The Final War Documentary By Chapters

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The Final War | Chapter 1: Post-Pandemic War

The Russia-Ukraine war; tension at the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea; the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan. Current world events may seem chaotic, but for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the central theme couldn’t be clearer. These destabilizing factors provide the perfect opportunity for the CCP to reduce American power and build a new world order that’s friendlier to authoritarian regimes like itself.

This chapter examines the CCP’s role in recent global conflicts, as well as the regime’s decades-long history of helping anti-American terrorists around the globe. We reveal the Communist Party’s “evil tactics”—in the words of its own “state adviser”—to defeat America, as well as the “four enemies” the CCP tried to create to distract the United States.

Why is this documentary important?

From the director of the viral documentary “Tracking Down the Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus,” “The Final War” is a documentary that uncovers the Chinese Communist Party’s 100-year plot to defeat America. With exclusive research and personal stories from whistleblowers, the film reveals the CCP’s plot behind the most dire issues of our time: Taiwan, the Russia-Ukraine war, and the Taliban. Why is the CCP promoting the idea of “World War III”? What is the Party’s long game against America? “The Final War” answers the questions that are relevant to every American.

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The Final War | Chapter 2: Stealth World War III

In early 2020, an article titled “From another perspective, this is World War III!” occupied the Chinese regime’s state-controlled outlets. For the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the unprecedented pandemic isn’t just a global health crisis, but an opportunity “unseen in a century,” a historical event that’s able to reset the world order and make the Chinese regime the new global leader.

In this chapter, we explore how the CCP has weaponized the global pandemic, waging an invisible war of information and psychology to stamp down the confidence citizens of the free world have in the democratic system, and how the Chinese regime has sowed discord in American society, propagating America’s decline and the so-called inevitable rise of authoritarian, communist China.

Why is this documentary important?

A third world war. This is a new and concerning signal, a threat far more serious to our national security than that posed by the Taliban, or even the pandemic. It would be understandable if the phrase is just a metaphor, if the Chinese regime is simply likening the degree of the pandemic’s global damage to post-war trauma. But is there more to the story, when the crisis gets turned in favor of the CCP and its grand scheme to wage a new world war? What happens when the Chinese regime—in supporting terrorism—has its eyes on the United States? Are we becoming the target of this “third world war”?

Watch Chapter 1: Post-Pandemic War Video on EpochCinema

The Final War | Chapter 3: CCP’s Secret Agenda to Defeat America

When asked who is to blame for the recent downturn of U.S.-China relations, many point to Xi Jinping and Donald Trump. But is it really so? In this chapter, we plowed through the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) 100-year history of U.S. policy and discovered a chilling fact: Starting from CCP founder Mao Zedong, generations of Party leaders have truthfully implemented the longstanding agenda: defeat the United States of America, either through belligerent anti-American campaigns, or hiding their strength and biding their time.

Why is this documentary important?

It was two years in the making. The United States and China have entered a deep, downward spiral.

Where did it all begin? If you go by the mainstream media, it was Xi and Trump who plunged relations to their lowest point. Was it really so? On the China side, are the CCP’s recent aggressions a product of Xi’s personality? Or part of a larger scheme?

What is the Chinese regime’s long-term strategy toward the United States? What’s the root cause of this U.S.-China standoff? We have to get to the bottom of this.

With CCP insiders, we tracked down what really happened between the United States and China over the past decades—the rise and fall of U.S.-China relations. Behind this history is the Chinese communist regime’s 100-year agenda to defeat America.

The Final War” is a must-watch for anyone who cares about the freedom of America.

Watch Chapter 3: CCP’s Secret Agenda to Defeat America Video on EpochCinema

The Final War | Chapter 4: Deceiving the Sky

How exactly did the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) do it? How did they deceive the sky?

In the past decades, the CCP has been intentionally feeding a carefully designed illusion to the West: If the West helps develop China’s economy, the Chinese regime will eventually embrace freedom and democracy.

“One country, two systems.” “Reform and opening up.” In this chapter, we look at how the CCP deployed nice-sounding scams and traps like these to deceive American policymakers, weaken American anti-communist resolve, and eventually get massive American investment to strengthen its own communist regime.

Why is this documentary important?

Throughout its 100-year history, this is how the CCP has survived every existential crisis: quickly altering its face and luring the world into one false hope after another.

Thanks to Western investment, the Chinese regime is now much stronger than it once was. But instead of pushing for political reforms as it promised, the CCP is using this strength to bite the hand that once fed it. It has begun to unveil the other side of its master plan against the United States: to infiltrate, divide, and subvert American society.

The Final War” is a must-watch for anyone who cares about the freedom of America.

Watch Chapter 4: Deceiving the Sky Video on EpochCinema

The Final War | Chapter 5: What Price Will We Pay?

Military, economy, technology, culture, media, and education. Reaping fruits from the West’s decades-long engagement policy, the much stronger Chinese Communist Party is now exploiting Western openness and waging an all-front asymmetric war against America to infiltrate, divide, and subvert U.S. society. This chapter paints a picture of the price we must pay if we can’t stop the Chinese regime.

Why is this documentary important?

The secret of the CCP’s unrestricted warfare is to first corrupt people’s morality, and then use the corrupted people to destroy America step by step. How many people have become tools in the CCP’s war? The answer will eventually surface. What will be the consequences if we lose this ultimate battle with the Chinese communist regime?

The Final War” is a must-watch for anyone who cares about the freedom of America.

Watch Chapter 5: What Price Will We Pay? Video on EpochCinema

The Final War | Chapter 6: Defending America

Is there anything that can be done before it’s too late? The final chapter of this documentary explores the tools we have to counter the Chinese Communist Party’s threat and protect America’s security, values, and freedom.

Why is this documentary important?

The Final War” is an investigative documentary that reveals the hidden truths of U.S.-China relations over the past seven decades. Exploring in-depth research and interviews from top CCP whistleblowers, The Epoch Times investigative team set on a journey to uncover the Chinese Communist Party’s 100-year plot to defeat America.

From the director of “Tracking Down the Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus,” “The Final War” seeks to explore how the Chinese communist leadership, through masterful deception, has consistently advanced its agenda. Today, it is no longer far from achieving its ultimate goal.

How did it happen? What did the United States get wrong about the Chinese regime for the past 70 years? What is Beijing’s underlying, long-term strategy toward America?

Packed with personal stories and exclusive research, “The Final War” answers the questions that are increasingly relevant to every American.

Watch Chapter 6: Defending America Video on EpochCinema

Watch The Final War: The 100-Year Plot to Defeat America Full Documentary

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