The recently released documentary “2000 Mules” by Dinesh D’Souza shows that there were about 2,000 individuals who received ballots from various nonprofit organizations and delivered them in the middle of the night to many mail-in dropboxes ahead of the 2020 election.
While those organizations’ names were not mentioned in the documentary, Trevor Loudon, who has researched radical left, Marxist, and terrorist movements for more than 30 years, said that there is a network of voter registration organizations set up by the Chinese Progressive Association (CPA) in San Francisco, a “front” organization for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
This network is called “Seed the Vote” and it has ties with a number of organizations set up in key swing states such as Black Leaders Organizing for Communities in Wisconsin, Detroit Action in Michigan, Living United For Change in Arizona, New Georgia Project in Georgia, and Pennsylvania Stands Up in Pennsylvania, Loudon said.
Seed the Vote claimed it won six of the seven states they targeted for Biden–Harris, Loudon told EpochTV’s “Crossroads” program.
The network operates in the black, Latino, and Asian communities out of the big cities in the seven key swing states, Loudon said. “What I believe they did [in 2020 election] was they lifted the black, Latino, Asian, Asian American, [and] university student vote in those inner cities to help mask the pre-planned vote fraud.”
And all of these organizations are connected to Liberation Road–an organization connected to the pro-CCP Chinese Progressive Association (CPA)–that helped organize Black Lives Matter (BLM), Loudon said.
Liberation Road is a socialist organization that draws from Marxist, Leninist, and Maoist ideologies, “with a clear focus on building the resistance to Trump,” its website reads. “We learn from the Chinese leader Mao Zedong, with his insistence that all correct ideas come ‘from the masses to the masses.’”
Loudon is “betting that these networks considerably overlap with the organizations that Dinesh D’Souza has identified as helping the actual fraudulent ballot harvesting, stuffing of boxes, etc.”
By Ella Kietlinska and Joshua Philipp