The Trump Show, Season Two is in full display. True to himself, the main character exceeds the expectations of the public. In his own words – in a few days he did more than Biden in four years. Sorry, Mr. President, but this does not say much. Biden accomplished a lot … for himself and his family only. Then pardoned them all – just in case. But have no doubt – the flying start of the 47th makes a serious claim for a great second term.
The picture so far – dozens of executive orders, a secured border, lifted restrictions on oil and gas, end of DEI programs in federal agencies, withdrawal from WHO and Paris Agreement, amnesty for January 6th political prisoners, the release of Israeli hostages, and the Russia-Ukraine war escalation is finally replaced by expectation of peace. There are no surprises – Trump does exactly what he promised. What we see is not just a different policy, but rather a fundamental change in the American political climate. The ideologically self-imposed decline of our nation has finally been reversed. The seemingly unshakable myths of the new liberal world order instantly disappeared. The feeling of freedom and a new beginning is everywhere – no one is afraid to speak their mind, no more forbidden words and themes, and no fear of being “canceled”. I felt similarly nearly 40 years ago in Eastern Europe when another great American president announced his march against the “Evil Empire” – and the Soviets, striving for world domination, collapsed before our eyes. Today, the triumph of the Make America Great Again movement is about to bring down another totalitarian threat, far more dangerous than the primitive Soviet communism – left-wing globalist agenda.
Despite what we see and feel, Trump haters on both sides of the Atlantic are unwilling to give up. In the US, however, part of mainstream media and the liberal establishment are “surprised” by the impressive start of the new old president. Yet there is no room for a “good Trump” for the European political elite. “President Trump will be a challenge for Europe” – German Chancellor Olaf Scholz diplomatically summarized a week ago. Well, Trump can be rude, undiplomatic, and provocative – but is there any other means to wake you up to see the reality? Are you not challenged by seeing Europe deindustrialized and its growing dependence on China, insignificant on the world scene, flooded by immigrants, and drowning in bureaucracy, corruption, and political ineffectiveness? Are you calm about China and Russia controlling the Arctic, including the future of Greenland’s strategic resources? Do you think the U.S. should be solely responsible for your security? Do you like the current state, effectiveness, and transparency of the UN and WHO? What is your response to Iran’s nuclear ambitions? Does your recipe for peace in the Middle East include a warrant arrest of the Israeli Prime Minister? How do you counter China dictating trade in the Western Hemisphere, de-facto controlling the Panama Canal, and building ports and other strategic infrastructure in West Africa and South America? Have you ever been concerned by all this, before the “rude” American disturbed your nap?
Is your biggest challenge Trump’s tone?
The ideological inadequacy of the European political establishment is striking. Despite the recent breakthroughs of right-wing populist parties in the governments of Italy (2022), Finland (2023), Croatia (2024), Czech Republic (2021), and Hungary (since 2010), the leftist globalist ideology is still mainstream in Europe. Any attempt at their opposition is pictured as extremist, without any chance of meaningful debate. For the upcoming German federal election, the traditional political parties CDU/CSU (Christian Democratic Union/Christian Social Union) and SPD (Social Democratic Party), which dominate German post-war politics, are expected to form a “Grand Coalition” just to stop the rise of ADF (Alternative for Germany), founded in 2013. ADF is portrayed by the status quo as a “far-right and anti-immigrant extremist party.” Their “sin” is that they raise questions considered taboo by the European career politicians – the role of nation-states in the EU, limiting the influence of political parties, stopping uncontrolled immigration, protecting national culture, language, and identity, and strengthening national defense.
Chancellor Angela Merkel’s (CDU) 2015 decision to accept more immigrants led to a dramatic increase in their number – nearly 20 million out of a total population of just over 80 million – thus nearing the country’s demographic, social, and cultural collapse. CDU/CSU and SDP are responsible (along with the German Green Party) for the dire state of Germany’s energy sector, including the closure of all nuclear plants, and for Germany’s decades-long energy dependence on Russia. Merkel did not hide her warm relations with Putin, and SDP’s former chancellor Gerhard Schroeder went even further – after retiring from politics, he was rewarded with lucrative jobs in Russia’s energy and bank sectors.
Today, Merkel and Schröder’s successors are condemning ADF, and lecturing … how to win the war with Putin. For them, Trump’s America is a threat to the world, Musk is a Nazi, and they are the ones saving democracy. Beyond their delusion, the reality is the exact opposite – Trump’s movement reversed America’s free fall and is giving hope to Europe’s survival, Elon’s courage brought a huge victory for free speech over censorship, and Merkel-Schroeder-type political elites are failing Europe. Instead of debating with arguments, my fellow European Trump haters respond with … hints about Melania’s hat and Musk’s elbow tilt calculations.
The tragic contrast between the reality and rhetoric of European career politicians reminds me of the sad story of Hiroo Onoda – an Imperial Japanese soldier who hid in the Philippine jungle for nearly three decades after World War II, refusing to accept the war was over. Hiroo’s ideological fanaticism completely rejected reality – despite the clear signs, abundant evidence, and common sense. Leaflets from airplanes, expeditions to find surviving soldiers, actions by the local police, capture of other hiding Japanese soldiers – all this was rejected by Hiroo as an enemy conspiracy and staging. But after nearly thirty years of total denial, Hiroo’s remnant of common sense agreed to accept surrender – if his wartime commander gives an order. Luckily, the order was given, and WW II for Hiroo was finally over.
How much common sense is left in Europe though? They don’t have thirty more years to hide, and today’s world is far more dangerous than the Philippine jungle. Within the last century, the “rude” Americans saved the Old Continent twice from deadly socialist viruses considered foreign to its values. Today, the European political establishment has tested positive for a third, more deadly strain, which they cherish as their own.
Now, we are about to see whether America’s Trump effect will save Europe again.
This time – from herself.