The Woke Joke is Going Broke

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses

A number of people have asked how this woke thrust came about and was allowed to proliferate throughout the American corporate world decimating business profits and stock returns to investors. By now just about everybody knows that Internet personality Robby Starbuck was the one that went on the attack calling out the woke thrust of Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI).

It turns out this thrust was brought on by Human Rights Campaign (HRC) who have pressured corporate America under Biden and Harris to comply to receive a good “social credit score” more formally known as the HRC Corporate Equality Index (CEI) score. The CEI score is national benchmarking tool on corporate policies, practices and benefits pertinent to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer employees. Some hold that CEI scores directly correlate with United Nation’s (UN’s) Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) scores. ESG scores are promoted as an essential tool for investors to assess a company’s sustainability and ethical performance. Blackrock, State Street, and Vanguard Group were found to be pushing these scoring systems.

From the HRC website:

“The Human Rights Campaign and Human Rights Campaign Foundation fight to make equality, equity and liberation a reality for all lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people. As the nation’s largest LGBTQ+ civil rights organization, we drive impact by inspiring, engaging and mobilizing millions of pro-equality voters and supporters to elect pro-equality leaders and to demand equity-based policies and legislation; changing hearts and minds through programming that increases understanding, visibility and support for the diverse LGBTQ+ community in all aspects of our identities; and transforming the institutions and systems that shape our everyday lives by advancing LGBTQ+ inclusive policies and practices in schools, workplaces, hospitals, communities and beyond.”

However, many are now calling out the HRC as a scam organization of bullies that has a large number of officers at the top of this “non-profit” drawing six figure exorbitant salaries.

“Harley Davidson BACKLASH Now Has ENTIRE INDUSTRY In Panic As Massive Woke Salaries Revealed!” – The Quartering

A number of American corporations have told HRC to take a hike recently as their bottom lines have cratered due to public outrage and related boycotts. Some of those companies include Bud Light, Chick-fil-A, Harley Davidson, Indian Motorcycles (Polaris), John Deere, Lowes, Netflix, and Tractor Supply Company. Most recently Coors has told the HRC to go to hell.

“Coors Beer ENDS Woke Policies In Fear Of Our Boycott!” – Robby Starbuck

Some fundraisers of the Human Rights Campaign have exposed the organization as being a pyramid scheme. An anonymous but credible source offered this explanation of how she was treated and what she observed as a door-to-door fundraiser.

“(Condensed: HRC actually has done nothing. Bottom people collect donations to help better lives of LGBT community. Must collect $170 a day outside with no choice of location, gets paid 7.25 hour, and will be fired if doesn’t make that. Gets $100 bonus check for each new bottom person recruited. Money collected from bottom person is used for paychecks of all people above them. Leftover money used to lobby a politician. No one is actually helped and bottom people are exploited.)”

“The Sinister Reason Companies Are Going Woke (It’s Not What You Think!)” – Mark Moss

Mark Moss is a full-time investor and entrepreneur for over 25 years. He has been through multiple market crashes, has built multiple 7 and 8 figure business and investment portfolios, through the worst market cycles, which gave him the experience and perspective the young generations do not know these days.


Even though the HRC has been around since 1980, I had never heard of it until Biden and Harris took office and this DEI stuff began. What I found most interesting is while it claims to be for and about human rights it offers an obvious bias to the rights of the sexual deviants of the LGBTQ+ organization and not the rights of other individuals classified by race, religion, ethnicity, or disabilities.

While advocates for the LGBTQ+ community hold that as much as 10% of the world population falls into their categories, critics say it is more like 2%. Americans resent the thrust of corporate capitalist America kowtowing to the HRC for meaningless CEI/ESG scores.

They do not want to see LGBTQ+ persons engaging in same sex marriages in Volkswagen commercials or see same sex couples kissing in HIV drug commercials, or dancing around in Levi Strauss commercials. We find it offensive and wrong in a country where the majority rules the minority are taking over our airwaves and internet streaming commercials pushing their forms of sexuality on the rest of us. Volkswagen (The People’s Car) was an idea of socialist Nazi Adolf Hitler. Interestingly, Volkswagen will be shuttering their plants in Germany for the first time in 87 years now.

“Big Game Commercial 2024 | Volkswagen” – Volkswagen USA

Blackrock was active in pushing ESG/DEI but early this year Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock, made a surprising reversal during an earnings call with investors. Fink appeared to suggest decisions about investments should not be made about politics but only with regard to the best investment returns.  Fink said, “As a fiduciary, politics should never outweigh performance.” Vanguard who was also on board for ESG, backed out of the “Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative” back in February of 2023. At that time, CEO Tim Buckley said that Vanguard “can’t make such commitments without reneging on its fiduciary duties.”

As Mark Moss correctly points out, the HRC is a political campaign parading as human rights foundation. Biden and Harris helped the HRC invade corporate capitalist America the last 4 years. It is another tool in the socialist’s tool box to control society.

However, Americans have a long history and tradition of being fiercely independent. They have spoken loud and clear with both their voices and their dollars to proclaim something to the effect, “I do not care what your sexual preference is or skin color is but if you are flying my plane, operating my train, or operating on my body, you had better be the best your employer could find because my life will be in your hands!”

Americans do not want any DEI quota hires to please socialists like Kamala Harris in our government.

Copyright © 2024 by Mark S. Schwendau

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