“The Truth About Communism” is a documentary made in 1962. It is narrated by Ronald Reagan with an introduction by Alexander Kerensky, made in his New York apartment on October 10, 1962.
Ronald Reagan hosts and narrates this documentary about the communist threat to the free world. Alexander Kerensky – President of the provisional Russian Government in 1917 before the Communist took over, following the Revolution that deposed the Czar Regime – formally introduces the film. The documentary traces the development of the communist movement from its birth, the Lenin years, its struggle for direction, the Stalin years (featuring a response by Leon Trotsky attacking the Stalin purges) and the ascendancy of Nikita Khrushchev.
Presenting the violent rise of the Soviet Empire from the Chaos of revolution to the terror of the Cold War, the film uses one of the best collection of historical film footage on the topic of Communist Imperialism ever assembled. Special interest is the subject of the Spanish Revolution.