The Deteriorating State of Our Nation

America in decline because of Biden

Not so long ago we lived in a Nation that was generally safe, honorable, and glorious. Since Joe Biden took over the White House the standard of life in America has declined dramatically. So much so, that pre-2021 America and post-2021 America are oxymorons. The question that must be asked is what four more years under Biden would look like.

First the decline, how it began

In 2020 America had the highest employment rate in over 50 years. That alone was a miracle as when Trump took over from Obama America was in a rapid decline. Obama insisted that those manufacturing jobs that disappeared under him would never come back. The entire Northeast and Midwest was a wasteland of unemployed, or underemployed manufacturing workers. The areas were known as the rust belt.

In order to remain in the middle-class, most people in the rust belt were required to work more than one part time job, both husband and wife, simply not to lose everything under Obama’s leadership. It was that underlying resentment that propelled Trump past Clinton, especially in the rust belt.

In short order President Trump was able to revamp our manufacturing sector, bringing back those jobs that Obama said would never return. In just a few years under Trump our economy had rebounded to heights not seen before, especially among women, teens, blacks and Hispanics. His magic was simple, common business sense. He incentivised manufacturers to reopen plants in the U.S., and renegotiated treaties with China that gave them an unfair advantage.

The economy under Trump was the best America has seen since the days of Ronald Reagan. And then Covid struck. The economy faltered due to Trump’s vacillations on how to proceed. He should have fired Anthony Fauci and followed Florida’s lead. It might have given him a second term.

And then Joe Biden was at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

What followed was a decline that can only be described as astonishing. Let’s face it, today we can’t tell the difference between men and women, even though the science is very firm on the subject. There are two sexes, female and male. Yet our newest Supreme Court appointee, Ketanji Brown Jackson, cannot answer the question what is a woman. It will make for some interesting deliberations when matters of a person’s sex find their way to SCOTUS.

A nation that cannot tell the difference between men and women is in deep trouble. And it shows. Look at what is happening to our young people. They are assaulted, daily, in every medium and in schools with false narratives on sexuality and morality. It has caused huge problems with teens who do not find any happiness due to so many contradictory messages given to them, often different from parents and teachers.

White females seem to be at highest risk, while white males follow behind them. The level of teen suicides jumped as much as 26% during Covid’s two year span in some states, and has continued to rise after. While there are a myriad of reasons for the increase, the unsettling incongruity about morality, virtue and sexuality are high on the list of reasons for this disturbing pattern of middle and upper class white children committing suicide at alarming rates.

However, the United States cannot continue with this pattern of disruption of a value system that was the backbone of our nation. Four more years of Biden and America will become something completely different.

As founding father, James Madison wrote, “To suppose that any form of government will secure liberty or happiness without any virtue in the people is a chimerical idea.”

And what happens when there is little happiness and no virtue in America?

Crime runs rampant. As it is in America today. There are gangs of illegal aliens targeting high end residences across the nation, in blue states only, for burglaries and robberies. Other illegal aliens are learning, from an illegal alien Tik Tok influencer how to illegally invade people’s homes. Leonel Moreno, a Venezuelan national who appears to live in Ohio, explains how you can live for free in America by using the laws of blue states, while not being evicted or arrested.

In fact, one woman in New York City was arrested for changing the locks on her million dollar house and denying illegal squatters the ability to reenter. It is happening across the nation. A home near LeBron James, in one of the most exclusive areas of Beverly Hills, California, has been taken over by squatters who throw lavish parties and charge those who attend.

Yet it isn’t just the rich who are suffering at the hands of the crime wave across America due to the declining morals of this nation; rather the average American. While Joe Biden famously stated at the State of the Union address that crime is down. That isn’t exactly true. If you try to find that out on any Google search all you learn is that crime is down, by as much as 8% over 2022. Of course Google is trying to affect the election as it has done multiple times since 2008. They are not being truthful, as are the major fact checkers and the legacy media.

What isn’t said by those media outlets is that crime was up by as much as 39% in some areas in 2022 over 2021. Which, of course, means that crime is still higher than before Biden took office. So while down year over year, it is still much higher.

Ask almost anyone who lives in a large city. Kansas City, Missouri, had a mass shooting during a celebration for two time Super Bowl winners, the Kansas City Chiefs. New York City went from being a very safe place to live and visit, in fact it had less homicides than London, England, to a crime infested dump unsafe for residents or visitors.

Even Chicago, Illinois’ crime rate continues to rise, and spread throughout the city. It used to be safe in most areas, but no more due to our failing moral system. The system that Biden supports. And this crime affects Americans across the nation because we lack the moral values that made America great.

The re-emergence of racism in America is a deliberately tactic to further divide

While crime continues to be a problem, racial division separates America into tribes concerned only for those of like minds, or melanin content. Gone are the days of trying to work for equality, now it is tribe against tribe. Although this began under Obama, it has been expedited and internalized by Biden’s embracing of radical ideologies. His use of executive law enforcement,  like the DOJ and FBI, to force compliance of this radical divergence from our Declaration of Independence and Constitution has created a divide that many believe is unbreachable.

Many, especially uneducated or undereducated blacks seize on this divide as an excuse to take from whites as a reparation for past wrongs. Biden and like minded Democrats do not enforce existing laws on these criminals, creating the perfect storm of events to create overwhelming crime across America, especially in Democrat run large cities, which undermine the very fabric of our nation.

Which is the point

 Democrats are tearing this nation apart in order to rebuild it into their warped idea of what America ought to be. A Marxist/socialist hell where only the elites, Democrats, control all of the power, and the rest of us are surfs serving at their behest.

We can change the course of this willful destruction of the Greatest Nation ever on earth. Simply vote against those who would do harm to America on November 5, 2024.

Joe Ragonese
Joe Ragonese
Joe Ragonese is a veteran, retired policeman, businessman, journalist, writer, publisher, editor, author, and a prognosticator. A lover of history who believes we can only avoid repeating our past by understanding it.


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