The Great Replacement isn’t a Theory, It is Happening in America Today

There is a very good reason that Biden is allowing unfettered immigration into America, he wants white people to become the minority. Why you may ask? Because white people are too hard to control simply due to their overwhelming numbers in America. Minorities are easier to control, as blacks, browns, and other groups prove this daily. Their loyalty is to their individual tribes, not the power structure giving them their power.

And therein lies the foundation for the mass immigration by Biden; power. You see, smaller groups are easier to control than larger ones. Which gives the ultimate power to those controlling those tribes. Power is the reason for today’s tribal warfare between diverse groups. And Democrats demand total power over all of them.

The Census

Let’s look at the makeup of America from the 2020 census. Seventy-one percent are white, including non-European whites. (Europeans alone are 61.6 %.) Let that soak in. Seven out of every ten Americans are white. So all those television programs and movies that have so many blacks and other minorities in them are a blatantly false misrepresentation of America. They are purposefully done to confuse viewers into thinking minorities are a much bigger percentage of this nation.

Blacks are 12.4 percent, combined with mixed race who identify as black, like Obama, they are 14.2 percent of the population. That is just over one in ten people. Looking at the media you would think they were nearly 50% of the population.

Some other race, the new name in the census for Hispanic or Latin, are 15.1 percent. Asians account for six percent. Added to that are 1.1 percent for Native Americans. That gives us a total of 107.4 percent. OK, the Census Bureau can’t add. But these are the numbers they provide. The confusion comes from the questions they ask, and the way they obfuscate their answers. The Census Bureau is a deep state entity, and far left leaning, trying to diminish white people in the U.S. by providing confusing information. Read the numbers for yourself.

About the division in America

Barack Hussain Obama was responsible for dividing Americans into tribes, pitted against one another. Prior to his arrival the racial divide was all but healed. Yes, there was a huge problem in America over race for a very long time. It took the Civil War to right the wrong of black slavery; it would take the completion of the Indian Wars before the last slaves in America were freed. By the way, those last slaves taken by force from Indian tribes were white, mostly women.

While Republicans controlled the White House and Congress, black, former slaves advanced.  Except those in the south, where Democrats ruled and made Jim Crow laws as well as founded and supported the Klu Klux Klan. The KKK was the 19th Century antifa for the Democrat party. Blacks, Jews and Catholics were not welcome among those southern Democrats.

When the Democrats again took control of the White House and Congress, things grew bad for blacks. Woodrow Wilson, Democrat president, reversed the advances blacks had made in the federal government by Republicans. He put blacks back into a time of servitude, with the cheers of the Democrat Party. Wilson would be the first president that became mentally incapacitated while in office. His case led to the 25th Amendment.

The Republican Party was the impetus for the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and Voting Rights Act of 1965. But the Democrats, who controlled both houses of Congress and the White House at the time took credit for the reforms. Nevertheless, blacks advanced rapidly from that time on, gaining in political strength and America’s natural desire to do the right thing.

As Democrats controlled Congress constantly for 40 years, the nonsense legislation kept coming at an astounding pace. Making social legislation the largest part of the federal budget. To the point of stagnation. Today we call those social handouts by Congress entitlements. Of course there are no entitlements in our Constitution. They were placed into the federal budget simply to control blacks and insure they voted Democrat. It was the beginning of dividing Americans into groups.

However, blacks are not the problem we face as a nation today. They are only one tribe among the many created by Obama. Barack was very successful in reigniting racial animosity into our culture, and used the police as his evil man. Much as Hitler used Jews as his scapegoat. Obama then went further dividing us by our sex, feminist had been doing this for years but Barack honed this as well. He then divided us by political beliefs and sexual proclivities. In fact his entire second term was used to divide Americans.

Which brings us back to the replacement of Americans, mostly white, in America by non-Americans. Ole Joe Biden opened the floodgates into America starting on his first day in office. Why? Because he needed to replace all of us who voted for Trump. Remember we are the deplorable, and MAGA extremists. Even if we simply want America to remain a democratic republic instead of becoming a socialist hellscape.

Replacing Americans

Americans are divided between political beliefs roughly in thirds. There are one third who side with pro-American values, one third who are anti-American progressives, and a final third that are malleable and vacillate between sides. That final third is a problem to Democrats. Because they are not a sure path to the power Democrats crave. Instead of taking the chance of losing this final third, they want to replace them with a sure thing. And that would be illegal aliens because they almost always become true Democrats.

These illegal aliens will bend to whatever pressure Democrats submit them to because right from their first day in America Biden has made them dependent on government handouts. It is why Biden has been so generous with these illegal aliens giving them priority over typical Democrat supporters such as middle-class workers, blacks and veterans. Taking from them to give to the illegals instead.

A new illegal alien can step into America, be flown to the city of his choice, provided housing in a hotel, and given three meals a day all for free. Then they are provided with an income, up to $2,200 a month for extras, and only asked to vote in the upcoming election. Come on man, who wouldn’t vote for Biden. After all they are already breaking the law just by being here, why wouldn’t they vote to keep all the perks they’re getting?

This isn’t a theory, it is happening right now, as this is being written. In February 2024 alone, 189,922 illegal aliens crossed into the United States.  These numbers have been unrelenting ever since Biden took control of our government. In fact numbers as high as 8 million illegal aliens entering this country since January 2021 have been speculated. A consensus has agreed that by mid 2021 there were 11.2 million illegal aliens in the United States.

Add to that an estimated two, plus, million per year since, adding five million more, totaling over 16 million illegal aliens in this country. That total number is larger than the population of any state except New York, California, Texas, and Florida. All other states have smaller populations. The numbers coming into America each month, estimated at over 200,000 per month, are more than the lowest ten states in total population.

And these illegal aliens are trying to replace Americans as the predominant majority in this country, with the explicit consent of the Democrat Party. The Great replacement theory isn’t a theory, it is a fact. And it is happening right before our eyes. There is only one way to stop it from happening and that is to vote Republican on November 5, 2024.

In order to stop this invasion by foreign nationals and to remove them we will need a government in agreement that this must be done. And only if both chambers of Congress and the White House are controlled by Republicans will it happen. It will take the stoic leadership and courage of leaders like Donald Trump and those who support MAGA to make this happen in the face of the opposition they will face.

America will not survive four more years divided as we are today. It will not be able to withstand the invasion from abroad and replacement of Americans we have ongoing right now. And the only way to reclaim our American heritage is to solidly vote Republican on November 5, 2024.

Joe Ragonese
Joe Ragonese
Joe Ragonese is a veteran, retired policeman, businessman, journalist, writer, publisher, editor, author, and a prognosticator. A lover of history who believes we can only avoid repeating our past by understanding it.


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