Truth Be Told Podcast: “Is Obama Hitting Biden’s Eject Button?” January 21, 2023

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The Right Wire Report presents the Truth Be Told Podcast with Bekah Lyons. The Truth Be Told Podcast discusses the important political and cultural issues of the week and provides analysis that will give a different perspective and how these stories will affect us all in the near future. Now, wake up and start acting. The topical notes for this January 21, 2022, “Is Obama Hitting Biden’s Eject Button?” episode include:

  • Disturbance in the Force At Davos:
    • Alarming remarks made during the annual elitist confab (Davos) by Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, Pakistan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs – see here.
    • WEF declares they need to craft better narratives to sell their agenda – see here.
    • WEF invents a new word, ” Polycrisis” – see here
    • Video: WEF unveils the 5-minute city utopia and total control – see here.
    • Video: A future with no cars – see here.
    • Video: Neurotechnology and biometrics (brain implants) pre-crime? See here.
    • Video: One World Religion based on Climate change crisis – see here.
    • Video: LGBTQI+ Panel discusses subverting culture with the LGBTQ agenda through media and entertainment – see here.
    • FBI Dir Wray – speaking to an audience of global elites – see here.
    • European Commission VP Věra Jourová at the WEF, declaring the US will Have “Illegal Hate Speech Laws” very soon – see here.
    • Important Google development in AI – see here.
    • Rebel News tries to interview Greta Thunberg – see here.
  • Classless Biden:
    • A Disaster For Every Month: The Worst Scandals, Abuses, And Embarrassments Of Joe Biden’s Second Year In Office – see here.
    • White House staff ( team) kept Biden docs secret for 68 days – see here.
    • Biden In ‘Very Big’ Mess Over Document Scandal, Needs To ‘Get The Facts Out’: Former White House Adviser – see here.
    • Watch Tucker’s monologue on the fourth branch of government is the superseding national security apparatus or intelligence branch. See here.
    • Even  Karine Jean-Pierre announces Kamala Harris is now “The President” – see here.
  • Quick Hits (round-up of important headlines):
    • Russia/Ukraine War updates see herehere, here, here, and here.
    • Return of France’s Yellow Vest protests over pensions – see here and here.
    • Banking Institutions Quietly Admit To Inevitable Recession Implosion In 2023 – see here.
    • Debt Ceiling Battle To Test GOP Resolve Under McCarthy – see here.
    • Former president Donald Trump and his lawyer, Alina Habba, have been fined almost $1 million by a federal judge in Florida for what was ruled a frivolous Lawsuit brought against Hillary and others – see here.
    • Trump gives interview hailing vaccines, claims little to no problems with them – see here.
    • Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla was confronted while walking at Davos by rebel news on sudden deaths and hiding data – see here.
    • Important video on Covid injury patients considering suicide – see here.
    • OEC charts from CDC data on young sudden death numbers – see here.
    • BBC gaslighting sudden death numbers – see here.
    • Clintons gave validity to FTX Sam Bankman-Fried Investment opportunity to bring in whale investors – see here.
    • Alec Baldwin charged with involuntary manslaughter- see here.
  • Culture Wars:
    • Stephen Crowder’s feud with The Daily Wire is about fighting for the next generation- see here and here.
    • Coo Coo for Climate Change Al Gore’s rant at the WEF – see here.
    • Konstantin Kisin at the Oxford Union rational Climate Change Speech to Gen-Z generation – see here.

Truth Be Told Podcast: “Is Obama Hitting Biden’s Eject Button?” January 21, 2023:

By Bekah Lyons

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