely entertaining lunch break. It seems that public parking has become almost like public walking, where people push their way around or walk with a callous disregard — daring you to push them back without the nicety of asking or presenting some other gesture.
  • With every yearly visit it seems, the lifeguards/staff seem to grow bigger and more stout. Why complain, you ask; it’s only natural over time that everyone should eat and become heavier and begin to appear physically out of shape. That’s merely a part of aging and being human. In this case, however, doesn’t their job entail maintaining a healthiness, projecting a certain amount of athleticism? What would you say if you saw collegiate gymnasts walking around with extended bellies and their thighs shaking with cellulite jello? Worse than their appearance, when lifeguards move around, they too are playing on their cellphones, blindly walking toward and through groups of patrons, unaware of any problems or crowd discrepancies that might arise before them suddenly.
  • Though relatively few, I did manage to see a small handful of patrons in fairly good shape and exhibiting the bearing of the physically fit. Several young men actually matched the stereotype of “broad in the shoulders” and “narrow in the hips”, with six-pack abs and the whole package. If one person can grow up fine and develop superbly, with training or otherwise, why not everyone? How many times have you heard scientists say in the movies or in real life when they were baffled by a disease with sampled resistance, “if only we had one person we could test and draw samples from who was, by heredity, by captured virus, or by environmental circumstance, immune, that we may voluntarily extract a vaccine from!” Well, here they are already exposed. Is science dead? Some of the young girls were obviously in their prime, but, we can be sure, left un-blood tested for health purposes. To this we add another notice: astounding young women blessed with (1) beautiful soft hair, (2) smooth, subtle, unblemished skin, and (3) lanky athletic legs … apparently never bothering to condense their straggly middle or exercise their slight overweight problem away, as though their fretfulness in this one area (out of four) was immutable or marked by the hand of destiny.


  • During another observation trip, this time I saw a couple of boys (full-grown teenagers or perhaps in their early 20s) who had the (opposite) physique, that of resembling girls. One particularly had a sizable torso, somewhat protruding belly, wide hips, and no stomach hair. If he had put on a bra strap and veil to cover his face, you would have sworn he was girl from a short distance away. Is this a hormonal imbalance or what? We may never know, because, again, science makes no attempt to study anything anymore, or gives lame excuses for the anomaly, or gives deference to let the deformity stand unchallenged: proving the fact of how fragile the human body is, and even more so, the scientific body. Remember when you were young and boisterous, you relied solely on your body to do everything you wanted done. By effort or upstanding obedience, you may still regard yourself in sync with your body, as dependable as a god. But the fact is, bodies can fail for many reasons: age, accident, or by what you put into them, no less than cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, etc.  We are seldom told the downside of aging until it’s too late. We seldom become aware of the side-effects from all these ingested products until they turn harmful and disabling. Or the body declines by what you fail to put into it: vitamin C (to prevent scurvy), and calcium (to maintain bone strength) — that too requiring an understanding of their interactions, such as magnesium to help with metabolism and the breakdown of calcium. An old tale tells the story of a king who ruled his kingdom with an iron and brutal hand. He was rich, could have anything he wanted, and thought of himself as invincible. One summer day he decides to go outside and eat lunch on the manicured lawn. After finishing his extravagant meal, he lies down in the grass for a quick nap. A bug then crawls into his ear while sleeping and worms its way into his brain, eventually eating a portion and causing his death. The moral of this legendary tale was clear: no matter how great and prominent a person is, he is still subject to the smallest failing. We are born predestined for defect in that sense — with limited muscles and un-armored skin, with genetic facilities and organic factors bringing debilitation to our light-minded and flesh-laden existence. Envy and hatred of others are as likely to overtake life’s durability as we contend to take out our frustration on less-fortunate people.
  • A second point — the (concrete) islands on which the lifeguards march back and forth overviewing the pool area, assure everybody that someone is watching and protecting the children. Whether we recognize it or not, we in America were all born on an island or safe high point which elevated our lives above much of the rest of the world. This blessing, warranted or not, tends to make some people feel superior to all others around them. But even modern concrete deteriorates over time: one engineering report suggesting that it lasts only about one one-hundredth the endurance time of the concrete the Ancient Romans used to build the Pantheon, because of their mixing strategy and the material containing bond-strengthening volcanic ash (Chandler, 2023). Taking the metaphor literally, a truly evolving and sustainable ‘island’ culture (above the ocean) might be one that is made of natural earth — a real island; though we shouldn’t boast about our high position since even rocky and dirt-filled islands will eventually degrade over time. More pessimistically, our cozy highland of American dominance may be nothing more than a sand-dune island which may dissolve or be washed away within a few years or months — given that our society doesn’t believe in human values and doesn’t support family growth. Upon deeper contemplation, what makes the cult-like view of humanity’s existence even more ominous is in the people themselves. Those individuals who really are blessed with height, beauty, athleticism, and other talents very seldom reckon the blessings they’ve been given — like a child of rich parents takes affluenza and position in the community for granted. Worse, the child does very little to justify the blessing or to hone them into a virtue. Beautiful young women with great figures and sculpted shapes (as said above) assume for themselves no further need to exercise strenuously, or stay active every day to bring tone to their body and well-adjusted balance to their mental health. Neither do they recognize in their school days how fortunate they are not to be picked on (like most boys are), to be bullied by larger boys, belittled by most girls, and forced to miss out on competition, which deflate their ambition and sense of self-dignity. As noted also numerous times, women totally overlook the irony in their lives: of making fun of others, but “they better not do that to me!” The flippancy of spending hours and hours shopping for clothes they don’t really need, but won’t share with others; of primping themselves with lotions and shampoos to make sure every hair is in place and every blemish or beauty mark is covered; then being neglectful of circumstances, to go to the mall the next day to get themselves pierced or dashed with unflattering tattoos. On these girls and later women, life’s early nature and subsequent blessings were wasted.


  • Today, (a Tuesday), I observe that the park officials seem somewhat surprised by the attendance. The crowded inflow of customers is more expected of a Saturday or weekend holiday. Since the weather experts predict that today will probably be the last 90-degree day for quite a while, perhaps for the rest of the season or until school starts (which varies by location), many people wisely took advantage. How can parks cope when weekday crowds are unexpectedly dense and work staffing is regularly cut short (to save on expense)? I know that lifeguards and maintenance are trained to multi-task; so custodians could have been pulled to fill vacant spots for lifeguarding. The normal-5-person coverage at some of the larger kiddie pools could have been knocked down to only three (and maybe an assistant supervisor helping to clean and manage communications. Only the most rewarding (profitable) front-line clothing and trinket shops have been seemingly appointed to stay open. Food stands and buffet areas may have been geared toward more limited (manned) timely hours — thus allowing some restaurant staff to be pulled away for lifeguard duties when needed. Welcome centers are closed or scantily posted. Some shifting was moved toward first aid and maybe lost and found.


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Walter Boswell
Walter Boswell
Retired professor of accounting, Dr. Walter Boswell, has written on various topics for more than 50 years including logic, behavioral science, and philosophical literature. Currently he is engaged in protecting children from sexual perversion and grooming in schools and working to bringing back conservative principles to society.


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