The UN and WHO are Looking to Take Your Freedoms

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In my last article I wrote, “NY Rule 2.13 ‘Compulsory Quarantine’ Smells Like Nazism”, I discussed legal proceedings going on against Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul relative to her desire to continue medical tyranny in New York.

So since the United Nations happens to be right there in New York with Gov. Hochul, it makes a lot of sense that she would want to comply with their long-term plan for future pandemics. What she may have inadvertently done is exposed the plan of the UN and WHO for all of us in the future.

The reason why many people of the world who love their sovereignty smell a rat is early this year a 13 page “Zero Draft” was written proposing mechanisms to prevent and prepare for future pandemics.

Political Declaration of the United Nations General Assembly High-level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response

The stated intent is to insure a better coordinated response with equal access to vaccines, treatments, and diagnostics. The purpose of this “Zero Draft” was to start negotiations, explicitly reaffirming each nation’s sovereign right “in addressing public health matters”.  

A 182 page “First Draft” was to be completed by now but we have been unable to find that draft online.

The other way many independent critical thinkers are seeing deceit is how yet another false narrative is being spun relative to many of the countries of Africa. Supporters for this UN-WHO initiative are proclaiming African nations will be all on board with this 2023-24 initiative because they don’t want to be left out of what they say was a “vaccine apartheid” where they were left out from the 2021-22 Covid-19 vaccine administration.

Actually, quite the opposite was true. There are 54 nations in the UN in Africa and many of those nations had prior experiences with the Bill and Malinda Gates Foundation and their charitable vaccine programs and they want no part of any future vaccines as Candace Owens reported here back in 2020 in a Twitter post:

Accountability of International NGOs: Human Rights Violations in Healthcare Provision in Developing Countries and the Effectiveness of Current Measures

It is funny, to me as a journalist, you can look all over the Internet and not find a copy of this final policy draft of the UN and/or WHO related to pandemic prevention and response. Not even on their websites!  Why? Why all the secrecy about something that will impact all of us?

Pandemic prevention, preparedness and response accord” – WHO

Another thing one will find very interesting is both the UN and WHO conducted parallel meetings (so far as I know) on this same topic this past September. It is to be noted the UN has a military division while the WHO does not. Of course some will claim the UN does not have a standing army or police force of its own which is only partially true. Instead, it calls on Member States to contribute military and police personnel required for “peace keeping”. The UN then uses Article 42 to authorize the use of force.

Article 42 “ Should the Security Council consider that measures provided for in Article 41 would be inadequate or have proved to be inadequate, it may take such action by air, sea, or land forces as may be necessary to maintain or restore international peace and security.”

“UN High Level Meeting Approves ‘Historic’ but Non-Binding Declaration on Pandemic Preparedness and Response”

WHO welcomes historic commitment by world leaders for greater collaboration, governance and investment to prevent, prepare for and respond to future pandemics

In May of 2024 a high level closed door meeting of 194 nations of the UN is to take place by the WHO. For the record there are 249 nations in the world. The purpose of that meeting will be to vote on the proposed Pandemic Prevention and Response.

That meeting will not be open to world scholars, legal experts. the press, or the general public. It is not to be reported or discussed thereafter. The intent is for them to assume a leadership non-questionable role in all health matters.

They tried to do this a year or two ago but it failed. The public narrative of why it failed, again, does not square with the reality.

The narrative:

Countries in the Global North where Big Pharma resides want to hold onto their intellectual property to create and sell vaccines, diagnostic practices and medications. Countries in the Global South say that in times of crisis such technology should be freely shared.

The actuality:

John Hopkins Coronavirus Research Center reports “A typical vaccine development timeline takes 5 to 10 years, and sometimes longer, to assess whether the vaccine is safe and efficacious in clinical trials, complete the regulatory approval processes, and manufacture sufficient quantity of vaccine doses for widespread distribution.” The Covid-19 vaccine was developed in less than a year and then released under a governmental CDC emergency use authorization (EUA).

A number of scientists and medical doctors from around the world are now reporting the vaccines developed for the Covid-19 virus are neither safe nor effective. Some countries, such as Australia, are beginning inquiries in the matter of the spread of the virus and related vaccines developed to answer it.

Australian government is hit with class action lawsuit over Covid vaccines

This article of The Heritage Foundation should be read to delve into this matter deeper:

Why the U.S. Should Oppose the New Draft WHO Pandemic Treaty – The Heritage Foundation

Copyright © 2023 by Mark S. Schwendau

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