The Priceless Right: Team America First Destroys the Establishment

Contact Your Elected Officials

On Opposition Turf, with Opposition Rules, and Opposition Refs

In January 2021, longtime grassroots leaders in Colorado’s Republican party began coaching the newly engaged, mad-as-hell election integrity activists on how to reclaim the party for the people.

The strategy is now a national movement known as the Precinct Strategy, led by Dan Schultz and Steve Stern. The Precinct Strategy aims to elect America First patriots as voting members within the local Republican Party apparatus, using party bylaws to reclaim power and control from the donor class and restore it to the people.

Colorado was doing it before it was cool, though, I admit, I never believed it would be successful.

I am not a Republican, but as one of those pissed off election activists, I’ve watched the business of the Colorado Republican Party with great interest. I stand with the people, and I’ve written extensively about their battles with the establishment over the past two years. 

Silly Games, Silly Prizes

El Paso County, Colorado is the most populous county in Colorado, with 722,736 residents according to the most recent US Census. Colorado Springs is the county seat, lovingly referred to as Olympic City USA since the US Olympic and Paralympic Training Center calls the city home.

El Paso County is also unique in that it is the only county in the nation that is home to five US military commands: Fort Carson, the United States Air Force Academy, Peterson Air Force Base, Schriever Air Force Base, and Cheyenne Mountain, which houses the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). 

El Paso County also happens to be the fifth largest Republican party in the nation.

The Deep State and Military Industrial Complex vibes are strong here, so it should not be surprising that the attempts of the people to reclaim their party from the establishment have been a series of vicious and seemingly failed battles since the stolen election on November 3, 2020. 

The latest battle has been underway for nearly a year.

By Ashe Epp

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