Former President Donald Trump is not pleased with some of the votes that his Supreme Court nominees have made, including siding with Democrat nominees in a recent ruling upholding the Affordable Care Act.
The nation’s top court ruled last week that a collection of states asserting that the act, also known as Obamacare, is unconstitutional lacked standing.
Justices Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh, two of Trump’s nominees, joined with the bulk of the court in tossing the lawsuit.
“Disappointed and that’s the way it goes, very disappointed,” Trump said in an interview on Real America’s Voice.
“I fought very hard for them. But I was very disappointed with a number of their rulings.”
Asked if he second-guessed some of the choices, he added, “Second guessing does no good, but I was disappointed with a number of rulings that they made.”
Trump made three Supreme Court nominations, as many in one term as former President Barack Obama did in two terms. One of Obama’s was never confirmed.
Trump did praise the court for ruling that Christian charities can refuse to place children with same-sex couples.
“It was a great ruling,” he said.
On the Obamacare issue, Justice Neil Gorsuch, Trump’s other pick, dissented from the majority decision along with Justice Samuel Alito. They said that Obamacare is clearly unconstitutional.
Some of the Republican-led states that had challenged the Affordable Care Act said justices avoided a key question by dismissing the suit for alleged lack of standing.
The Supreme Court on Monday followed its recent ruling by declining to hear a case brought by health insurance companies.
The private insurers asked for full reimbursement from the federal government under a part of Obamacare. The provision encouraged health insurers to provide coverage to those who were previously uninsured.