Boyland may not have many defenders at this point, but the truth eventually will do the talking for her.
Yet another lie animating the phony narrative about the events at the Capitol complex on January 6 is about to be exposed: the falsehood that Rosanne Boyland, a Trump supporter from Georgia, died of an accidental drug overdose that day.
As American Greatness has reported for months, incriminating video footage and firsthand witness accounts instead support numerous allegations that D.C. Metro and Capitol police contributed to, if they did not directly cause, Boyland’s death in the late afternoon of January 6.
Boyland’s family reportedly has hired an attorney to investigate the circumstances of her death at the age of 34; the D.C Medical Examiner’s Office issued a report in April disclosing the cause of death of four Trump supporters who died on January 6 during what the coroner called “an unprecedented incident of civil insurrection.” It determined Boyland had succumbed to “acute amphetamine intoxication.”
But it’s increasingly obvious that the ruling is untrue. (The same D.C. Medical Examiner’s office intentionally delayed the results of Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick’s autopsy; even after confirming Sicknick had died of a stroke caused by blood clots, the coroner nonetheless insisted the chaos at the Capitol protest “played a role in his condition.”)
With the potential release of three hours of security camera footage that recorded exactly what happened inside the lower west terrace tunnel—the location where Boyland died—on January 6, law enforcement officials could face fierce public scrutiny for their behavior that day. It’s only a slice of the 14,000 hours of surveillance video captured by the Capitol Police department’s closed-circuit television system that Joe Biden’s Justice Department is hiding under protective orders, deemed “highly sensitive” government material.
There’s a good reason why. Court filings detail shocking instances of police brutality including the use of a noxious gas that caused people to vomit and pass out; beatings by some officers using weapons and their own fists; and at least one officer dragging Boyland’s lifeless body, face up, back through the tunnel to hide her from public view until paramedics arrived.
If the footage is released, new questions will be raised about police misconduct and whether the use of suffocating chemical sprays and excessive force, not a drug overdose, killed Rosanne Boyland.
So the media, MSNBC in particular, is of course running cover for Democrats in advance of any bombshell news possibly linking D.C.-area police to the death of another unarmed female Trump supporter during the Capitol protest. MSNBC host Ayman Mohyeldin has produced a five-part podcast called “American Radical,” which figuratively exhumes Boyland’s body and performs a twisted political autopsy on her views and activity leading up to January 6.
Dead men, as Mohyeldin knows, tell no tales—nor can they defend themselves against vile hit jobs by careerist left-wing activists disguised as journalists. (Mohyeldin, who emigrated to the United States from Egypt as a child, has found himself in hot water on a number of occasions after making inflammatory comments on-air, such as accusing the late Chris Kyle, a decorated Navy SEAL and expert sniper, of being a racist and for erroneously reporting that a Palestinian was unarmed when he was shot by Israeli police.)
By Julie Kelly
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