The Pfizer Documents Bombshell

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The Pfizer drug company tried to keep the documents related to their emergency COVID-19 vaccine secret for 75 years, but a judge ordered the documents released immediately. Now Dr. Robert Malone, public activist Naomi Wolf and others are poring through the documents (available online here). The public is asked to participate in examining the documents in order to get information out as quickly as possible about how we were misled about dangers and shortcuts related to the vaccine.

Update: ‘An Experiment On Millions Of People’: Naomi Wolf On COVID Vaccine Data

Author Naomi Wolf, whose website has spearheaded a deep dive into the Pfizer documents released to the public recently, makes some huge revelations about what’s hidden in the thousands of pages. Among the discoveries was evidence that there was always a plan for as many as six vaccinations to achieve immunity. In addition, there is lots of new data about the risks of the shots, much of which was never revealed. Wolf says anyone who took the shot was an unwitting victim of experimental medicine, which makes it a crime.

In a special report on “War Room,” author Naomi Wolf reports on the unbelievable findings of deception by Pfizer and the FDA in the testing and production of the COVID-19 vaccine. Pfizer’s was forced to release its records by a federal judge, and Wolf organized a crowd-sourced investigation of the trove of documents to get the facts as quickly as possible. First revelation: The ingredients for the vaccine were created in Belgium and Germany and then sent to the USA to be assembled at a facility in Kansas. This facility was criticized by the FDA for multiple failures of quality control and unsanitary conditions.

Visit Naomi Wolf’s Website

Naomi Wolf Discusses The Vaccine Bioweapon And Suppression Of Harm To Women From Vaccines

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British Government has Begun to Deny 11 Year Olds and Under COVID Vaccine Due to Safety Concerns

Author Naomi Wolf talks to host Steve Bannon about the British move to ban COVID vaccines for children aged 5-11. The funny thing is that the move has been done very quietly, and without explanation. Wolf has reported extensively on the dangers of the vaccine and says this sets a precedent that may carry over to the United States.

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Dr. Naomi Wolf Explains Finding from Study on Placentas from COVID Vaccine

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Visit Naomi Wolf’s Website

Naomi Wolf Lays Out The Case For Banning COVID Vaccines For Pregnant Women

Aired August 30, 2022

Dr. Wolf: The FDA is not Acting as the FDA of Years Past due to Hostile Influence by the CCP

Aired August 29, 2022

Visit Naomi Wolf’s Website

Naomi Wolf Breaks Down The Lies And Conflicts Of Interest Of Pfizer

Aired August 17, 2022

Dr. Wolf: Pfizer Used ‘Dangerous Assumptions, Rather Than Research’ In COVID Vax Development

Aired August 02, 2022

Visit Naomi Wolf’s Website

Naomi Wolf: The CCP Has Infiltrated The American Health System, COVID Injections Produced By CCP

Aired July 12, 2022

Dr. Naomi Wolf: We Must Revoke COVID-19 Injections For Children

Aired July 05, 2022

Visit Naomi Wolf’s Website

Naomi Wolf: 23 Heavily Cited Reports Against Pfizer Already Have Been Produced

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Naomi Wolf: FDA Turned A ‘Blind-eye’ Towards ‘Thousands Of Adverse Effects’

Aired June 08, 2022

Visit Naomi Wolf’s Website

Dr. Naomi Wolf Reports on COVID Vaccine Data in Pregnancy, Lactation

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‘Discolored Breast Milk’: Naomi Wolf Examines The Pfizer Documents

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Visit Naomi Wolf’s Website

Dr. Wolf: The Global Flow of Money that Transcends Nation-States

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Dr. Wolf On The FDA’s Late Restrictions On COVID Vax’s

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Visit Naomi Wolf’s Website

Naomi Wolf: The Pfizer Report

Aired May 06, 2022

Naomi Wolf’s Explosive Reveal On The Pfizer Investigation

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Visit Naomi Wolf’s Website

COVID Vaccine Deceptions

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Big Pharma-CCP Alignment

Aired April 27, 2022

Visit Naomi Wolf’s Website

Dr. Naomi Wolf: Pfizer’s Vaccine, BioNTech and China

Aired April 26, 2022

COVID Vaccine Side Effects in Children and Youths

Aired April 25, 2022

Visit Naomi Wolf’s Website

Part 1: The Pfizer Investigation: COVID Vaccine Lacked Proper Quality Controls

Aired April 23, 2022

Part 2: The Pfizer Report Raises More Questions Than It Answers

Aired April 23, 2022

Visit Naomi Wolf’s Website

Dr. Wolf: The Continued Uncovering of the Pfizer Reports

Aired April 18, 2022

Dr. Naomi Wolf – They Knew Myocarditis in Teens Was a Risk When they Issues EUA

PFIZER VACCINE: FDA Fails to Mention Risk of Heart Damage in Teens

Visit Naomi Wolf’s Website

Dr. Naomi Wolf on Pfizer: “They hid. They concealed. They redacted.”

Aired April 05, 2022

‘An Experiment On Millions Of People’: Naomi Wolf On COVID Vaccine Data

Aired April 01, 2022

Visit Naomi Wolf’s Website

Pfizer Documents Review: Revelations Continue

Aired March 23, 2022

Pfizer Documents Yield Shocking Revelations; CDC Dumps 48K Child COVID Deaths

Aired March 17, 2022

Visit Naomi Wolf’s Website

‘161 Lawyers’ Working On Pfizer’s ‘Crimes Of Extraordinary Scale’

Aired March 12, 2022

Part 1: The Pfizer Documents Bombshell With Dr. Naomi Wolf

Aired March 05, 2022

Visit Naomi Wolf’s Website

Naomi Wolf Interviews Edward Dowd About Pfizer Fraud & Criminal Ramifications

Aired March 05, 2022

Part 2: Dr. Robert W. Malone on Pfizer Documents “A huge list of adverse events of interest.”

Aired March 05, 2022

Visit Naomi Wolf’s Website

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