Trump NRA 2022: The Existence of Evil

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How many more tragedies will it take until they agree to set aside their far-left political agenda and do what is really needed and what actually works. This is not a virtue cycling and signing, this is about blaming your enemies, no, we don’t want to do that. This is about saving our children’s lives. Yes, that’s what we want to do. Surely we can all agree or scroll should not be the softest target. Or schools should be the single hardest target in our country. And that’s why, as part of a comprehensive school safety plan, it’s time to finally allow highly-trained teachers to safely and discreetly concealed carry. Let then concealed carry. And again, they have to be able to handle it. They have to be highly trained. All of those things. But let them do that. It would be so much better and so much more effective, even from a cost standpoint, because there is no sign more inviting to a mass killer than a sign that declares a gun-free zone. Most dangerous place. I know it sounds good, and it really does. Doesn’t it sound wonderful, but it’s not, and statistically it’s a total disaster. Gun-free zone, they look at that sign and they say that’s where I’m going. We cannot have that because if somebody goes into that building, all of those innocent people may be taken out, will be killed, will be tortured, bad things will happen, and I’ve heard of it. The age old saying goes, “the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.” Have you ever heard that? No, you’ve never heard that. And in the absence of a member of law enforcement, there is no one you would rather have nearby when a crisis strikes then an armed, expertly trained, member of the NRA.

Let’s not pretend that those on the left are just talking about limiting one class of gun, or one category of ammunition. You know they’re not doing that. We all know they want total gun confiscation. We know that. This would be a first step. Once they get the first step, they’ll take the second step, the third, the fourth and then you’ll have a whole different look at the Second Amendment, which is, by the way, totally under siege, but we stopped it for 4 years, we stopped it, and you’ve got to stop it.

But even if every decent and honest American gave up their guns, the criminals would never give up there’s, and they never will. They’re never going to give up there’s. They would wreak havoc like never before on our country. The fact is there will always be sick and demonic souls who wish to harm the innocent and see malice triumph over good, and I have that. But the existence of evil in our world is not a reason to disarm law-abiding citizens who know how to use their weapon and can protect a lot of people. The existence of evil is one of the very best reasons to arm law-abiding citizens.

And that is why one of the core missions of the NRA is to train prepare and equip responsible American men and women with the knowledge and tools they need to defend themselves their families and their communities, have to defend their communities and their families. Every single year the NRA has 125,000 certified instructors. these are highly trained, very, very capable people. They train and incredible one million Americans to be safer gun owners, ready to act when the situation calls, incredible job. And every day that training is protecting the vulnerable and safeguarding the innocent. An estimated 500,000 to 2.5 million Americans each year use a firearm in self-defense, the vast majority without ever even having to fire shot. Often times they know you have it and they say, no thank you, we’re not going to mess with her. In addition according to newly released data from the FBI, last year there were not one, not two, not three, but four active shooters who were taken out by an armed civilian bravely exercising their second amendment rights, saving countless innocent lives. That is what the second amendment is all about.

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