Truth Be Told Podcast: “Beware Ghosts In The Machine” December 10, 2022

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The Right Wire Report presents the Truth Be Told Podcast with Bekah Lyons. The Truth Be Told Podcast discusses the important political and cultural issues of the week and provides analysis that will give a different perspective and how these stories will affect us all in the near future. Now, wake up and start acting. The topical notes for this December 10, 2022, “Beware Ghosts In The Machine” episode include:

  • Psychological Warfare is Upon Us All:
    • Military video “Ghosts in the Machine” – see here.
    • Twitter files II – see here.
    • James Baker Firing and history summary by Techno frog – see here.
    • Musk confirms political candidates were shadow-banned by Twitter – direct election interference – see here.
    • Jason Witlock on Tucker Interview – see here.
    • State Department funding online fact-checkers – see here. 
    • George Soros finances 253  news and activist media organizations across the world – see here.
  • We Must Revisit Russia:
    • Historical pathway revisited.
    • Deep Dive – Are Ukrainians Russians? see here.
    • Russia – State of war summary – see here.
    • Video – Zelensky bans Christianity in Ukraine – see here.
    • Merkel Admits Minsk Agreement was to Trick Russia – see here.
    • Video – are sanctions causing Russian food shortages and higher prices? See here.
  • Quick Hits (round-up of important headlines):
    • Xi Jinping met with King Salman and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to ink out Billions of deals – see here.
    • Top EU Parliament Officials Arrested In Huge Qatar-Linked Corruption Probe – see here.
    • Biden prisoner swap – see here.
    • Was Video Of Brittney Griner’s Release Edited To Remove Handshake With Russian “Merchant of death?” See here.
    • Biden to bail out Union pensions – see here.
    • Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema announced Friday that she was leaving the Democratic Party and registering as an independent – see here.
    • America’s Energy grid consistently attacked – see here.
    • Inflation is still running hot – see here.
    • Blackrocks’ warning on severe global recession ahead – see here.
    • 401K hardship withdrawals are at an all-time high – see here.
    • Chart of the Day – shoplifting – see here. Wage growth collapse – see here. State of US Federal Budget – see here.
    • House passed the massive, record-setting annual defense authorization bill, which will now see the $847 billion measure go to the Senate – see here.
    • Georgia run-off commentary by  Sunny Hostin – see here.
    • Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on Monday announced that the Florida Disaster Fund had raised $59.2 million for Hurricane Ian emergency relief after claiming that the Biden administration denied funding assistance – see here.
    • AZ race data analysis shows a huge anomaly – see here.
    • FHA purchase mortgage holders specifically, more than 25% have slipped underwater, and more than three-quarters have less than 10% equity. delinquencies hit 2009 levels – see here.
    • Philly Gas station owners hiring armed guards due to high crime – see here.
    • Hospitals are more full than they’ve been throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, not just Covid – see here.
    • Covid – watch Senator Johnson’s Roundtable discussion with experts – see here.
    • Australia’s excess mortality rates – see here.
    • Video – Gerard Rennick, Liberal Senator from the State of Queensland, exposes the corruption of the Covid-19 vaccines, the Covid-19 vaccine trials, the lockdowns, and the Government’s collusion with Big Pharma – see here.
    • Wapo loses 500,000 subscribers – see here.
    • Cathy Areu, a former regular on Fox News, where she played the part of the “Liberal Sherpa,” was arrested in Miami, Florida, on charges that she allegedly kidnapped and exploited her mother for money. See here.
  • Culture Wars:
    • Lizzo pushes abortion and normalizes it at People Choice awards – see here.
    • American Girl company promotes transgenderism – see here.
    • Dean of Chicago private school captured on video by Project Veritas promoting minors’ dildos and butt plugs – see here

Truth Be Told Podcast: “Beware Ghosts In The Machine” December 10, 2022:

By Bekah Lyons

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses