Trudeau: Source of Canada’s Problems…

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses

…India and Russia?

Why Trudeau will never talk about the real foreign meddling in Canadian politics?

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau cannot, for the life of him, find the systemic foreign meddling in Canada – even though, it is (apparently) right in front of him – in fact, it often provides political cover for the prime minister – and he knows it.

Of course, when you purposely close your eyes to the truth you won’t see very much – will you?

Justin sees foreign interference everywhere, even where Canadian officials say – it exists with only minimal effect. Ottawa Foreign Interference Commissioner Marie-Josée Hogue on Friday reported, “Voters were able to cast their ballots, their votes were duly registered and counted, and there is nothing to suggest that there was any interference whatsoever in this regard.”

During seemingly endless Canadian parliamentary foreign interference inquiries for more than a year now, Trudeau has just testified that “Russia is the culprit.” According to the prime minister, Russia is everywhere, accusing Moscow of “amplifying” Canada’s problems.

Are we to presume Russia was behind the honking Freedom Convoy truckers as they descended upon Ottawa to demand equal treatment for all Canadians regardless of their COVID-19 vaccination status?

Was it Russia that froze protesters’ bank accounts at the behest of Trudeau’s cronies? Do we recall that the move went viral globally, because it confirmed people’s (including Canadians) worst fears about a dystopian slide into authoritarianism and “social credit-style” mass control? I’m not certain Russia has that much influence. What is clear, however, is this message:

Go against the establishment and see how far you get without access to your own money.

Trudeau was specifically shown and asked about worldwide headlines criticizing his government’s actions regarding the Convoy. His response was to dismiss them as Russian propaganda and disinformation, even though it turns out – they were right. In January 2024, even the Canadian Federal Court ruled that Trudeau’s actions violated the constitutional rights of Canadians. It was unconstitutional to invoke the Emergencies Act (normally reserved for incidents like war and terrorism).

So, is Canadian Federal Court Justice Richard Mosley on Moscow’s payroll, too?

Is there any evidence that the Freedom Convoy was foreign sovereign funded (ala Russia, China, India)? Canada’s intelligence services at a formal inquiry in 2022 said the money came from private donations — American and Canadian.

Trudeau then suggested that Russian media outlets planted COVID-19 “antivax” disinformation. Of course, this is really just another way of saying that the outlet didn’t participate in the kind of overt “Orwellian censorship” and narrative control to obfuscate access to scientific truth. Whatever happened to open discussion and debate in the spirit of scientific inquiry about a novel vaccine and virus, the impact and effects of which were constantly shifting along with government mandates and directives?

What is the current status of COVID-19 science? Today, it is widely accepted that the risk of COVID mortality was unbelievably small…any level of observed vaccine effectiveness waned rapidly over time…and natural immunity was by far the most protective action an individual could take.

Basically, the new studies contradict “expert” consensus, and media and political messaging. They ignored natural immunity, promoted universal vaccination without question, and demonized and labeled anyone who pointed out the importance, the historical importance, of previous infection.

How long did it take Trudeau’s own health authorities to finally get on board with the kind of “disinformation” that many in the scientific community (as well as silenced dissident media) were already advocating. And this while Western governments were demanding censorship of debate across social media platforms as well as in the scientific community.

The Canadian military, itself, was caught employing disinformation warfare during Covid in support of the government’s narrative, as the Ottawa Citizen reported as early as September 2021.

But don’t take my word for it.

“Immunity acquired from a Covid infection provides strong, lasting protection against the most severe outcomes of the illness,” NBC News reported in 2023, citing research published in The Lancet.

What? Does this mean the prestigious Lancet medical journal and NBC News have both fallen victim to Russian propaganda, too?

Trudeau claimed at the foreign interference hearing that Russia was financing “very well-known names” on the Right – “like Jordan Peterson or Tucker Carlson, to amplify messages that destabilize democracy.” Well, this must be true because (as we have seen) literally everyone who disagrees with Western propaganda is apparently a Russian agent now.

Is there any documentation to even suggest that former Fox News host Carlson and globally renowned Canadian clinical psychologist Peterson, have any affinity for anything but the truth?

Canada’s prime minister has also been promoting “good” international relations with the government of Narendra Modi. Looks like India is also a culprit in “foreign interference.”

He explicitly accused Indian diplomats (including the Indian high commissioner in Canada) of involvement in the homicide and extortion of “Canadians” and violating Canadian sovereignty.

Could it be that it was Trudeau who violated Canada’s sovereignty by importing every global conflict imaginable into Canada by turning it into a politically correct, diversity haven? And now that fights are breaking out between all these “Canadians,” it’s time to find a ‘scapegoat?’

No actual names were given of the targeted “Canadians” or suspects during a police press conference recently, but Hardeep Singh Nijjar was gunned down near Vancouver last year. Of course, that particular “Canadian” had come into Canada fraudulently and eventually achieved refugee status by complaining about persecution in India. New Delhi literally considers him a terrorist looking to carve up India to create a state just for Khalistani Sikhs. Yet, Trudeau’s government opened its politically correct arms and said welcome.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police has asserted that the targets are Khalistani “Canadians.” Of course, these “Canadians” have been routinely rallied by an American Khalistan group to hold referendums in favor of an independent Khalistani state separate from Canada.

Are we talking about the same kind of separatism that Trudeau explicitly denounces when practiced by francophone separatists in Quebec? His father, former prime minister Pierre Trudeau, even declared martial law amid separatist violence, kidnapping and murder in Quebec back in 1970.

Selective amnesia is becoming a burgeoning malady.

Much more glaring, however, is Trudeau’s presence at a foreign interference inquiry while the politico literally propping up his minority government, left-wing New Democratic Party leader, Jagmeet Singh, is a vocal pro-Khalistan advocate himself. 

Meanwhile, a Sikh separatist activist (Gurpatwant Singh Pannun) from the US is promoting Kalistani independence referendums in Canada. He has openly admitted to Canadian state media of his access to Trudeau’s office, saying that he identified who to go after in Canada on India’s side. Moreover, he’s tweeting that his US-based group, Sikhs for Justice, is offering a “budget” (a euphemism for “bounty”) of $500,000 to track down the expelled Indian high commissioner.

Facing a revolt in his own party, Canada’s prime minister has begun to attack both the Conservative opposition as well as India’s government, which he said had made “a horrific mistake” in the killing of a Sikh activist in Canada.

The characters with whom Trudeau is overtly siding (against the Indian government) are literally offering bounties? Yet, Trudeau cannot seem to find the “foreign interference” in Canada?

It certainly appears that Trudeau’s pandering to Indian separatists for personal and political gain is undermining Canada’s relations with India which – once upon a time – were quite robust.

I guess Canadian politicians pandering to ethnic blocs for votes and their own political self-interest is not the kind of “foreign meddling” Trudeau is looking for.

But by all means, Mr. Trudeau, please regale us, with your impressive 26%-30% popularity — precisely where have Jordan Peterson, Tucker Carlson, India, Russia, Freedom Convoy truckers and “anti-vaxxers” influenced Canada – except perhaps to try and get the truth out.

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