The leader of the US Communist Party just endorsed Biden – and that should speak volumes

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“Being a communist today means following Bob Avakian
and the new path that he has forged.”

~ Revolution, The Voice of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA

The head of the US communist party has come out in support of Joe Biden for President.

Bob Akavian, leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party USA, asked voters to:

“deliver a decisive defeat to Trump and the whole fascist regime.”

Avakian, who has led the group since 1979, said in a statement:

“At this critical hour, every appropriate means of non-violent action must be utilized to remove this regime from power,”

He goes on to say:

“And if, in spite of mass protest demanding the removal of the Trump/Pence regime, this regime remains in power when it is time for voting, then — using all appropriate means to work for the removal of this regime must include voting against Trump.”

Avakian, 77, underscored to his followers the importance of backing Biden – and not because he is a fan of the former vice president.

He told his followers in an email, that ousting President Trump is too important of a goal to miss, so they should vote for Democratic candidate Joseph R. Biden.

Mr. Avakian, a controversial figure who over the decades has backed violent fringe movements all over the world, said that means no protest votes for third-party or independent candidates. Mr. Biden must be the pick of the far left.

When discussing Biden and the Democratic Party, he said they are:

“representatives and instruments of this exploitative, oppressive, and literally murderous system of capitalism-imperialism.”

And followed that up with saying:

“But Mr. Trump and the Republicans are even worse”

That’s quite and endorsement for the Biden campaign, whose voters consist of “Orange Man Bad” scholars, and whose supporters are attempting to engage in the type of auto-genocide perpetrated by Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia during the later half of the 1970s.

Like so many revolutions, the Cuban revolution began with a movement to change for the better. Women’s rights were touted, as were better health care, and universal education. Of course, like so many revolutionaries, Castro was not too democracy oriented.

By the mid ’60s Cuba was under a dictatorship, dissidents jailed or killed as the Castro cult blossomed.  And the people fled.  The populations of Miami and Tampa speaks to that.  They fled in droves.

And now the party which aligns itself with the people pictured above, want to add Joe Biden to their ranks.  They want to take a prosperous and free nation filled with individual liberties, and turn it into a rotting cesspool of prisons filled with not criminals, but those with differing ideals. 

A rotting cesspool where only the very wealthy have any liberties and the “common masses” are relegated to government ghettos with no way out.

One can only hope that this endorsement opens the eyes of these “common masses”.   Because it didn’t take too long for this to become the “norm” in Cuba and Joe Biden is their choice to bring it here.

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