Things You Probably Don’t Know About the Kennedy Assassination

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Some 60 years ago I was a schoolboy of 9 years old when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas on November 22 of 1963. Two days later I happened to be watching TV when Jack Ruby shot Lee Oswald in the stomach on live TV. I made the mistake of yelling it out to my mother making lunch in the kitchen. She came over and turned off the TV for the day and worried her son would be scarred for life.

Maybe I was as I became a news junkie beginning that day.

Another oddity of our family was my mother belonged to a ladies card club where she happened to meet a lady who was related to one of the 11 survivors of the Navy’s PT-109 (Patrol Torpedo) boat.

Lt. John F. Kennedy became the lead heroic character of the famous sinking of the PT-109 boat on August 1 of 1943. The Japanese destroyer Amagiri ran into the PT-109 in the dark at about 2:30 in the morning and it sank with 13 aboard. Kennedy and 10 others would survive on an island for about a week before they were rescued. This lady’s uncle was one of those 11 survivors and the card club ladies got to meet him one night and talk to him about his experience and then Senator John Kennedy.

“Sixty Years Later, the Story of PT-109 Still Captivates”

A final oddity of our life is my mother and sister happened to be going for groceries when they happened to cross paths with presidential candidate and Senator John F. Kennedy in 1960 as he came to speak at our high school.

“October 25, 1960 – Senator John F. Kennedy’s remarks at Barrington School, Barrington, Illinois”

To say I had some familiarity with the Kennedy’s and their “Camelot” would be an understatement. The Kennedy children, Caroline and John, had their very own gelding Shetland pony named Macaroni. My sister and I had the same in our pony, Jimmy.

About 10 years passed before I had deep thoughts about the Kennedy assassination again. In 1975 I was in college when Life Magazine crisscrossed the country and visited my college. They were on a mission to show and discuss the 26 second Abraham Zapruder film of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

The Zapruder film made it clear what First Lady Jackie Kennedy was doing when she went crawling on her hands and knees out on the trunk of the presidential limo. She was going to retrieve a portion of her husband’s skull after a second shot hit him. Some say she was trying to escape the carnage, some say she was trying to extend a hand to the Secret Service agent trying to hop aboard the car before it sped off to the hospital. They were wrong. She was in shock and she was trying to pick up a piece of her suddenly shattered life!

The Zapruder film clearly showed a first shot went through President Kennedy’s neck and airway as he grabs his neck with both hands and struggles to breathe. Jackie leans forward to look at John to try to determine what was wrong. A subsequent shot hits him in the head and violently shifts his body to the left towards wife Jackie as something is seen flying off onto the trunk of the car.

“Zapruder Film Restored HD”

Guns and Bullets

I was raised around guns and I know a little bit about what they can do and how bullets act coming out of them. Two things I always found both odd and fascinating:

When you shoot a thick plate glass window it makes a pencil sized hole going in, and can pop a perfect cone of glass coming out the other side (not all the time, but some of the time).

If you shoot a bullet on ice of a frozen lake or river at about a 45 degree angle, the bullet remains intact and spins like a top for quite a while… if you are lucky enough to find it.

“9mm Spins on Ice”

Thinking about the thick plate glass scenario above, since a large section of Kennedy’s skull got blown off his head on the left side, that bullet had to come in from his right side which proves there was a second shooter in the “Grassy Knoll” area as many witnesses attested. This offers conclusive proof that Oswald was not the lone shooter as government accounts lied about.

Why use such strong language that people in our government are liars?

Because there were multiple witnesses on the railroad overpass above Elm Street who both heard a report of a gun behind the fence of the Grassy Knoll and saw smoke come up from behind the fence and tree line. They were ignored during the Warren Commission investigation.

“The railroad workers on the Triple Overpass (English Version)”

Then there is the issue of a bullet going into the windshield of the limo seldom reported on and was covered up and lied about by the Secret Service.

“Bullet holes in the limousine and extra bullets in Dealey Plaza (Extended English Version)”

There were also these two bullets you never hear much about:

A bullet hit a manhole cover and went under the turf opposite the Grassy Knoll on Elm Street and was seen by witnesses. It was later recovered by an unidentified man who pocketed it and walked off reported by witnesses and captured in video.

A man standing by the railroad viaduct on Main Street had his face cut when a bullet hit the curb there. About a 12 inch section of that curb was cut out and removed by the government and was put under seal for 75 years without explanation.

From Wikipedia:

“As it continued down Elm Street, multiple shots were fired: about 80% of the witnesses recalled hearing three shots. The Warren Commission concluded that three shots were fired and noted that most witnesses recalled that the second and third shots were bunched together.”

A police motorcycle with its microphone stuck in the on position recorded the audio that day by accident confirming what witnesses attested to above.

Even at the young age of only 10, one year after JFK was assassinated, I knew Oswald was not the lone shooter. The reason is tests were conducted by the government and CBS News with some actual “sharpshooters”. Hardly any of them could hit the moving target once much less twice in the given amount of time as recorded in audio (5 seconds) with the limo traveling at 11 mph. When Oswald had been in the Marines, his rifle skills were known to be marginal at best.

“The Murder of President Kennedy: Eyewitness Account”

A Final Oddity

Many people do not know it but Kennedy could have been assassinated a little more than a year prior in Springfield, Illinois. Kennedy was there to visit the tomb of President Abraham Lincoln (ironically) as well as do some politicking. Two young men were arrested for aiming a 22 long rifle with a scope at President Kennedy that visit.

“Rifle pointed at JFK during 1962 (Springfield) city visit”

The 20 and 16 year old boys claimed they were just testing out the power of their gun scope but anybody with common sense and knowledge of guns knows you do not point a loaded gun at anybody to test out the power of a gun scope. The boys were questioned and released.

Could this have been some kind of dry run for Dallas a year later?

Motive for Murder

There have been all kinds of speculations about what the motive was to kill Kennedy. None of them have come close to making sense like one told to me by an elderly veteran Navy airman I met named Ralph. Ralph was not political at all but he did love America and American history. Ralph told me he felt the reason why Kennedy was shot was he wanted to take America off of the Federal Reserve Standard form of banking and put us back on the gold and silver standard again.

The next thing Ralph told me shocked me and gave his theory instant credibility. He said, “You do know the Federal Reserve is not part of our government, don’t you?”

I did not.

Ralph went on to explain how the Federal Reserve was part of the World Banking system and our Congress and President have no control over it. The Federal Reserve was created in 1913 by the Federal Reserve Act. Some conspiracy theories hold that some of the richest Americans who would have stopped the creation of this Federal Reserve Standard died in the sinking of the Titanic in 1912.

Ralph explained how globalism came to America in 1913 with this act and it marked the beginning of the loss of our sovereignty as a nation.

Think about it, if America had reverted to the Gold Standard because of President Kennedy, our country would not have 33 trillion in national debt today!


In the Gold Standard Congress is forbidden from printing money not backed with a precious metal held somewhere such as Fort Knox.

Again, according to Wikipedia:

“The financial position of the United States includes assets of at least $269 trillion (1576% of GDP) and debts of $145.8 trillion (852% of GDP) to produce a net worth of at least $123.8 trillion (723% of GDP).”

To put this into a more simple terms; New reports explain our debt is now so high every single American (man, woman, and child) owes $100,000 to pay off this current debt.

A final thing you probably do not know about the Kennedy assassination…

One of the largest collections of Kennedy assassination artifacts (including actual automobiles) exists right here in my home state of Illinois so check it out.

 “The True Story of President JFK: Dive into the Biggest Exhibit on That Historic Day”

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