Trump Thanks God, Calls for Unity Amid Witty Remarks at Al Smith Dinner

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The Catholic-sponsored event known as the ‘Al Smith Dinner’ raised nearly $10 million for charitable works, organizers say.

NEW YORK—Amid poking fun at himself and others for a good cause at the 79th annual Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner on Oct. 17, former President Donald Trump turned serious, reflecting on two attempts on his life.

“Having recently, myself, survived two assassination attempts … I have a very fresh appreciation for how blessed we are by God’s Providence and his divine mercy,” he said. “So, with God’s help, I know there is nothing that cannot be achieved. We can achieve so much good with this country and get together and unify.”

Trump made the remarks as keynote speaker at the dinner. The former president’s wife, former First Lady Melania Trump, who is Catholic, made a rare public appearance.

Known for featuring humorous political speeches, the formal event drew 1,100 people to the New York Midtown Hilton hotel and raised nearly $10 million—a record amount—for New York Archdiocese charitable works.

“Your wit is absolutely fabulous,” the foundation’s vice chair, Mary Callahan Erdoes, told Trump as she welcomed him and his wife to the dinner.

Trump acknowledged, “I’m supposed to tell a few self-deprecating jokes this evening. So here it goes.”

He paused dramatically as the audience laughed. Then he said, “Nope. I’ve got nothing.”

“There’s nothing to say. I guess I just don’t see the point of taking shots at myself when other people have been shooting at me for a hell of a long time,” Trump said as the audience burst into laughter and applause.

For decades, the Al Smith Dinner has been a fixture of the American political scene, giving sometimes-bitter opponents a forum for good-natured ribbing, to the delight of TV audiences.

Trump said the event is “a great New York tradition,” fondly recalling attending it during his childhood with his father, Fred Trump. He has served as the keynote speaker at the dinner during his three Republican presidential campaigns, as have his opponents from the Democratic Party, Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Joe Biden in 2020, when the event was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

By Janice Hisle

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