Trans Day of Vengeance Could Become Trans Day of Violence

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A Trans Radical Activist Network is calling on Trans activists to gather at the US Supreme Court on April 1, 2023, at an event titled ‘Trans Day Of Vengeance.’ Coordinators of the event claim trans genocide is on the line and they point to several states implementing bans/ legislation to protect youth from gender-affirming hormonal treatment and surgeries. Additionally, they are focusing on the adult Caberet regulations that would make it illegal to perform sexual performances in public where children are exposed. Then there is the rage over Florida’s and other states’ review and regulatory compliance of school curricula to determine age-appropriateness and restrict pornographic material. The group chooses to gaslight with propaganda in its materials and lacks intellectual honesty when presenting its concerns.

The Trans Activists have lied about what the TN state law applies by not focusing on the key element which is exposure to youth populations. They consistently claim all Trans people at any time will be persecuted simply for dressing in attire of the opposite sex. This is not remotely accurate – see here. There is no ban on adult Cabaret shows for adults in Tn. no matter the gender identification. But sexualized performances in front of children have been banned. I refer you to the following to get a flavor of why and what has been banned – see here and here.

The systemic agenda to indoctrinate children on the LGBTQ+ agenda falls under grooming tactics, learn more here and here. The physical and mental health risks related to youth transitioning must become part of the conversation – see here and here.

‘“That is why we are calling for Trans Day of Vengeance. Vengeance means fighting back with vehemence. It is our battle cry to declare to the world that we the transgender/non-binary communities will neither be silenced nor eradicated. And we are calling to our allies, members of other marginalized communities to make themselves known and to fight with us.”

“We say fight back! We won’t go back!”

The ‘Event’ is likely to become violent as the so-called “revolutionist” Noah Buchanan (@StigmaFighter36 on Twitter) is not afraid to promote the stonewall riots. Mr. Buchanan also retweets rather questionable opinions such as “death over detransition” The need to spill “Nazi” blood and videos that promote not talking to the police. A legislative map is said to be posted on their website soon as a hit list of lawmakers who oppose the promotion transgenderism and especially oppose the mutilation of minors.

It is unclear what the true motives are for this group, as the Trans Radical Activist Network Profile is set to private. What is known is they do not plan on being tolerant of anyone. Whether its TERF’s (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists) Detransitioners or moderates. They plan on being unapologetic to anyone who does not agree with their views in this new crave to destroy what God has made (male or female) into something other than what is good and natural. It seems their want of vengeance aims to ignore science, ignore the beautiful body God created and ignore the true person!

By Alexander W. Reyes

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