How much do you know about the amazing history of Christmas. What so you know about its origins and its many beloved traditions? Do you know where the idea of stocking-stuffers comes from? Or how lights found their way onto the Christmas tree? Or why we all have the jolly, red-suited, white-haired image of Santa Claus in our heads? In this video, historian William Federer explores the holiday’s rich and unique history.
There Really is a Santa Claus – History of Saint Nicholas & Christmas Holiday Traditions
Saint Nicholas – Sinter Klaas – Santa Claus Read the story of Nicholas, 3rd Century Bishop of Myra, Asia Minor (present day Turkey) and how over time stories of his holy, generous life were embelished into legend. Discover additions of writer Washington Irving, minister Clement Moore, Civil War illustrator Thomas Nast, Coca-Cola artist Haddom Sundblom. Explore fascinating origins of the 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Tree, Carols, Kris Kringle, Creche’ scene, Poinsettia, Hanukkah… Relive events on Christmas throughout history, from Columbus to Valley Forge, the Great Depression to the Korean War. Travel back in time by reading Christmas Messages of U.S. Presidents, such as: Harry S Truman, just after WWII, at the lighting of the National Christmas Tree, 1946: “If we as a nation, and the other nations of the world, will accept it, the star of faith will guide us into the place of peace as it did the shepherds on that day of Christ’s birth long ago.”