“Requiem for the Republic” March 25, 2023

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Topical notes for important political and cultural issues of the week of March 25, 2023, “Requiem for the Republic” episode include:

  • America Is NOT A Democracy:
    • Founding Father John Adams’s quote on democracy and democracies – see here.
    • America is NOT a Democracy – see here. 
    • Aindriu Colgan’s published article in Huff Post: America is not a Democracy, stop pretending it is – see here.
    • Prager U – The difference between a Republic and a Democracy video – see here.
    • Tytler Cycle – see here.
    • Matt Gaetz question 4 star General on American Core Values and Coups – see here.
  • Trump’s Very Bad Week:
    • Update on NY Grand Jury, Cohen Letter to FEC – see here.
    • NBC leaks story of arrest – see here.
    • Full Peirce Morgan Interview with DeSantis- see here.
    • Fact-checking Trump’s unhinged DeSantis rants – see here.
    • Trump re-truths on social media baseball bat swing to pic of AG Bragg – horrible optics – see here.
    • “Article:” When Will Stubborn Trump Loyalists Face Inconvenient Truths?” See here.
    • Is This how they convinced Trump to lock down and roll out vaccines? See here.
    • American First candidate Kari Lake,  Arizona Supreme Court ruled that the trial court erred in dismissing the signature fraud and ordered further review of the mail-in ballot envelope signatures – see here.
    • Vivek Ramaswamy’s Twitter – see here.
  • Quick Hits (round-up of important headlines):
    • Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday condemned British plans to send tank ammunition that contains depleted uranium to Ukraine, saying Moscow would be forced to respond accordingly – see here.
    • Co, Macgregors latest takes, see here and here.
    • China is rising – see here.
    • President of Mexico speech US criticism of human rights in Mexico, AMLO comes out in defense of Trump, assuring that his arrest would be a move to prevent him from running for President in 2024. And the US is Blowing up the pipeline – see here.
    • Biden is attending a Climate summit in Canada look at the video of how intense his 75-car motorcade is – see here.
    • Safe Third Country Agreement, a treaty the U.S. and Canada signed in 2004 that requires asylum seekers to make their claim in the first country in which they arrive – see here.
    • A U.S. base in Syria’s Al Omar region came under attack Friday after the U.S. conducted retaliatory airstrikes on an Iran-backed group. – see here and here.
    • France protests deepen, and Macron calls it France’s Jan 6 Insurrection moment – see here and here.
    • Yellen convening an emergency financial stability meeting as the banking crisis explodes- see here.
    • Central Banks racing to buy gold – what do they know?  Economy Charts of the Day – see herehere, and here.
    • Rep. Cori Bush: “We will not succumb to the nihilist, insurrectionist view of the Second Amendment” – see here.
    • Tik Tok CEO testifies before Congress – see here.
    • Republican Rep. Harriet Hageman of Wyoming grilled a witness during a subcommittee on Limited Government and the Constitution who would not answer if a penthouse was appropriate for a first grader – see here.
    • One in 36 (2.8%) 8-year-old children – 4% of boys and 1% of girls – have an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), based on an analysis of data from 2020, published today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – see here and here.
    • Senator Rand questions Moderna CEO testifying – see here. 
    • They knew Ivermectin and Hydroxy would save lives – see here. 
Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses