War on Treatment for SARS-CoV-2

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The suppression of early outpatient treatment for COVID-19 was driven by compromised national and global health agencies. The attack on safe, effective drugs was orchestrated by mainstream and social media through propaganda and censorship. The general public remains in pathological denial of the clear conflicts of interest among those who administrate pandemic protocols.


A virus is born

By January 2, 2020, the Chinese military was aware of an extraordinarily dangerous new contagion. Security departments were ordered to monitor visitors from Wuhan, watching closely for anyone displaying pneumonia-like symptoms. In the days spanning January 6 to 18, legions of Chinese health care workers in Wuhan had contracted SARS-CoV-2. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention in the Wuhan region had already issued the highest level of emergency response. Yet the Chinese National Health Commission cryptically maintained that there were no infections among the 763 health care workers in proximity to the mysterious new virus, insisting that human to human transmission was impossible despite confirmed knowledge to the contrary. On January 19 the government in Wuhan proceeded to invite 10,000 families from across the nation and world to a banquet celebrating the Chinese New Year, enabling hundreds of thousands of people to flock to the epicenter of the pandemic where they would pick up the virus and carry it out to the world. The World Health Organization (which along with the CDC refused to enforce travel bans) finally got around to acknowledging human to human transmission on January 23. On that same day the Chinese Communist Party closed all travel to and from Wuhan within the nation’s own borders but inexplicably continued to allow international travel. A two-month window was left open, ensuring that the enthusiastic new virus would effectively infect the world. Five million people were permitted to depart from Hubei province to destinations anywhere on the planet before the CCP finally restricted international travel on March 27th of 2020.

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