The witches broom does not exist! Take us back to Kansas!

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Let’s face it, government is a necessary evil. Something that, at least in theory, was designed to provide structure and organization to a given group of people. When Ben Franklin was asked the question of whether we had a Republic or a Monarchy in 1787, the wise doctor responded, “A Republic, if you can keep it.” He realized that due to the imperfectly corrupt and jealous nature of humankind, it was only a matter of time before those in charge would exert unfair power over those not in charge, resulting in tyranny, oppression and persecution. He realized that it would take constant vigilance in the coming centuries to maintain this innovative Republic. Franklin continued, in a lesser known quote, “Because the people, on tasting the dish, are always disposed to eat more of it than does them good.” Indeed, here we are today, overwhelmed by what Mr Franklin feared. A silent elite war of power, greed and corruption, waged over the centuries, has culminated in two unlikely foes: the government vs. the people. 

From the very fundamental forms of “elected” government; our selectmen, to the very highest, our President, there exists today a very dangerous attitude of abuse of power and control. This is the result of small but constant illegal “power grabs” over an extended period of time. There is a complete disregard of the laws (carefully?) put into place, laws designed to protect citizens from, yes, from them. Constitutions, Ordinances, Bylaws, Codes and Statutes, are routinely twisted to suit those in power, to further their agenda of oppression and abuse of power. Bald-faced lies are concocted and spread by complicit media. Quite astoundingly, we continue to allow them to pile on more and more laws, all to be used against us! Courts of Law, with biased, even activist judges, are used as weapons, to drain the opposition of resources. Quite unbelievably, we surrender our own hard-earned money, stolen previously in the name of taxes, to prosecute us! Instead of assisting ordinary citizens to make their lives easier and more peaceful, (as was the stated intention of these laws by the way) these autocrats do whatever they please to punish those who would dare question their actions, and even are so bold as to joke about it. 

At what point did they forget that in a Republic, we, the people, are in charge, and they serve at our pleasure? After all, in the beginning and along the way, we allowed them to only enact laws that would protect and ensure our safety and well being, right? The stated purpose of all laws, from the lowly ordinance to the lofty constitutional provision, is supposedly for the common good. Not to allow the “powerful and mighty” elites to bully the citizens, for no reason, just because they can. And yet they attack those who threaten what they stand for or what they want. This is bullying. This governmental weaponization must stop, and the only way to stop it is by electing those who will serve, we the people. Those who have absolutely proven to eagerly and enthusiastically help us, not to purposefully and vindictively hurt us. These power hungry autocrats and bullies, from Selectmen to President, must be voted out! 

The great and powerful Oz was feared and obeyed because the people believed him to be something he was not; a loud and wrathful wizard projecting magical powers and knowledge, a false image well beyond their understanding. Unbeknownst to them, this mighty image was fake; produced with smoke and mirrors, with only a thin curtain to hide the truth.

A fearful community that supports bullying and abuse of power by turning away, not “getting involved” is a sanctimonious place. It is a community in which people care only about their own self-interests, and cowardly, apathetically, refuse to stand for what is right. They allow wrong to persist because they choose to do nothing. Throughout history, those who have sacrificed, those who have dared to take a stand against wrong, have indeed made the world a better place. 

We must dare, unify, ignite our passion for truth and justice, expose the smoke and mirrors. We must reject the wild goose chase, the never-ending assignment to find the non-existent witches broom. We must sweetly but firmly demand to be taken back to Kansas, to refuse their impossible conditions, to flee this crazy new land of talking trees and flying monkeys; where good is evil and evil is good. We must each do our part, whatever that may be. We must all help to pull back the curtain before it is too late!

About the Author

Brenda Moore Stickney is a Registered Maine Guide and Wildlife Artist, living off grid in a tiny town in the Maine Mountains, with her husband of 43 years.

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